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Everything posted by adrenalnjunky

  1. Probably will do that. I want that fury cb rod. For the time being I grabbed a Abu Vendetta winch rod on the 40% deal. I had a $10 Dicks cash coupon too. $41 out the door. Won't feel too bad if it doesn't last.
  2. Well, looks like TW has dicks beat on price on the 3d, even with the 40% off. Even at that point - the reviews on both of the Powell rods I'm looking at are not very good. Lots of "broke on the 6th cast" type of reviews. I love my Dobyn's Fury stuff - and the over the counter replacement option if one breaks. Shame Dicks doesn't carry them - my local Academy does, but you can't find them online. Academy doesn't do nearly as much online sales for their fishing though. I'll probably just wait til I see a decent sale somewhere on a 705CB.
  3. Yeah - they just updated the banner up at the top of the site to the 40% deal. It used to read "Spend $50 online, save $10 with in-store pickup" Looks like that's on hold until after the 40% sale. So, opinions - Powell Inferno cranking in the 7' medium, or the Powell Max 3d in their 6' 10" medium? Significant difference in the 2, other than the lifetime warranty on the 3d? Does the glass/composite layup feel better on the 3d?
  4. And I think you could get $10 off if yo can do in store pickup. Unfortunately, my store never has what I'm wanting.
  5. Was weird - rod I bought a few months ago and only had fished a handful of times. Been sitting in my spare room with a rod sock on it. One of the brands that gets the "***" treatment, but we'll just say unlucky numbers are apparently unlucky. Pulled the rod sock off, and 6" of tip fell to the floor - looked like a clean break at a guide. That brand allows you to cut the rod up into smaller pieces to save on shipping when you send it in for warranty, as long as you leave 24" around the damaged part for them to evaluate.
  6. Awesome - I just tried it out - good catch! Considering I had to cut my newest cranking rod up into 24" pieces yesterday to send in for warranty, I'm apparently in the market for a new one.
  7. Is there a code? I haven't gotten an email from them with that offer yet.
  8. Yep - check your order page @ their website - I think they ship directly from stores that have the products in stock, so you could just be waiting on something to come from a different location.
  9. Nope - they've changed the way the webpage works, so no figuring it out early, or at least no one has found it yet.
  10. I saw that deal somewhere - it was on a previous generation Revo, not the brand new one. Can't remember exactly where I saw it though. Pretty sure it was for "Green" Monday.
  11. Mine too - but I passed. Had the Tatula CT-R in 7.3:1 for $99 - but I just bought 2 other reels, so no go for me there as well.
  12. We were talking about it at the top of the page I think - the webpage coding is different this year, at least so far - can't see the dead links like you could before. I haven't found anything for clues.
  13. Looks like their developer has gotten wise and changed their game up. No hyperlinks tied to those areas of the page, and looking at the code for the page, I'm not finding any hints there. Tried plugging the link to the Day 1 (seaguar) link in and modifying it to Day2, Day 3, etc - but just getting 404 not found errors. Tells me they're manually uploading everything before it goes live (or creating the correct directory structure.)
  14. That's awesome. Love my CT-R.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised to hear they're being pulled out of different stores.
  16. Honest question - what are you using these ultra fast reels on? I've never owned anything faster than 7.1:1 - but I just bought a 8.3:1 Fuego that my thought is to put it on a 7'3" heavy for Jigs, and frogs. Wanna make sure I'm not missing the boat of a different setup.
  17. Not since the days of that particular web site allowing you to buy a gift certificate at 20% off, then turn around and use it to buy something else @ 20% off. AFAIK they've taken steps to negate that activity.
  18. eBay has a deal running for a couple of days - code PSHOPEARLY 20% off - and a lot of the sellers in the fishing category have reels marked down - look for a marked thru price with "see details" next to it - then the code stacks on top. Takes a $99 retail reel like a Lews LFS or the new Abu Revo X down to $72 - $79 on sale, then $55ish after the code is applied - almost half off!! Diawa Fuego CT is $77 regular as well. Decisions, decisions......
  19. Dicks is running a 1-hour online-only sale today, Noon-1pm CST. 40% off 1 item, maximum credit of $50. One hour only, or until 50,000 orders have been processed.
  20. I saw that too - in-store too if you have the coupon, and applies to sale prices too. (Of course, they've probably marked most of the normal sale items back to normal, or near normal.)
  21. No more of the 7:1's left, dangit.
  22. And Dicks still has a combo for $49.
  23. Man that's nice - too bad it's only on the 6.3:1, if it were 7.x:1 I'd be ordering.
  24. It is applicable to fishing gear, but only from select sellers. You can search them all from this link: https://www.ebay.com/sch/Fishing/1492/i.html?_nkw=&_udlo=&_udhi=&_ftrt=901&_ftrv=1&_sabdlo=&_sabdhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_fss=1&_fsradio=%26LH_SpecificSeller%3D1&_saslop=1&_sasl=linda*s***stuff%2C+232tech%2C+airnwater%2C+allied_trade_group%2C+americangeneralsuperstore%2C+apluschoice%2C+beachcamera%2C+bestchoiceproducts%2C+bigvalueinc%2C+budgetgolfer%2C+buybeehive%2C+campus111%2C+davidstoolsandmore%2C+ebags%2C+eforcity%2C+electronic_express%2C+gearxs%2C+globalgolf%2C+lamplust%2C+luckyvitamin%2C+madison_sporting_goods%2C+millionshare%2C+mobilepros1%2C+outlet_merchandise%2C+overstock%2C+paylessforgolf%2C+quickshipelectronics%2C+sunnydaze-decor%2C+theproscloset%2C+voodublu%2C+wholesale_connection%2C+woodburyoutfitters&_sop=12
  25. which deal, the Dick's 4 for $10 powerbait deal? Doesn't look like they're running it right now online - but the $10 rebate is good on purchases made until 9/2 - so check the site daily until then. My saga of missing the flash deal on the carbon fire rods took another turn yesterday. Since the 7'3" heavy was out of stock when they ran it again, I settled for a Wright & McGill Skeet Reese 7'4" Fast (no power mentioned). UPS pulled up yesterday with a rod tube that had been bent in half and retaped. UPS driver had me open it while he was there - rod is in pieces, so he took it back. I call Dicks customer service, and they told me I should have kept the rod and just taken it to my local store for return. That doesn't jive with other experiences of accepting a visibly damaged package. Anyway, she says it could be a couple of weeks before I see a refund now cause of how the return process flows. Bah. Anyway, I ask her if I'm just out everything at this point, since the rod was on a flash sale, and even once refunded, I didn't get the rod I wanted at the price I wanted it. She pulled some strings and got the OK to sell me a replacement for the $38 flash sale price. Then I sweet talked her into selling me the Lews 7'3" Heavy instead since it was back in stock now. Here's hoping everything shows up in one piece this time.
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