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About Austin11C

  • Birthday 06/24/1995

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Norris TN
  • My PB
    Between 2-3 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Norris,Melton Hill, Clinch river, any other lake I get to fish 
  • Other Interests
    Deer & Coyote hunting

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  • About Me
    Somewhat new to bass fishing. Live a rocks throw away from a river and mostly fished Trout my whole life. Really gotten into bass fishing over the past year or so, I'm here to learn as much as possible about bass fishing. 

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  1. Hey guys. Things are going much better now, I've been doing a lot more fishing for sunfish and catfish than bass because she really enjoys catching bluegills and such. I think bass fishing just seems too boring for her. But no matter the fish it's still time on the water and she seems to be enjoying it a lot more. thanks for asking
  2. I normally do most of my night fishing at melton hill below the dam. Lots of current and it's full of shad, I've caught many stripers and catfish there but I've never targeted walleye. There's also a bridge a little ways down stream that I like to fish near, I've caught plenty of fish by casting right beside the pillar and it seems as soon as the current pushes it past it I'll get a strike, I think fish sit there in the calmer water and ambush smaller fish as they are swept downstream,That's just my guess anyways haha. Actually the closest fish to a walleye I've ever caught was right there(it was a sauger on some old crankbait I had) I forgot about that until I started writing about the bridge. I plan on going back there to night fish sometime this up coming week. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
  3. Thanks guys. I didn't end up catching a walleye but I caught a couple nice bass and crappie so it wasn't a bad day. Definitely looking forward to my next trip
  4. Thanks for the advice guys. Unfortunately I don't have a boat so I should have mentioned I will be fishing off the bank. I'll be fishing mid afternoon until a little after dark so hopefully I can find some in the shallows since I can only get as deep as I can cast out from shore. Thanks
  5. I've never caught a walleye before and I'm going fishing tomorrow, since I've never targeted walleye, what types of lures and where to look(compared to say bass cover)? At one place I've started fishing recently I've caught a couple nice Perch and I figure if there's perch there then it may be a good spot to try for walleye, that may be completely false that was just my thoughts. Most of my tackle is bass & trout tackle but I've got a little bit of everything, so for all you walleye fisherman what would you use?
  6. No, I watched the whole thing too wondering what it meant and it took a while before I got it. Haha
  7. I think he posted that as to say "dump" her
  8. Thanks guys
  9. I'm hoping this will help I plan on getting a boat as soon as I can.
  10. I see what you're saying and I do appreciate your advice and your opinion, I never said I didn't. But for me simply leaving her isn't what I want to do. Have you never asked for opinions/advice and someone give you something that just doesn't work with you? Do you do it anyways just because another said so? Or do you politely say I'm looking for a different kind of advice and keep looking? Maybe I should have worded it as to say hey guys what does your girlfriends or wives do while your fishing? That may have been a better way to put it to get ideas. Maybe I am looking for reinforcement of what I want, 1 to not leave her because of this and 2 ideas on how to maybe help the situation. But like I already said thank you for your advice and opinions, good luck fishing
  11. I agree with geo, get an education. Possibly even in biology or something similar where you can work closely with wildlife. You could try for wild life management and possibly be a warden. There's plenty of opportunities but don't decide not to further your education just because you want to fish. Even if it is an education on something as a back up plan like geo said.
  12. Thanks soflabasser. That's good ideas. That's more the type of advice I was looking for. I figured someone had a similar experience where their gf/wife didn't like it when they went fishing and they actually figured something out besides leaving them. Thanks.
  13. Thanks for the advice guys.
  14. Maybe I worded it wrong, she is supportive and glad that I have a passion and hobby, it's just she doesn't like doing my hobby and basically just sits at home while I'm gone waiting on me to get back. I just thought if I had some ideas of things for her to do while I'm gone it would make her day better. I'm not going to leave her and she is definitely worth it. This is something I'm confident we can work out. I'm sure someone has some advice other than leave her. I'm not knocking y'all,thanks for the advice, but that's not what I'm looking for. Maybe I'm just young and dumb? lol.
  15. I know it's not "my job" I just feel in a relationship it's up to both sides to come together and try to find solutions to a problem.
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