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Everything posted by Savage33

  1. Ashley Defoe Connell Howell Hartman
  2. I know what you’re saying. I buy better quality lures now. When I started using the zip ties, I was still in school and working a few evenings a week after football practice. I had to buy the ole Walmart $1 specials, money was tight paying for vehicle insurance. Haha. I guess I did it for so long that it’s just habit now. All the jigs I have now have good skirts on them but I still put the zip ties on. Lol
  3. This has probably been mentioned in here before but who else uses tiny zip-ties to secure the skirts on their jigs and spinnerbaits? I started doing it years ago on cheaper brands because I got tired of the skirts sliding back on every hookset. Now I keep a pack of zip ties in my boxes that have jigs or spinnerbaits and as soon as I open a new one I put one on it. It’s just a precaution and keeps me from cussing like a sailor.
  4. The screenshots I posted are from the new Johnsonville area. I’ve had some stellar days flipping bushes all around those islands. But once the bush bite starts slowing down, I’m lost as where/how to catch them until they get all the way out to the ledges at the main river channel. For example, I can hammer them for a few days, then it’s just over the next. So I head to the main channel ledges and it’s terribly slow for several days. I’m just trying to figure out what to look for between the islands and main ledges. I’ll post another screenshot but it’s mainly just a giant flat across there.
  5. No sir. I don’t own a kayak. Just a big tin boat. I want a kayak tho. I think itd be pretty fun.
  6. That’s about the best pic I can get. If I zoom out any further on my phone, the contour lines go away.
  7. Same spot is in top left now. It’s on Kentucky lake. And yes. Immediately after spawn.
  8. Just signed up. Looking forward to trying this for the first time.
  9. Ok guys. I’m fairly new to looking at contour maps. On the attached picture, what areas would you target for largemouth bass and why? Let’s say post spawn time of year. I think I see maybe a couple spots that could produce but I’m not sure.
  10. Want to improve my deep water fishing. I’ve fished shallow all my life and am pretty confident with it. Have only had a boat for a couple years and just last summer finally got an Elite ti. Now I wanna learn to find bass in the ledges and then catch them. Would also like to try several new places. Im guilty of going to the same few places every time because I know I can usually catch them there.
  11. Your diagram is right. And the 50 amp breaker should be fine. I ran a setup like that for 2 years on my bowfishing rig. As far as the battery switch goes, I have no clue. And I've never ran a power cord either. Just wired from troller straight to the battery.
  12. All good replies. I understand where y'all are coming from. There is no alternate route to get to this spot or I would take it. Also I didn't mean to make it sounds like I run across it full speed. Just jump on plane and leave it it there. Maybe 10 mph. It just keeps my minds at ease knowing I'm not sucking trash through the pump while dragging bottom.
  13. What do you mean when you say you put the transducer vertically on a floating device?
  14. It's no different than a bass boat running 70 down the main river. They could easily hit a floater.
  15. Did it look like that while you were moving with it on the boat?
  16. I agree. But across that flat 99.9% of stumps are marked with poles. If there has been no change in water level or current since the last time I was there I just plane off and go. I'm not a fan of dragging the bottom with the motor. I've seen too many water pumps/impellers trashed because of it. I'd rather get out and push the boat. This guy grew up fishing near that flat just like I did, me knows it like the back of his hand. I think he just has a fear of water. I've asked him a million times and he always says no. But that's the only logical thing I can come up with. I know what you are saying. And if the water level has been fluctuating or is on the rise I do slow it down across it. I don't know, I guess I just don't worry too much about hitting something. Also in my original post I should have put its 2 feet deep at its shallowest. Lol. The rest is probably 3-4
  17. I see this happen mostly when fishing shallow. My two main fishing buddies don't bass fish every chance they get like I do. So when we are flipping and pitching bushes I absolutely crush them every time because of my casts. I can keep quiet and have little to no splash when my life hits the water. They really can't pitch or flip, more of a sidearm cast with a huge splash and about 17 feet from where they wanted to hit. And always away from the bushes. I've tried showing them how to pitch, either they don't care to learn or they just don't actually try to learn. They see me pitching into the middle of the bushes and contstantly pulling fish out of them. But they don't try because they don't want to get hung up. Open water is a different story, things are usually pretty even between us. Ive seen a lot of you say to give them the same kind of lure, etc.. that may help but if the fish are in a picky mood and I'm hammering them on a 7'6" MH with a 6.4:1 reel and they are using a 6'6" M and 5.3:1 reel, I think even the gear comes into play when you think about presentation. I may be overthinking it and honestly this is the first time I've thought about that. Lol
  18. There is a big flat off of Kentucky lake that I cross when heading to one of my honey holes. It's about 2 feet at summer pool. I have a buddy that freaks out at me every time I cross it. I mean he just yells at me and tells me to slow down, that I'm gonna hit bottom. Now mind you, I cross this on plane in an 1860 aluminum boat. Basically just the prop in the water. So a couple days ago I went with him in his boat. We crossed that flat at an idle(over a mile) with the motor at about half trim. Obviously we drug bottom all the way across it. He was freaking out about it, didn't know why we were dragging bottom "they've dropped the water level" and just a bunch of BS exscuses. He knows there is less boat in he water planed off but he always wants to slow down across it. I just don't understand why he can't figure it out to stay planed off across it.
  19. I have an elite 7 ti on the way. Does anybody have a totalscan transducer on an aluminum boat? How/where did you mount it? I think I've got it figured out and hope I can get it right the first time so I don't have to drill unnecessary holes in the boat.
  20. Crappie will absolutely ruin a pond with bass in it, if not managed. My uncle had it happen to one of his ponds. So we started filling freezers up. We targeted crappie until they became hard to catch. Do that every year and the bass will start to thrive again.
  21. And if you let them flop around in the boat or on the ground it will rub their protective "slime" off which weakens their immune system and makes them develop diseases or get infections in the areas that rubbed off. It can sometimes kill them.
  22. Always fished for bream and catfish growing up. I don't really remember my first bass, but I started targeting bass about 12 years ago. My dads boss owned 4 private ponds/lakes that he managed for bass. The first time I went there I was throwing a green and chrome Rat-L-Trap. I probably caught 100 fish that day. A couple weeks later I hooked into a giant and lost him at the bank. I had junk gear back then, losing that fish caused me to save up my allowance and buy a baitcaster. First trip with it, I caught a 6lb 7oz. And that's all she wrote. I put out that fish on the wall, I was 14 at the time and promised I won't hang another one on the wall unless it's over 10. I've caught several over 8 and a couple over 9 since then. Just can't seem to get one over 10. Lol
  23. Got hit by something or somebody caught him and let him flop around around on the carpet/ground.
  24. I was also thinking about the hook 9 for the bow. Thanks for the reply. When the fish go deep this time of year, I hate having to stay shallow because I have no way to find the fish deep. I finally decided to just set myself up to catch some on the ledges. I plan to buy a glass boat in the next year or so, so I dont really want to spend thousands on units for my aluminum boat. There are a few places I fish that I wouldn't dare take a glass boat so I will have graphs in there too. I'm not too worried about it reading at high speeds. A few lakes I go to are no wake lakes. I just wanted to know if the 7 ti is worth my money. Lol
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