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About waymont

  • Birthday October 1

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Midwest fishing near Chicago.
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Fox River, Small inland lakes in lllinois, Michigan and Wisconsin

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  • About Me
    I enjoy all types of fishing. 

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Community Answers

  1. Nope you don't have to bend the knee to the straight FC posse. I feel the same as you. Braid to a leader is so much better in every situation for me.
  2. I'm right there with you. I had four, two went rough in less than one season, the other two are doing ok.....Unless I have the spool tension up for a slow drop when setting up my reels for casting. Then the reel rough. They are all very sensitive when casting. I have two Steez A's and an A II. They get smoother the more I use them, and they have been WELL USED. Some how my Shimano Aldebaran MG7 reels are still smooth as day one. Who knows why I have problems with newer Shimanos? Had the same issues with my two Curado 70's.
  3. Trilene XL, XT, and McCoy MeanGreen.
  4. I’ve had that issue w Shimano spinning reels too. Not ever one, but a hand full over the years. The original white Stradic had that issue too.
  5. Breaks happen different ways. Jigs flying back on a hookset and hitting the blank, trolling motor in the back seat pinning one, a huge pike eating a chatter bait right at the tip in the water (chomped on the rod itself), doors, unforeseen dings in the blink that have happened.... then a hookset break.
  6. Not sure that's true. It's how the reel is designed. Every one of my Daiwa reels with it work perfectly and never have any issues at all, wind, no wind, casting hard or soft. 99 percent of the times I don't have to touch it. 2 Steez, 2 Steez A, 6 Zillions, 2 Tatulas.
  7. Same, Cache cleared same problem. even going from a google search the same issue is there.
  8. I read it as multiple times in this thread you wrote you didn't drop it, just leaned it against the wall. Implying that the reel is made cheaply and was damaged like that by normal use.
  9. Your reel was damaged by being hit in quite a few spots, regardless of whether you remember doing it. Not too good of a look to blame Daiwa for anything. Your reel was abused beyond normal fishing.
  10. They make a 7'1" Feather ML casting rod.
  11. G Loomis 852 JWR 20lb braid to 12lb FC leader, or 843 MBR 30lb braid to 12 or 15lb FC leader depending on how heavy the cover is. Almost never lose fish with these setups. either 7 or 8 speed reels. I feel like having a faster ration reel allows me to catch up to fish, and get solid hook sets. For me braided line is essential to get the best action, and get solid hook sets. Always use a 3/0 superline EWG gammy hook.
  12. No top water? No chatter bait? No swimbaits? No Swimjigs? No Neds? No cranks in the spring and fall? I think you might be missing out on som fish.
  13. Switch to braid to a leader. I never have the problems you describe when fishing from a kayak. It’s way better for hooksets, and landing fish.
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