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  1. Carbonlite 2.0 combos are $120. That can't be a bad deal. I know the 1st Gen Carbonlite reels had some reported issues, but I haven't heard the same for the 2.0. I've never used either one, but it can't be a bad deal, can it? /honestly asking
  2. Yeah, that's the one I was thinking about. See that webbing on the right, when you're looking at the PFD head on? That's MOLLE compatible webbing according to the description. They added that since they geared that particular PFD more towards kayak fishing; having the ability to add pouches, sheaths, etc. Pretty good idea for an inflatable kayak PFD and just in general, if you ask me.
  3. I realize how old this post is, but I gotta ask because I'm about to pull the trigger on a couple of these. Not trying to derail this thread; I just can't find the info short of calling Mustang Survival. Did you get to see your MD5183KF's and the standard MD5183's side-by-side? The website says it's "slimmer", but I'm curious how it is slimmer or what difference you noticed besides the MOLLE loops. Thanks in advance.
  4. I think these are back on sale for today, fyi.
  5. Thanks for all the replies, everyone. In my head excessive slack is bad and can cause damage (think: differential pinion and ring gear) and I just wasn't sure if what was going on with the reel was excessive. BUT I guess I hadn't considered that there will be no play when the line is being pulled from the other end from the weight of the bait - derrr. I guess I just got paranoid. I appreciate all of the replies. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KNOW?! Kidding, of course.
  6. Thanks for the quick reply. I should have mentioned that in the original post. I have the tension knob and drag tightened down in the vide. Those were the first suspects I attempted to eliminate before looking for help.
  7. Hello, everyone. I've been lurking in the forums here and there for a short minute, but never introduced myself. E-shy, I guess? I have a question for ya'all so I guess I need to finally buck up and say "hi". So, hello, seem's like everyone is pretty friendly and I hope to learn a lot. On to my question. I just became an owner of a Curado 70 recently; received it in the mail after taking advantage of a Memorial day sale. I've only been handling the reel and making myself familiar with the workings. I don't even have a rod to pair with it just yet. Anyway, when I hold the handle tight I can move the spool back and forth (not side-to-side) quite a bit in my eyes. I'm just asking if this is normal on this reel, or any reel for that matter. All of my other reels are at the lake so I have nothing to compare it to at the moment. I do like the reel and if this is an easy fix I'd rather just do it myself rather than messing with shipping and all that jazz. And yes, I'm very mechanically inclined so I have no fears about disassembly. Thanks for any help. I've uploaded a video to youtube. Sorry about the quality. Best I could do.
  8. Do you know if this is in-store only? I did a quick search, but couldn't find anything. Maybe I no google gud? Thank you!
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