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Everything posted by Seenya

  1. I tend not to worry too much about "polluting" the lake. Since every other animal that lives in the lake or around it relieves themselves in it, I doubt if I'm going to cause any problems.
  2. Outstanding, Nick! Give 'em hell! Be sure to come back on here to let us know how much you enjoyed boot camp! I take it you're going to San Diego?
  3. Thanks, everybody! Sam, you're spot on. And not many people would know Morgus. I had the honor of meeting him. My dad grew up with him and we'd go see him from time to time.
  4. Seenya


  5. Hello all, Most folks call me Doc. I'm from just north of New Orleans. Been fishing since the mid-60s. I love bass fishing and freshwater fishing in general. Doc
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