I see this happen mostly when fishing shallow. My two main fishing buddies don't bass fish every chance they get like I do. So when we are flipping and pitching bushes I absolutely crush them every time because of my casts. I can keep quiet and have little to no splash when my life hits the water. They really can't pitch or flip, more of a sidearm cast with a huge splash and about 17 feet from where they wanted to hit. And always away from the bushes. I've tried showing them how to pitch, either they don't care to learn or they just don't actually try to learn. They see me pitching into the middle of the bushes and contstantly pulling fish out of them. But they don't try because they don't want to get hung up.
Open water is a different story, things are usually pretty even between us.
Ive seen a lot of you say to give them the same kind of lure, etc.. that may help but if the fish are in a picky mood and I'm hammering them on a 7'6" MH with a 6.4:1 reel and they are using a 6'6" M and 5.3:1 reel, I think even the gear comes into play when you think about presentation. I may be overthinking it and honestly this is the first time I've thought about that. Lol