I've been away from fishing since my teens, and I'm almost 42 now. Young at heart, I've relied more on the internet to get back up to speed on stuff I should have known before, or stuff I had forgotten, or new stuff that didn't exist back then.
From all of that, I've done a lot of youtube watching since it is the most accessible on-demand platform, and from a Pro perspective Scott Martin seems to have really embraced the format better/more than a lot of the "pros" out there. Doesn't hurt that he's Roland's son (I didn't even put that together at first). He truly seems to enjoy putting himself out there, all the time, not just when he's in front of a TV camera, or in a tournament or obligatory sponsor appearance.
After that, honestly a couple of the bigger Youtube guys would be my next pick. Justin Rackley (LakeForkGuy), probably first, and if Rob Terkla (LunkersTV) happened to be there, it wouldn't hurt - those 2 seem to have a lot of fun fishing on the same boat. They also share a lot of ideas/techniques without turning it into a seminar or sponsor plug every time.
If we went back to pros - after Scott, then Brent Ehrler or Andy Montgomery.