I purchased this boat towards the end of Summer last year, finally thought this is a boat I can keep for quite a while. After using it some last fall and more this year, there were several things that bugged me.
1: There were times where I would get a little water in the boat, not much maybe half a gallon for fishing all day. This would happen some days and not others.
2: The covers for the switches would come off or over rotate
3: The was a small soft spot in the main flooring right where you step off the front deck
I figured that most of these I could live with, and wouldn't have to remodel the boat, well about 3 weeks ago my son and I were out fishing and after half hour or so, he snagged his line in a tree, as I went to the back of the boat to help him I noticed water coming over the floor. I was able to get the boat on plain and head towards the access thinking my drain plug came out (I always keep a spare or two). When I reached the dock and jumped out the plug was still there, so I loaded up and headed home. Well long story short the hose on my livewell drain came off the fitting and that is what was filling my boat with water. After trying to reconnect it I found out that the wood under the livewell was rotted out. So now the remodel needs to happen. I'll post up pictures of the progress and notes, here's my plan right now, all new plumbing, wiring, flooring and a updated rod locker with storage tubes.