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Everything posted by FishingInSC

  1. I say...well nuts. I've used them on the Raider and my kayak without any issues.
  2. Nice boat and fish!
  3. I would think it could be repaired. I've never had to do it, but I'd say try JB Weld or go on you tube and look at videos on "plastic welding." Good luck and happy fishing!!
  4. I ran out of space before i could post a pic of my first fish from the Raider! I'll post it later!!!
  5. And so it begins. I have 55 lb thrust MK in back & 30 up front for trolling. I want to add a big foot switch to the front TM. Have a cheap Lowrance Hook3x. I want to add rod holders and carpeted floor. Until next time....keep fishing!!!! Out fishing... Used to attach stuff... My rod holder...
  6. I finally pulled the trigger. Just got back from Dick's Sporting Goods. $599 and she's mine!! I'll post some pics as I modify it!! Tight lines everybody!!!
  7. I just wanted to say I love the top you made for your raider!!! Great job buddy!
  8. Knot strength can be tested in a lab. But the best knot is probably the one that you are proficient in! There are "operator" variables...right knot for the application, twisted line, not wetting line, cinching down too hard/not hard enough, or not noticing/checking line for nicks/smoothness. I don't know. It's just my opinion. Palomar, improved cinch, uni. I've used them all without problem. But kudos for wanting to "improve your game." I guess I'm not much help.
  9. Not pretty or expensive.....but these get me to the fish!!! Pelican Icon and Fleetwing
  10. Finally got through all 105 pages!! There are a lot of nice boats here!!! I will be buying a bass raider. I am trying to find a sale. I can't wait to start my mods and fishing out of this wonderful boat. As someone that currently fishes out of a cheap SOT kayak, I can't wait to stand and have the ability to move around. Also, I have put many holes in my kayak doing various mods. It doesn't leak and some holes are at the water line. I am not scared to put holes in my boat. I stay out on the lake for 5-6 hours at a time and my hull stays dry. Of course, I believe most manufactures of almost anything make warranty replacement/repairs such a headache, I probably would try to fix the problem myself anyway; therefore, I am not worried about voiding the warranty. Other than taking it out immediately to make sure there is not a huge problem for which I could just take it back to the store where I bought it, I will not lose any sleep over the manufactures "warranty." Happy fishing everyone...and thanks for sharing your mods!!
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