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Everything posted by Esoxfreak

  1. The video of that fish is on YouTube right now but I don't wanna get in trouble for posting my own personal channel but it's on there lol! I caught it day before yesterday. The audio analysis video is not up yet,I'm trying to be very thorough. FYI for all the bass guys if your concerned about the durability of this bait..don't be. I just released my 9th tiger in 2 days on the same 110. I haven't changed hooks or modified it at all, still floats, and runs true. What's funny is these won't touch the 190 right now which is my go to.just weird,lol
  2. Thought this was funny,45 inch 32 pound tiger. Whopper plopper 110 in blue blood. I was recording audio samples for a comparison video. Strong enough for a musky ph balanced for bass,lol
  3. I fish tigers everyday and that color pattern is really really unique! I've never caught one like that, it's like a tiger negative,lol. Do you know if that lake has a tiger muskie stock program or does that lake hold a population of pike and pure strains where tigers will some times be produced naturally???
  4. I got them from a shop at bluewater lake in New Mexico. They have a few cases in stock, they got them last week. It sounds freakin awesome and it had a redesigned weed resistant tail. I'm gonna fish em all afternoon and evening...super confident! Really unique tone. I think them guys put up a you tube video on the action.
  5. I went and bought a few today!!!!!!
  6. Ive taken the front trebles off all my 90's...the back treble is plenty I find. They have a tendancy to hit it really hard anyway.the front will ride a bit higher.
  7. Silly question, Is that foil or leaf? If it's leaf im having issues with getting the leaf to adhere to the bait. Do you put a product down on the bait before you lay the leaf, or do you put it straight on the bait? I'm not putting anything down and it holds pretty well until I hit it with the airbrush even at super low psi.
  8. 1.POACHERS! 2...everything else I thought of was kinda in that catagory.
  9. You did say bullheads. I'm sure you know this but these are used all over the country as bait, primarily for flathead catfish. I really don't think they are a game fish,not here anyway. I think some people maybe confused on what it is. They don't really get very big at all, and very common around 6-12 inches.they make bait rigs for specifically bullheads too. But always check local regs.
  10. My catalogue is from last year,lol. I had a friend call yesterday and advise me of the new okumas. He neglected to mention a 450!!! Hey on a side note what rod do you recommend for the 16in, line thru 3D trout? I fish several 12in but want to throw the16 so bad. Since I'm getting new reels I might as well get a couple rods too...
  11. For the same reason you "need" a reel that weighs what it does, the same reason you "need" a reel that looks that sharp, and is that exclusive. You don't.lol.I wonder how many of you know what word steez means ( I mean before looking it up on the internet)? Or have honestly ever fished one.i know some of you have but most of of us will never have the opportunity to fish one. i have seen only 1 that was being fished. If I had one I'd fish it all the time, just like if I had a super car, I'd drive it constantly. The steez IS NOT something you "need," it's simply something you want. Is one of those dream reels, like a dream car.
  12. The tatula is the corvette and the steez is the veyron. A lot less common a lot more advanced.i see what your sayin though, same company, upgraded Product. I was just sayin in not so many words that they will both get groceries(catch fish), just so much goes into the other one.
  13. The lews speed spool is built really well, holds up to the abuse. the aetos...I held one a few months ago and was blown away, ended up buying my wife the 3wt fly rod instead. That aetos line is really really neat. Honestly, your entire list looks pretty good...minus the Dobyns, I was sent one recently and really wasn't impressed.sorry dobyns guys.
  14. I had a square bill that I lost a few times...found out that It had a burr on the inside of the eye.lol.
  15. Ok, I'll be the odd man out and try to justify it using your car analogy. The tatula weighs in at about the high end of 7 ounces, the steez around the low end of 5. That's the difference of about...let's see...what's a whopper plopper weight(I picked that cause I'm sure we've all seen or own one,lol)? 1 3/8oz??? If that ain't right, it's close. So the weight difference is kinda big. Now, a viper, or vettez06 will run around 200mph, but getting above 240mph is a completely different story. It requires so many more horsepower for every mph over 240, then gets exponential around 260. A few production cars can do that:2 in particular the Bugatti veyron and the Hennessey venom gt. So much research and technology goes into every mph for those cars. Special paint,engine configurations, components that are super strong but lightweight,and so on. You can get a veyron for about $2,000,000. On top of that, Volkswagen LOOSES a few million on every car but it's their flagship. You sell more passats and golfs when you have the wolds fastest production car(not any more thanks to the venom). So the steez is Diawas flagship. It says "look what our company is capable of." They made it that light without sacrificing quality. There are lighter reels on the market, but they seem to sacrifice components to shed weight. the point is I'd love to have a steez the same way I'd love to have a veyron. Not for any reason other than it's a friggin veyron!
