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Everything posted by adrenalnjunky

  1. that's fine too - TW shows backordered til 6/21, and I just had to rip all the carpet out of the house due to a little flooding, so my wife has informed me no new fishing gear shows up, or fishing trips til the new floors are in.
  2. Thanks for that - but Amazon has the duffel-style bags, but not the backpack. That $85 portage bag is massive - I think it holds a total of 7 3700/5007 sized trays. The backpack stores 5 - my current go-anywhere bag is struggling to hold 3 and a low profile 3600-size terminal tackle tray. Good for smaller trips, but not when I want to take pretty much everything with me. I'm afraid these may be discontinued which is why everyone is showing low or no stock.
  3. Anyone seen a TW sale? I don't get their emails. I'm wanting the Flambeau Portage backpack - Academy has been selling it for $99, but Flambeau's MSRP is $135, which is what it costs everywhere I can find it. Of course, I procrastinated, and now Academy no longer stocks the pack.
  4. Nope, that's right on topic for this thread. Welcome!
  5. Too bad OP hasn't visited the forum in 7 years.
  6. A few months back they did their custom "Panic box" for $20 - I took a gamble, and have really liked the quality of their stuff. I don't do a ton of finesse fishing, so this one really isn't in my wheelhouse.
  7. Power Team Lures is doing a Fathers Day special on a finesse box. Bunch of their senkos, and finesse worms, jig heads, dropshot hooks and some worm hooks for $25 https://www.powerteamlures.com/fathers-day-special-custom-kit/?utm_source=MailingList&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=FATHERS+DAY+SPECIAL+KIT
  8. I've been away from fishing since my teens, and I'm almost 42 now. Young at heart, I've relied more on the internet to get back up to speed on stuff I should have known before, or stuff I had forgotten, or new stuff that didn't exist back then. From all of that, I've done a lot of youtube watching since it is the most accessible on-demand platform, and from a Pro perspective Scott Martin seems to have really embraced the format better/more than a lot of the "pros" out there. Doesn't hurt that he's Roland's son (I didn't even put that together at first). He truly seems to enjoy putting himself out there, all the time, not just when he's in front of a TV camera, or in a tournament or obligatory sponsor appearance. After that, honestly a couple of the bigger Youtube guys would be my next pick. Justin Rackley (LakeForkGuy), probably first, and if Rob Terkla (LunkersTV) happened to be there, it wouldn't hurt - those 2 seem to have a lot of fun fishing on the same boat. They also share a lot of ideas/techniques without turning it into a seminar or sponsor plug every time. If we went back to pros - after Scott, then Brent Ehrler or Andy Montgomery.
  9. Went to academy today to grab some floro for leader, and noticed down on the bottom shelf, they had some severely discounted Seaguar Senshi mono in #8 - 200yd roll for $1.98. I don't own a spinning rig (Yet - might have to wait for the next 20% sale), but at that price, I grabbed a roll anyway. Might put it on my son's spincaster so he can get some better range on a cast.
  10. Everything he said is accurate as far as it pulls. I'll also add that for a small trailer it backs up nicely well. Not all of them do, and nothing irritates me more than a short-coupled trailer that likes to jackknife. I put the same or similar trailer jack on as his, upgraded to LED lighting (might be standard now - there was a recall on the trailer lighting and they sent out a new light kit for remediation, the replacements were LED.) The way he has it rigged with the stake pockets, you could build yourself removable sides for transporting other stuff.
  11. I just posted the HF trailer option in the cloned version of this thread. I've had mine for years - built it as a box trailer for hauling RC airplanes around.
  12. I'm sitting here looking at a Harbor Freight sale flyer - their 4x8 folding trailer kit is advertised at $259. 12" wheels and 1200ish lb capacity. I built one years ago to turn into a box trailer. Super light and tows well.
  13. One clarification - the $10 coupon is for Buy Online and pick up in store, not ship to store. I ran into this last week. If your local store (or one you're willing to travel to) has it in stock, you get the discount for in store pickup, but they won't ship the product to a store that doesn't have any on hand.
