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Everything posted by FrnkNsteen

  1. I have a relative that fishes spinning reels that way. He fishes with us often and knows how others use them, but he is used to it and catches a lot of fish that way. Seems very unnatural and backwards, and rod and guides are not intended to be flexed that way,... But it's his reel!
  2. So they run lighter than marked? Good to know. The Feather FTX spinning rods I have do too.
  3. Nice! I've been looking at those M1 rods, but the only place by me that has them only seems to have ML or H versions. Can't seem to find a M or MH to handle. I've got a couple Feather FTX rods that I really like so far.
  4. Worth a try right! ?? Never know what's going to take off unless you try.
  5. Well,... If an established company like St. Croix saw enough of a market need to make something like this, there must be a valid use. As for me?? Yeah,... I'm not feeling it. I don't really understand how you grip it while still thumbing the spool. Need to find a video because now I'm curious. Not saying I would buy one,... Just curious.
  6. Understand where you're coming from and I wasn't trying to say all clubs were like that. Just that money and ego can really ruin things, especially in the experience I had. Meetings were terrible with this club because all they did was fight over rules because "if they didn't, it would be too easy for people to cheat". They would recruit new members then pressure them to fish the tournaments to up the amount of winnings in the pot. Then when they didn't, some wanted to put in rules that you had to fish the tournaments if you were a member because "otherwise just getting their annual dues wasn't benefit enough to everyone". Horrible experience!!
  7. ^^Yep^^ I don't get that either..... If you're replacing the split rings on all your lures and leaving them on the lure,... Why do you need a snap?? The only thing I can see is because snaps are smoother and you don't have to worry about your line getting caught in the split of the ring and cut it??
  8. Unfortunately,.. In my experience, it was money AND ego that caused the issue. I joined a bass club for a couple years when I moved here because I figured it would be a good way to learn the lakes and make some new friends in the area. It didn't take long to realize the only thing most of the members cared about were the tournaments. Nobody ever wanted to just go fishing unless it was prefishing for the upcoming tournament, and then if you did that, they'd get mad at you for actually catching it and not just looking for bites. The final straw was when they started saying you couldn't have anybody in your boat during tournaments other than a co-angler. Meaning no spouse, no friend. You had to be alone because "They might help you cheat". They completely took the fun out of fishing so I finally told them to kiss off and left the club.
  9. I have a Fury 734, 733, 703, and 705cb. To me, the 734 feels heavy. I have a Sierra 734 and don't think it feels heavy. The Fury 734 is my least favorite even though a lot of people seem to like them.
  10. I was thinking JB Weld and retap, but if you have enough material around the hole, they make threaded inserts you can drill it out and bond in the insert. These don't require quite as much surrounding area as a helicoil and don't require the larger tapping a helicoil needs.
  11. Agree with A-Jay that if you can see them, they can see you. Back off a bit, maybe go smaller bait and willow blades vs colorado blades so less thump. Spinnerbaits dont always work. But the two biggest bass I have ever caught both came on spinnerbait bites. The largest on a bright sunny day off a submerged stump. The other was high water flood conditions up in the trees in a flooded cove.
  12. I don't either, but I think some people worry about line capacity differences between the two. I've never spooled any of my SVs (Tat, Zillion, or Alphas)
  13. While I understand your point, my perspective is a little different being that I am not brand loyal and limiting it to just those two reels. I prefer the SV for how it palms and works a bait in close quarters, pitching and skipping around cover, and just plain cast control. If I could only choose between the SV and 100, I would choose the SV every time. I agree that the Tat100 has more line capacity and is better for long casts, but if I am doing that, I prefer to switch over to my centrifugal braked reels like the Shimano SLX, Revo S, or even dual braked Lews. I get more distance out of them and at least in the instance of my Tat100,.... They are smoother.
  14. Palomar on most things. Uni knot on small ballhead jigs or Uni to Uni on leaders. Learning the FG and getting little more comfortable with tying it.
  15. I've had the same concerns. There is an old limestone quarry pond with bass in it out behind our property. I walked back there one day to try fishing it and the only reasonable access was a ledge over a cut face that was about 12 ft off the water. I flipped a tube around some of the limestone chunks and caught a couple bass around a couple pounds and had to hand line them up the cliff. Unfortunately, i had no way to release them other than to just drop them back down into the water. I could only point them nose down and let them go. Felt so bad after the first couple that I just packed up and went home. Haven't gone back there to fish again since. ?
