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Everything posted by FrnkNsteen

  1. Can someone tell me how to decpher Megabass rod model #'s? Looking at a couple used Levante models on ALF used section and have no idea what the model #'s signify. For instance,... What is a F6-70LV?
  2. As in 80/90wt differential gear oil? I had heard that but haven't tried it. I have a bottle of that out in the shop. I will have to try some of it in one of my reels.
  3. I have a couple of each those models and use a variety of lines, from 10-15lb mono or flouro to 30lb braid. In my opinion, the 30lb braid is more to keep it from digging in than needing that much tensile strength. I don't run any braid smaller than 30lb on my casting reels for exactly that reason.
  4. I agree,... I caught a LOT of bass on texas rigged lizards as far north as the Ontario border when I still lived up in Minnesota. Black/blue or black with chartreuse tail was what I used most. Edit,... And fish them REAL slow!! Mostly dead stick with small slow drags occasionally
  5. Agreed.... I have both Daiwa SV and Shimano MGL and use them in different ways. Daiwas are used for short work around structure and cover like docks, stumps and laydowns. Shimanos are used for open casting when I want extra distance. I have a couple DC reels and honestly don't think they are worth the extra money. I have the Curado DC and SLX DC and wouldn't spend the extra money again. Really like the MGL reels though! I have Bantam, Curado 151 and 71, and SLX MGL reels and like them all!!
  6. I have only tried aftermarket bearings in one reel. I took a fall in my boat one time and landed on my Tat CT Type R. Hit hard enough that it broke the handle trigger on the rod, slightly bent the handle, and damaged the AR bearing leaving imprints of the roller bearings in the race collar. Brian at Tackle Trap hooked me up with a new AR assembly. While we were at it, I had him send me a set of Hedgehog Air spool bearings. Put everything in and got the reel working nice again. Biggest thing I noticed on the spool bearings was that it cast a little smoother. I oiled the bearings with one drop of Abu oil because I didn't want the dry bearing noise. Can't say that it necessarily casts any farther, but it does feel noticably smoother and easier to cast than it did before the fall.
  7. I was just looking at the HPRBearings offerings on the auction site. If you find the vendor and look in their store you will find them. I did notice they have them for the CT frame and thought about ordering one for a Tatula CT Type R I just picked up. Nice to hear they work well. Might have to order one and try it!
  8. I wouldn't say a word and just appreciate she enjoys fishing with you enough to go out and brave the riprap. So she's tearing up a $50-$60 reel. Big deal. The enjoyment of the time together is worth that. Cleaning up the spool lip a bit as mentioned above WOULD be a good idea to protect the line though.
  9. That would be awesome! I've been wondering if there were other options for Daiwa parts here in the US.
  10. Sorry, but no. You cannot swap the gears from a RH to a LH, or vice versa due to direction of cut on the gears. I've had the same question in the past, as well as having to wait longer to get a 6spd gear set for my Curado DC because the lefties were not in stock and a RH couldn't be used.
  11. Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you are all safe, happy and warm!!
  12. I tend to agree... At least at times. I've had some very good days on a clear popper, Zara Puppy, or Spook Jr. I think the saw movement, but not necessarily the actual lure.
  13. What type of scale models? Trains, cars, planes?
  14. Lindners did a whole episode on the Tokyo Rig fishing it like that. One had a paddletail and the other had a twist tail worm on. They were casting it out and letting it to sink to the bottom, then slowly swimming it along so the weight ticked off the rocky bottom.
  15. Good advice, and that one did look pretty nice. I hadn't seen it because I usually limit my searches to U.S. items and that one was from Canada. I say "WAS" because it's now on its way to my house!! ?? LOL!
  16. Got the second one I had bought in the mail yesterday. This one is a TD-Z 103 HL and is in a little rougher condition, but it was also significantly cheaper. Don't care about the boat rash, but it feels a little rough and sounds like someone poured some pea gravel inside it. I opened it up and narrowed the noise down to what seems to be pinion bearings or meshing betwen the main gear and pinion. Plus it was loaded with oil like someone was trying to quiet it down. I called Mike at DVT and am packing it up this morning to send it to him to see what he can do to save it. Never sent anything to him, but hear nothing but good things about him so I trust he will do what can be done to try and save this thing. I like the smaller frame on this one vs the other one. Just need to see if we can get it to quiet down and behave! ? Here's another angle By the way,.... Tried the spool from my 21 Zillion SV TW in these reels. It didn't fit in the first one (TD-S), but it did fit in the smaller TD-Z and seemed to work fine, so have options if we can get this to quiet down..
  17. Never tryed it, but worth a shot rather than pitching it in the trash. See if it thins back out or remains chunky. If chunky, or looks like the consiatency of curdled milk,,. I'd toss it rather than putting on a rod handle.
  18. In my opinion, the SLX MGL is worth the extra $20. I've got three of them now and no XTs, and never felt I was missig the line capacity.
  19. I found that it is awkward if you aren't palming the reel, but I tend to palm my reels most of the time unless bombcasting something way out there. For me, it is very comfortable when casting from a palmed position. I'm thinking it will be fun for flicking things like a Fat Ika, a craw, or maybe even a spinnerbait in and around docks, trees and laydowns. I wouldn't normally use a 6.3 speed for that, but these used to be considered "high speed" and it will work fine. Can't wait to get the other one on Friday and hoping it is un as good of shape as this one.
  20. You know,... I don't know. I haven't been able to find much information on them. I have the new Zillion SV though so I could try it and see. The spool that's in it looks exactly liked the v-bottom ones that were in some old Procaster HSD103 reels I had in the early 2000s. Makes sense because from what I have found, they stopped making these around that same time period. That's a good idea! Any idea where I can get Daiwa parts in the US now that Tackle Trap closed up? They were my source for reel parts.
  21. I thought it looked cool, but was surprised at how intuitive the design feels in your hand. I can see it being handy for pitching and tossing in and around cover.
  22. That's the one. 2021 Zillion SV TW G.
  23. ^^Agreed^^ If the new Zillion is in your budget,.. It's a no-brainer in my opinion!!
  24. Picked up a couple new toys that I saw on the big auction site. I have never seen these older style Daiwa reels with the clutch levers at the side. Received the first one (TD S 103 HVLA) and the second (TD-Z) will be here later this week. Haven't been able to find much information on them, but,..... Very carefully pulled this first one apart to clean and lube the inner workings. Kind of wierd to see all stainless components inside. The only thing that was plastic I saw was the levelwind drive gear that sits under the main gear. Everything cleaned up nicely and works great. Handle was a small 80mm handle with one of the knobs a little sticky. Swapped it out for a newer spare I had laying around from a BPS Pro Qualifier. Loaded it up with some 12lb Big Game and tied on a casting plug. Even though the reel is older, bigger, and a little heavy, it fits the hand great, is incredibly well balanced when palming it, and clutch is perfect position to activate when palming. Only took a few casts to get used to it and I really like it!! May decide to use it once in a while for the fun of it and not just put it on display like I originally thought. I'll attach a picture of the second one when it gets here later this wéek. Here's another angle
  25. Same here! All my Daiwas are set the same way. Brakes take it from there
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