  14. You should still be able to send in for the free Huk/Daiwa fishing shirt promo since you bought yours before 5/31. Looks like you get one per reel. I bought my Tat CTR off Ebay from a Seller "TriaceTackle" and Daiwa fulfilled mine - just got it in last week. Link to the entry form: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwj8sduZk5rUAhVk34MKHV3wA-4QFggoMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.daiwa.com%2Fus%2Fimage%2Ftop%2Fdaiwa_huk_offer_1.pdf&usg=AFQjCNG5A1fuXyf3DSNGsDZ_A7jRTdDAhw&sig2=OX-HtdiBTKISj6rY9WhZVg&cad=rja
  15. P20MEMDAY I think, but it's listed o. The eBay site.
  16. I know it isn't super high end gear, but the Kastking Royale Legend reel is on sale on eBay for $35ish. Order 2 and get 10% off from the seller. Apply the eBay 20% and free shipping and it comes out to $27 a reel. I wanted a couple of reels for my seldom used flipping stick, and a second cranking stick for jerkbaits.
  17. Yep - I'm a recovering bait monkey that hasn't been fishing in ~20 years. My old mid-teenager funded lure collection wasn't extremely robust. (Lot of Rebel lures that aren't even made anymore). I just visited my local and grabbed 14 hardbaits for $37.86. Also picked up a spool of power-pro 30lb braid for $9.99. Combine that with the rod I finally decided on at LBPhish (wun3hree - Fate Chrome) and I'm calling this a completed purchasing weekend. Now, getting ready to head to the lake.
  18. 20% off at PowerTeam Lures - code: REMEMBER
  19. Is it bad that this thread is keeping me from placing an order due to FOMO? I want a new crankbait rod - DSG flash sale has the Veritas 2.0 7' winch on the flash sale for $58 ($99 retail.) + $10 s/h. Sucks that they don't do a ship-to-store & my local store is out of stock. But - they will still charge me local sales tax, since I have a local store. Somehow that rubs me the wrong way. I've got a $10 coupon they emailed me after my last order which offsets the shipping. $64 w/ TTL. And I just can't press "buy" just yet. Oh what a terrible problem to have, I suppose.
  20. My 5yo and his dink a couple of months ago. You can see his little spincaster laying in the background. Think it was the $19 BPS setup. We'll also let him reel our fish in if they seem small enough. As mentioned elsewhere - sun protection, snacks, a towel, all important in keeping the little ones in the spirit. I always keep a ~.25oz washer or nut tied on his line if there's not a lure on it, and he'll randomly drag it out into the backyard and cast until he catches a tree. He's got surprisingly good range, and can sidearm cast decently. Managed to crack the tip on that rod last week, so I let him pick out one of "my" unused rods to throw his reel on. He's also appropriated my Zebco33 that was collecting dust - because "dad, you have a lot of rods, so I need at least 2."
  21. Nice. I want a dobyn's fury cranking rod, but their $17 shipping kills the deal for me.
  22. Ebay just sent out a 20% code for the weekend. One time use per cart. Minimum purchase price is $50, and your maximum discount you can get is $50 (So benefit maxes out on a $250 purchase.) Code: P20MEMDAY
  23. Yeah, and if you can live with RealTree pattern - they're on sale for $29 @ Academy.
  24. I didn't even know about them until the last sale was mentioned in this thread, but I got in on the posted code then. I'm hoping since I'm a past customer, I'll get the email notice.
  25. I bought 3 Flambeau 5007 trays @ Wal Mart last week for $3.88 each. Didn't need them, but for some reason, I noticed these 3 had 4007 stickers on them. Since the sticker is where the UPC is, they rang up at the 4007 price. At first I thought I was getting in on someone doing a switcheroo to get a few bucks back on a return, or a few bucks off at the register, but then I realized the math didn't work that way since they were still on the shelf. Might have just been a quality control error in the factory. Regardless - I've been looking for the same issue elsewhere. And to reference the Harbor Freight suggestion - the trays are functional, but the closures on every one I've ever bought are a pain in the butt. For less than $1 difference, I don't want to have to fight with a tray full of terminal tackle on the water.
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