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  1. I would stay well clear of the daiwa for some times. The stella is not comparable to an exist, nor a certate and even less of the real four models. The new SR technology is much better tahn real four! The saltiga is only a bigame reel and theya re availaible in big sizes. I just had and incident with my daiwa and there is only 2 peices missing and I can't use the reel. It's all hard earned money wasted! Really!...what happened to your Exist? As far as not being comparable....I guess that is a matter of opinion however I must admit I mainly fish freshwater. As far as SR technology vs. Real4...please explain the superiority of the SR Concept.
  2. Hello....this is my first post and I hate to confuse things but your'e preparing to spend some real money and for the same money a Daiwa Exist would be a solid choice as well. For less money a Certate which is by account the Exists functional equivalent less the weight difference and eye pleasing appearance. I have also read the Saltiga-Z is a fine piece. Don't get me wrong, I have a Stella FB and love everything about it but I also have an Exist and it is every bit on par with a Stella....just a differing design philosophy. Anyway just wanted to share because dropping 5 bills on a reel makes a guy deserving to know all the options.
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