Good morning gentlemen,
I'm new to this site but I am a life-long tournament fisherman looing forward to good conversation. There's a few different reasons you're probably getting hit at the rip rap. Rock, rip-rap, gravel etc. will hold heat a little more than some of its surroundings so just the slight difference in temperature could be holding them there. Could be that it might be the only significant structure in the pond or that it might be home to a population of crawfish. On the Carolina rig that you're using, what size weight are you using with the six pound test? with such light line, I would suspect that it shouldn't take much weight to get to the bottom and keep it on bottom to drag and the heavier the weight, the harder it can be to detect the strike..this could help you to detect the strike faster and possibly alleviate some of your throat hooking problems. As for the hits always coming on the rip rap? keep fishing it until they stop biting and then concentrate on other parts of the pond. This will allow the rip rap to rest and the fish to re-populate it.. maybe go back and change you're lure color..perhaps a crawfish color and see what happens.