Thank you for the tips everyone, it's really good advice. I guess I was cutting the baits down because I thought (and I may be entirely wrong) that they'd be too big and a smaller piece would appeal to panfish more. I like fishing panfish because I mostly fish off my dock. I live in a complex and my dock is a big floating dock with multiple places to cast from. When I fish I can always guarantee I'll catch panfish, or catfish (heaven forbid, I hate catching those things), but bass are hit or miss usually. But that's when I fish with live worms mostly, if I bring out the minnows or shiners, I will almost always catch bass unless just nothing wants to bite.
Does color really matter that much or should I focus more on presentation? I like the suggestion of baits that cause vibrations, because this water has pretty poor clarity. I've been meaning to buy more spinners since I don't know what happened to the ones I had in the past, and throwing a trailer on them would be nice. I have some space monkey plastic creature baits that would probably make a good trailer because the "claws" on them do have good motion. I also made a few swim jigs with little grub trailers recently but I can't for the life of me get them to run true, sometimes they even just spin around and around when reeling in. But besides, I think something with a blade would be better for me rather than simple swim jigs.
You know, I think for the next 2 or so weeks straight I am going to fish nothing but artificial. This will be the best way for me to learn the tricks needed instead of falling back on the old handy live baits. Luckily I live where I can walk down and fish within minutes, so after class or work or whatever, I'll head out and try to fish for at least an hour every day (if I can). By then I SHOULD have at least gotten a hit on some soft plastic. I'll ditch the bobber as well, and just throw wacky, and maybe try a Texas rig. I also want to get some jigs as well, maybe something that mimics a crayfish. I just kind of want to try it all and then make note of what seems to work best.
I do also have a boat, well it's my parent's boat, but they'll let me use it. I know of a few spots I've caught many bass at, usually where there is a downed tree or something for them to bunker under, or an old dock that is mostly underwater. Think that'd be a good spot to drop something and try to lure them out.
You may be onto something about rod sensitivity. I actually don't know off the top of my head what sensitivity my rod is. It's an Ugly Stick rod, with an Ugly Stick reel. 7' if I'm not mistaken. I have a BC with a nice rod, but it's more for saltwater fishing which I don't do much of. I'll check tomorrow and see the details on my rod to see if that could be part of my issue. Usually when I fish wacky Senkos, I'll cast, wait for it to fall on slack line. Once it hits bottom I'll lift my rod tip up to about the 9-10 o' clock position, and then drop while reeling in the slack. I'll wait 15 seconds and repeat. One crappy thing is when I hit a log which often means I lose my hook and Senko (those babies aren't cheap, ya know?), but I've kind of learned where to not cast if I don't want to get hung up.