A little background. I have recently got into fishing for the first time in about a decade and at that time I was a teenager that fished with a simple ugly stick hand-me-down from my grandfather. When I said I was getting back into this my wife and mother both bought me fishing rods, lol. Long story short is that I ended up with an Ugly stik elite 5'6'' light/"fast" and an Ugly stik gx2 6' medium/(I think it is moderate but it does not say). Now, I still have the ugly stick from my youth and the newer ones are an upgrade but I don't know anything better to make an informed decision. What I can say is that the GX2 feels better with weightless plastics than the old US but something feels wrong. I can not feel if I am moving the bait very well, with a weightless worm, for example. Also, it seems to recover too slowly to give it more than one twitch.
Anyway, I have little experience so I am going off of gut feel and by what I have been reading over the past few months while waiting for the ice to thaw. The ugly sticks do make fine rigs for catfish, carp, and panfish, which is what I fished for in my youth and still enjoy but I would like to try out bass fishing. As I have always been into UL/L panfishing I think that finesse might be the way to go but I could be looking at this wrong. Anyway, I am familiar with things such as jig/worm, drop shot etc as these are similar to how I fished in my youth.
Background out of the way, maybe I can get some advice on what I need to get started. I am more comfortable with a spinning setup for now and have a handful of of president reels laying around, which range from 25-35 size. So something to match one of those reels would be nice. I am looking for something that will do well with weightless plastics such as wacky worms, as well as light T-rig (1/8 and 4") and maybe senkos. Could I get a rod that does this and will work well for cast/retrieve on light jigs or will I need a second rod? I forgot to mention that I will likely be using mono for now until I learn a little more about what I like and how I like to fish.
A few requirements:
Rod length: If 1pc it has to be 6' or less as I can fit nothing larger in my car. 2pc changes things but I would like to stay at or under 7'.
Handle/grip: I seem to prefer the medium to longer handles thus far. It could be my form but there is less fatigue. I like a longer front grip too.
Price: Under $100 as I am still trying to discover what I like and how I want to fish. I can upgrade later if needed.
I apologize in advance for my thoughts being all over the place. I have been doing a lot of reading here and in general and it is overwhelming. When growing up fishing was just tossing a minnow or crawler in the water and waiting for a bite. As well as a little jigging for white bass and crappie. So I am learning all over again. If I need to give any more information to help with the process, please ask as I would be happy to answer and learn. Also, if I need more than one rod for different application, that is fine. However, I would like to keep it to 1-2 rods for now because as I said, I do not know which way I will go and there is so much information to take in. Or maybe I am overthinking this.
As always, thank you in advance for taking the time to read my jumbled thoughts and lend a hand!