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Everything posted by FrnkNsteen

  1. The key I found is always keep the plane of the hook perpendicular to the bait. If you are using an o-ring, don't just hook under it so hook is parallel to the center axis of the bait. If that is the case, put two o-rings on and cross them, then put your hook through the "X" so the plane of the hook is perpendicular to the axis of the bait again. When you get bit, the bait keeps your hook in a position to catch inside the lip, or on the lip itself. I use small ones. Can't remember right now if they are #1 or #2. They are just a bit over 1/2" in diameter. I know them when I see them. I rarely lose one when I get bit.
  2. My Tat 100 is pretty loose and noisy. It casts well, and is fairly smooth, but it is noisy when casting. Not one of my favorite reels, but useable. Dont think I would pay full price for another one either with all the other options out there.
  3. Agreed! My point was just that the most common comment I hear is "They are the same as X, Y, or Z brand reels. Between the different 5 or 6 SLP and LFS models. ... I don't dislike any of them. Bottom line,... They all maje good reels. Fish the ones you like!
  4. I have both and I really like both, but for different reasons. FWIW though,... My Zillion is the USDM, not the JDM and my Bantam is the 2018 MGL I like that the Zillion feels a little smaller and more rounded and I think it palms a little better. I have the 6 spd, have it loaded with mono, and throw crankbaits and spinnerbaits with it. I was fishing it a lot on our trip lately and was blown away at how smooth it is. I will say I bump the brakes when I palm it while casting and accidently increase the brakes. I haven't noticed issues with the finish yet, and dont really care. Not worried about a little boat rash. Skipping seems ok, but you have to bump the brakes a little more than Tat SV. TatSV still wins that area though. I have my Bantam MGL on my Dobyns Champion 736cb Glass and love it for that. It is also a 6spd and I have it loaded with braid. I like the rigidity of it, and I think it enhances the sensitivity of the whole rig. Between the composite rod and the rigid frame, I can feel everything the Jackhammer is doing. You absolutely cannot go wrong with either. Both palm nicely and feel good in the hand. Bantam is heavier, but I think I like the Zillion better and it is on sale more often than Shimano. Got mine on sale for $280ish for US model
  5. I don't know that most people dislike doyo reels. I have a bunch of different reels that were probably made by Doyo. I've got Lews, BPS, and Revo reels. Never really cared enough about who makes what reel to investigate which reels are made by who. I think part of the issue some people have with them is that since they contract manufacture so many models for so many different manufacturers that they all kind of blur together. Doesn't mean they are bad,... Just kind if blah. I actually like my Lews Custom SLPs. Tournament MB, and older Pro Qualifiers. I just like how Daiwa and Shimano kind of set their own path,... Nobody else has the Daiwa brake system or Shimanos DC system. But the truth is even they are starting to blur the lines a bit. The new Zillion looks a LOT like a Shimano... and vice versa.
  6. I use them all the time for wacky rigged baits. As King Fisher said,... You dont need to set the hook. When I feel them pick it up, I just reel up and slack and raise the rod tip and keep reeling. Usually get them right in the lip.
  7. ^^Agreed.... Maybe try some Goo B Gone or Simple Green if dish soap doesn't work. I use U40 also and have never had it be sticky. Someone may have tried rod wrap or some kind of tape on it.
  8. Kind of looks like it got too hot on the boat deck and started to melt! ?
  9. Agreed. Don't worry so much. Fish 1 was probably slack line as you said. Fish 2,.. Hard to say,.. Could have had a nick in your line. Check the line above your bait occasionally... Especially after having a fish on and fighting it. Line gets nicked up just fishing too and can lead to breaks if not checked. Other than that,... You're getting good bites it seems!
  10. Have to agree that would drive me nuts and I'd return it too.
  11. Don't know how to copy a link to another thread, so look down the Rods Reels and Lines forum for a thread called "Appreciate Some Thoughts" Lots of good suggestions in that thread in the same price range as you are asking about.
  12. And the only thing they have is RH 6.4
  13. See my response to uour "Appreciate some thoughts" thread. In addition,.. I have a Falcon Lowrider I just picked up. Haven't fished it much yet, but like it so far.
  14. That's exactly how I do it.
  15. Ok.... I'm picturing loosely cupping a spool in my hand and pulling on the line. I don't know what would stop it from spinning in your hand while you pull the line off it. What I was getting at was wondering if you hold the spool tightly in your hand and pull on the line, if the line slips/spins on the spool and allows it to be pulled off.
  16. I don't understand what you mean then. If you have the spool off the reel and resting in your hand, ...... of course it spins in your hand and releases line when you pull on it! I must not be understanding something!
  17. I never have. Mainly due to the fact that the rods I HAVE broken have been completely my fault. The other reasons are partly because I don't feel right expecting a discount because of my own carelessness, and partly because I don't like messing with shipping things back. Ive had reels that had issues right off the bat that I contacted customer service (magnets falling out of sideplates or other issues right out of the box,... but that's about it.
  18. In your budget range (from bottom to top) I would recommend the Berkley Lightning Rod at $34.99, the Daiwa AirdX at $50, or the Daiwa RG spinning rod at $99. I have alao found that I like the Academy Ethos series of rods and you can typically pick up the Ethos HD for $79 or less if on sale. I agree with the Daiwa Revros, Regal LT, or Fuego as nice spinning reels ranging from $49 - $99. I've got all of them and they are all pretty smooth for the money. Daiwa Revros reel on a AirdX is a pretty decent little setup for around $100 with tax
  19. So are you saying if you hold the spool in your hand and pull on the line, the line comes off the spool ( While the spool stays stationary) It likely means you loaded the braid directly on the spool with no mono backing and the braid is slipping. What I do is start with some mono on the empty spool first, tied on with a cinch knot that tightens as it is pulled. Reel enough of the mono to tightly cover the bottom of the spool and then tie it to your braided main line and fill the rest of the spool with the braid. Mono has some stretch and cinches down on the spool better without slipping than braid does.
  20. I've handled the St Croix Bass X and it felt decent, but I hated the molded plastic and foam grip. I prefer the Daiwa AirdX ($50) RG ($99), or Tatula ($129) models better. For a little more I really lije the Phenix Feather FTX. I like Spinning rods with a foregrip and I believe all those models have them, except the Feather. I like the unique grip they have. I usually have 3 fingers in front of spinning reel stem and hate holding threads, which is why I like a foregrip.
  21. I agree that electronics have gotten a little ridiculous, but if people want them and are willing to pay for them, the companies are going to continue to make them, as they should! The part that irritates me is the ridiculous cost of everything. I can buy a 65" 4K tv for less than a $1k. So why does the same technology I can buy in a 7" screen for $599 - $799 cost me $2500 - $4000 for a 12" - 15"? Personal choice though. I just choose not to pay it. I have a 10" at the console and a 7" up front until I can justify another 10 x 12",... Or when they are available. That being said,... I was watching Major League Fishing or Elite series and was very surprised when one of the commentators came on and said "We have gotten a lot of feedback from our viewers saying they are tired of watching fisherman fish their sonars like a video game, and we get it, so this tournament has been brought to lake xxxx (don't remember the lake name) because its a shallow stump filled lake with big bass, so sonars won't play a part and you'll see some old school bass fishing." Sounds like more than a few people have issues with the live scopes.
  22. Ok,.. That makes sense. I'm with you then. He's looking for some extra baits and you've got some extra you don't need. As I said before,.. I think the prices you were mentioning were more than fair!!
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