The first article is over the top; I fish the Northern everglades often and see as many rabbits and other wildlife as I did when I was a kid hunting with my brother. They argue that the reason the Python is hard to find is that it blends in and that they are only searching a small area, my counter would be if that is the case why do I see so many other "hard to find" snakes while fishing relatively small areas around prime habitat, from brown water snakes to cotton mouths and black racers,? Although, I believe that they must be eliminated from the environment as they can eventually endanger native species, in no way do I think the population is as high as they predict today and that the risk to the ecosystem is as great as other problem animals such as feral hogs, urban expansion, road projects, etc. Remember, the guys studying this at the university level get grant money and media time if the problem is sensational and it is in their best interest to perpetuate a massive problem to keep them funded.