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Pro Logcatcher

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Everything posted by Pro Logcatcher

  1. A lot of times when fishing, I'll just bring one rod and a pocketful of lures. I know how to skip on a spinning reel, but I also just like baitcasters better.
  2. I am using a Lews Speed Stick combo
  3. Any tips on skipping lures with a baitcaster? I've tried everything from different lures, angles, brakes, etc. Is there any way that makes skipping any easier? I'm tearing my hair out (along with my ruined line)!
  4. I have so little money, though... I suppose the lures I get make up for line price.
  5. I rinse fish in water, that's it.
  6. I went down to my local pond yesterday to learn how to skip lures with my baitcaster. After a few overspools, I figured it out. Then, when I skipped under a low hanging branch, my line snapped off at the spool. Later, it snapped as soon as I got a hit. This is 1 month old twelve pound test line! This wasn't an isolated incident, though. I have had that line snap when pulling line from a spool, and break during normal casts. I need to stop cheaping out on this line.
  7. Easy. I've never caught a fish worth stealing xD
  8. Fish a plastic Senko or texas rigged worm s-l-o-w.
  9. I have seen extremely shallow bass in an overgrown pond in the woods before.The water was really shallow so I don't think they had a choice in the matter unless twenty of them piled in the deeper middle section.
  10. Use the bluegill for catfish or 8 lb largemouths! That'll get them hooked on fishing for sure
  11. I don't know if I got a faulty Abu Garcia rod and reel combo, but that was the biggest waste of money I have ever spent. I thought I was just bad at baitcasters, but then I bought a Lew's Speed Stick. Now I can fish...
  12. In a tournament, maybe *** times. You want to move fast. In normal situations, 3-10 times from different angles. One to three. Not sure why it blocked that.
  13. I ordered some black trick worms for 2.50. I didn't realize they made the shipping 10.00...
  14. I did have a water moccasin attack it while I was shore fishing, though.
  15. I am seeing all these pictures of huge bass on ChatterBaits. I've tried them a few times but never caught anything. Any advice on when and where to fish them?
  16. You catch a fish and four other boats swarm you
  17. My dad got tired of catching panfish with me
  18. So, I am making this to make sure I am not the only one who has had this bad stuff happen. Also to entertain myself. I was fishing in the mountains for rainbows a while ago, and I wasn't having much luck. Eventually, my uncle pointed out two trout in a small pool and I cast into it. I hooked into my first wild trout! Maybe about 14 inches or so. How did I know the length? You'll see. This trout led me on a great fight, and then it JUMPED INTO A TREE. Picture the scene: a wide-eyed guy watching a trout hanging in front of his face. I guess you all know what happened next... Sploosh! The trout was gone. Now I have been out three more times, and caught nothing. I'm posting this to help cheer me up =( Anything you guys had happen that made you rage? Post in the thread!
  19. I like to use a Zoom Trick worm rigged weightless.
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