  16. Yes,... They both have to be networkable (N ) Networkable Helix have 4 connections on them
  17. I guess I didn't understand the question. If the question is are there certain rods that are only good for one technique, then in my opinion,... No. Pretty much any rod I can think if could be used for something else. That being said, I have a few setups that are only used for one thing because I like how they handle those lures. For example, my jerkbait setup is a SLX MGL on a 6'6" Academy Ethos MH F rod. It is light, balanced exceptionally well, and has a soft enough tip to cast a good distance, but short/fast enough to snap the tip down without slapping the water and get good action in the bait. Its a fairly cheap setup that fishes those baits really well for me. Could that rod be used for something else? Absolutely, but for me it is dedicated to that one technique.
  18. I know this seems obvious, but likely a worn out levelwind or pawl. Maybe both.
  19. Couple questions/suggestions... First,... Watch your levelwind while you are reeling the line onto the spool to see if it is hanging up on that right side at all. It should move to the end then start going back the other way. Make sure it's not slipping on the right end and staying there longer than it should. Second,... Are you gripping the line in front of the reel while filling the spool to put tension on the line? If so,.. Make sure your grip on the line is centered on the reel. I have had that happen and realized I was gripping the line towards the right side and causing it to build on the right side like you showed. I would have thought the levelwind would overcome the tension I was putting on, but it didnt. I pulled the line back off and redid it with my grip on the line centered on the spool and it went on perfect. Strange, I know!! Good advice, but I have struggled with staying focused enough to keep my fingers aligned with the levelwind!! ?? I can usually stay in the center though! ?
  20. Agree with the many others that have said it. Lighter lures on spinning and heavier on casting, but its not because you can't fish pretty much anything on either. With all the new BFS setups lately, you can fish very light lures with the right casting setup, and inversely, a MH to H spinning rig can do pretty much anything a casting rig can do. For me it's working the line on a spinning reel with heavy baits that is the issue. If I were to throw 3/4 z 1oz lures all day on a spinning rig, I'd have no more skin on my finger. Eventually, working the line on a spinning reel eventually becomes a pain (pun intended). I just CHOOSE to use a BC rig in anything heavier than 3/8oz as a rule. I don't currently have any spinning rigs heavier than a medium action. If it needs a MH, I'll use a baitcaster.
  21. Do you suppose fish realize we are the ones that hooked them? Or are they thankful to us friendly humans that saved them from what ever it was and set them free?!? ??
  22. I believe the Tatula 100 and the 2020 Tatula SV are the same overall size. Careful though because the older 2017 Tatula SV is on the larger CT frame and they still sell both. The only difference is they have a slightly different part#. You can tell the difference by looking at them. The older CT framed model has 3 small openings over the levelwind and the 2020 model does not. I believe the Tat 100 has more line capacity, while the SV has the shallower SV spool that helps with spool intertia and more controlled braking and casting, but less line capacity. I personally like the SV better than the Tat 100. It just feels better and casts much more controlled. If you look around, I have seen them on sale as cheap as $160ish. Seems like Sportsmans Outfitter or someone has them on sale right now but only had right hand models ( I prefer Left-handed) Edit,...I was wrong,... Sportsmans Warehouse has the 7.1 gear ratio on sale for $154.97, but only in right hand
  23. Agreed^^ I like to make sure the drag washers have a little Cal's drag grease on them. I think it helps smooth them and feel a little more consistent. As far as the drag being a hair trigger when adjusting, I'm wondering if the little washers under the handle might not be faced right, but doubtful that they would both be wrong. They are cupped washers (Don't know the real name) but thy should faced so they are cupped opposite like this (), not the same direction like this ((. This gives you a little adjustment range as they compress while tightening the drag. If they are both facing the same direction (spooning) your drag will go from off to full on very quickly.
  24. Elmers wood filler in "Golden Oak" is exactly what I use. I clean it first with a Magic Eraser like CBump suggested, then fill the holes and low spots with the filler and sand with 220, then 400 grit and reseal with U40 cork seal. This old Abu Hank Parker crankbait rod grip was in pretty rough shape and turned out pretty nice I think.
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