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Everything posted by RippinLips57

  1. Hey, I was just curious of what you're guy's go to flipping bait is? Mine is a missle baits baby d stroyer right now and has been for a lil while but I have been lookin at the rage menance and they look pretty good has anybody had any luck with those?
  2. Same thing happened to our lil 16ft Lowe, hit a log while on the trolling motor so we heated it up with a propane bottle and straitened it with a pair of pliers. My dads 25 hydrasport came with a bent skeg too and we did the same thing.
  3. I figured I'd show you guys my lil bass slayer lol it's a 1991 16ft Lowe with a 40 Evinrude and a 54# thrust motor guide, we put new carpet in it, put a deck in the back and just got the garmin striker 5 for it, it's pretty cool
  4. I fish the yum pumpkin head on a craw a rage bug or like a beaver and that yum head really makes them look like they are feeding or rumeging around on bottom and I normally have the best luck skipping them under docks and slowly hopping it out. I also throw it in any mats, trees all the nasty stuff don't be scared to throw it in their it'll come out
  5. A POS 50$ 7" escalade rod , I didn't hit anything and I was only throwin a 3/8 jig and I casted it out and a good bit of the tip came off, should've bought a better rod for the ol pro max lol ya get what ya pay for
  6. Like @Adleyfishes said try out a chatterbait or a spinner bait but When the water gets murky I have some luck throwin crankbaits and draggin it by cover and docks but that's me. Good Luck
  7. I'm going to DSG this afternoon to pick up some soft plastics so I'll have to check out that sale for sure man if there on sale for 12 for 2 then I might pick them up and give them a try thanks for the heads up on the sale @snake95
  8. Yeah that's my sister man lol no but most likely if you set the hook and you get them good but they come off at the boat there probably not going to bite again? I wouldn't think so but I was just Asking to see what you guys do after one comes off Thank Ya for all the info everybody appreciate it
  9. I like to run docklines and banks with a 1.5 KVD crankbaits in sexy shad or chartreuse tiger and I like to fish a 3/8 jig
  10. Alright I gotcha so a 4$ KVD would be the same the fish don't really look at the paint thy pay attention to the wobble I agree I got a lil caught up in if "I" thought it was pretty enough lol they got me, Thank ya
  11. Mornin everybody, Have you guys had any luck with the live target crankbaits that look like schooling bait fish they look good but there like 12 bucks a piece, anybody fish them if so how do they hold up they look a lil fragile but for 12 bucks you wouldn't think they would be fragile idk, if anybody's played with em let me know if there any good. Thanks ya
  12. Hey everybody me and my buddy went out yesterday afternoon after school and we were runnin this dockline and I threw in this boat slip and reeled it right to the boat and a big ol LM hit it he jumped up and shook it tho well he wasn't real big but he was a good 3 lbr but anyways we circled back around and threw at the dock again and nothin so when you hook one should I just keep on fishin down or circle around and try to get the one that came off or is that kind of a waste of time, Will they still bite after they've come off? If ya got any helpful info tell me. Thanks
  13. I haven't really been throwin top water lately but I'll have To give those horny toads a try, how do you rig them, weightless?
  14. Hey everybody the river I fish is in post spawn right now or that's what I was told lol the waters close to 80. I'm a lil new to bass fishin always been in the salt but I was wondering after you launch you're boat what do you target first like little canals,docks,grass mats,wood,etc... I know every lake, river don't have the same features but I can get an idea where to go and where I should be goin on throughout the day and also give me an idea of what you would throw, Just kind of want an idea of what some expirenced people would target first. Thanks Ya
  15. It should have come with instruction we just installed the garmin striker 4.5 on my lil boat and it said take a piece of board or a level and put it on the bottom of the hull and let it stick out towards the transom and where the Top of the board is is where you're transducer should go but my transducer was diffrent I have the dual band and it's shaped like a box so idk, if anything just keep moving it down until it will read mine will read goin full speed, keep playing with it you'll figure it out good luck man
  16. Daulphin Island sunset runnin in
  17. If it's not reading when you get on top then you have to move the transducer down a little, is it a transum mount or innhull? if it's a transum mount you have to move it down towards the water because when you're runnin its not in the water and it can't read.
  18. Yeah man me and my buddy wear ours when we're out on the water all the time we have the pelagic ones they are a lil expensive but there worth it there Not hot and there easy to breathe through.
  19. This year Ima try to figure out how to skip jigs with a baitcaster and I might get into the whopper ploppers I've heard there good but never used one, we'll see lol
  20. Alright thanks for the advice everybody's ya really helped me out its supposed to rain tho but If it's not rainin this weekend im going to get out on the water and I will get back to ya
  21. I picked up an Xrap like 2 weeks ago and i had it tied on a rod and threw it around a lil bit every time I went out but didn't get any luck on it not even a swirl I don't know what I was doin wrong maybe they don't like the color lol idk it might be too warm tho high 70s?
  22. So i can pretty much throw anything anywhere lol?
  23. Probably a dumb question but if they are in post spawn what are they doing, are they roaming, feeding or are they just kinda chilling by their bed? Are they lethargic and skidish or are they aggresive?
  24. Hey everybody I'm a lil new to bass fishin I've always fished in the salt but I'm kind of confused with the stages of the spawn and all that I've looked for beds because I wanted to try somthin diffrent because I can catch them around cover but I wanted to try to bed fish but I haven't seen any beds. Electronics said the water was around 75 to 80 anybody know what stage there in or can you tell with the temp? Thank ya ?
  25. Hey everybody I'm back lol but I went out Saturday and it was sunny and a lil windy I threw the spinner on and off through out the day and I only got one to roll on it but that was it. I threw it on grass lines docks and some sand bars but didn't get any luck except that one that followed it out from underneath the dock and swiped at it. I also went out Sunday and it was cloudy and windy and I was throwin a crank in some wood and they started bustin behind us, I picked my Rod that had spinnerbait tied on and I chunked it out there and my spinner flew off Lol ? Well that's my report from this weekend lol I only caught like 5 on cranks this weekend and lost a spinner lol $hit happens. Hope y'all slayed em this weekend and thanks for all the advice on spinners I'll have to pick up another one sometimes and make sure my knots tight lol
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