  16. The price is right for what I need them for, and it specs out for my specific needs, BUT has anyone used one? Even if you have used the standard Komodo I'd like to know, or if you have a possible replacement suggestion. Just keep in mind they have to stand up to a lot more abuse then under normal conditions. There's more to this but we will get to that if the thread progresses. Thanks ahead.
  17. Thanks! I think the smaller tiger muskies like this one are prettier than the big ones...I'm way super south tho?
  18. Lol is the savage 3D shine glide, pretty inexpensive as far as glides go, really fun to fish!
  19. Saw your post a bit late but I knew EXACTLY what it was...lol
  20. Yes I do! I thought it was the only size for a long time. Never even saw a 130 until about 3 years ago,lol...but that 130 gets all fish of all sizes...maybe I got a pic here...yep. That is a 130.
  21. Feathers have a tendancy ( not a tendancy...they do)to make the bait a bit more sluggish,and straighten it out. I personally don't use em. I think they are there to...never mind what I think,I don't wanna make everyone mad again,So I digress, I'm sure they have their place. But I feel it doesn't belong on a jerkbait.
  22. Good bye mad mortarman. I made this jerk rise bait myself. Can't see him too well in this pic but I don't have any others on this device but this was the prototype, the first one I did.12 1/2 inches of wooden sadness .i spent months getting this bait to act right, didn't wanna use weights nor a metal tailpiece. This was its maiden voyage. Many repaints and eyeballs later it met its end because I neglected to close a clasp. I waited for half the day walking up and down the shoreline waiting for it to float in. And it never did.
  23. First off I'm not angry, and I have no grudge against bass pro, the problem is someone else did the work and they took it.period. Legally or illegally, it still feels wrong, but that's what kind of world we live in now. second I'm not a pro staffer,lol, but I do fish for a living,but have no r2s logo on my shirt or boat...wait I did buy a jacket a few years ago from them, but I only wear it when it's cold outside. I'm not an advocate for r2s, yes they know me and I know them but so do other lure manufacturers. I just like where the co. is headed third I only fish night crawlers and corn. I fish a lot of different glides and swimbaits, and in that market, subtle differences are big differences. I like to shop small. fourth there are a lot of innovative bait companies out there.but this thread isn't about that.
  24. I draw the line where companies act like moral and ethical boundaries no longer apply to them. R2s didn't just change the material, the redesigned the tail completely to give it its distinct tone.if i wanted to buy a balsa jerkbait I'll get the rapala.and I'm pretty sure most if not all rapalas are patented. So yeah if someone copies them for resale it's absolutely unethical as well as illegal.So if r2s couldn't get or just didn't get a patent, then that's their problem, the unethical piece is that bps was aware they could legally do it, so they did. I'm 99.9% sure r2s was unaware that this happened because they were surprised as well. BUT I don't think we will never know unless r2s stops allowing bps to sell their baits. It's Edison vs. Tesla all over again.
  25. Sure! And what bps did was completely legal! But terribly unethical, and done in the name of profits! I did say "blatant," meaning that they took shape, size, dahlberg tail, and the color schemes almost exactly. Then engaged in a marketing ploy to achieve name recognition calling this particular one the "double down plopper" very similar to the r2s "double plopper" name, solely for the sake of profit, because r2s was moving so many units. on top of that they made them out of cheaper materials.they didn't do the the work, they let someone else do it. They arent filling a void in the market either. I could understand if r2s went under and bps developed a replacement. This is ALL about the money, and very little to do with the angler...almost nothing now that I'm thinking about it except or wallets. And that's sad...But I guess companies don't get that big being ethical.
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