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Everything posted by 1idrod

  1. kschultz76 No problem. I shouldn't have used my limited experience with sit inside to make such a judgment either.
  2. Well I take back my statement then as I was wrong. It was from my friends experience with his sit inside that I drew my conclusion. His went under but luckily we were in only 5' of water. Maybe it's the cheap one he had but it did go under so I just assumed they all were the same. Yes preparation is a must and PFD's are always worn, not just stuffed under the bungees I see a lot of folks doing.
  3. I agree, I wouldn't intentionally drag across asphalt or concrete. We've had this same discussion on another site. Gator guards have come up but after what some of us have spent getting here there were some other ideas that have had some success. Gorilla tape was one of the most popular that was inexpensive. Some claimed a couple years out of a few layers they put on. I just did mine this week so time will tell.
  4. I'm right handed and put my trolly on the left to swing me facing the bank on the right to cast up stream. I made the mistake on my first kayak putting it on the right. It's hard to explain but on the right side your either going to be facing upstream or counter clock wise to your left. It's difficult to cast to your right facing upstream being right handed. My analysis is based on river current.
  5. I agree with Chris, the Old Town would be a good choice and also look at the Jackson Big Rig for your weight. These are yaks under $2000 that should be stable. There are other options but over $2500 unless used.
  6. I'm new here but have some experience in a short time with kayaks. I agree with bholtzinger14. Check the Vibes out. I have a Hobie Outback, Jackson Cuda 12 and two Stealth Anglers made by Lifetime from Cabela's. I would put the Vibe Sea Ghost up against my Cuda as far as what you get for your money. My buddy just bought one and I'm jealous compared to my Cuda. Also, maybe it's just me but a sit-in are just asking for trouble. If you get into water that's over your head it just scares me. When they flip they're going down. You can turn over most SOT kayaks and they will still float as long as the hatches seal and if they do leak it's gonna take time. The other is going to the bottom.
  7. Found this site while looking for information about spiral wrapped rod. Thank you Google. Lol. I'm fairly new to fishing. My history consisted of pond fishing usually and the occasional charter for stripers then striper fishing on my cousins boat. Still learning that also. Now I've dove into the world of kayak fishing and love it. Within a year and a half I now have four. I'm addicted to both now. I'm here to learn as much as I can. I have a great small mouth fishery in my backyard that I hope to capitalize on now.
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