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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. LMAO! You and I could cause some serious havoc if we were neighbors.
  2. You were gone for 3-4 weeks? Hmm, I thought something smelled better around here
  3. ^^ X2.^^ If anything, you have an increased chance that your door will have the car behind it after one of the "goat" doors has been eliminated.
  4. Someone please add their .02 to my observations with live bait. My obvservation applies to freshwater only and Bass and very well could be a worthless observation. Or perhaps I don't understand what I was observing . I have observed bass swim amongst other smaller bass, bream and various other fish without attacking/eating them. I have used bass for bait (alive) and watched as the larger bass completely ignore all other fish and target my live bait. Why is that? I wonder if a hooked bass emit some sort of distress odor or signal that makes them a tasty treat. My first thought was perhaps the bait appeared vulnerable/weak because it had a hook through it's nose or tail? I've taken bass that weigh a 3/4 pound and barely hooked them with a small bait hook ( and I mean BARLEY) so that there shouldn't have been any restrictions that would prevent them from acting "normal." I then gently return the hooked bass to the water and watch as it swims off in a fashion that appears as normal as the other surrounding fish. For some reason the predator bass will single out the hooked bass over all other unhooked bass and eat it. I have even tossed a hooked bass AND an unhooked bass into the water at the same time and the hooked bass always gets chased down while the unhooked bass is ignored. I'm wanting to believe the hooked bass put out some sort of odor or signal that causes or provokes the larger bass into eating them. Thoughts?
  5. Yo, yo, yo, What up bro? Let me know when you're ready to go use some bass for bait. Remeber that monster?
  6. I tip the pizza guy, chinese food delivery guy and even my lawn guy (his tips are usually watermelon and/or water/beer). I also tip the waitress when I pick up my food on a "to go order." Heck, I even tip the furniture delivery guy. I delivered flowers for my high school ex-girlfriends mom during the holidays many, many years ago. Most of my tips and biggest tips came from middle to lower income people. The least amount of tips I got came from the wealthy (multi millionaires). i'm not saying they're arsholes, just saying they didn't tip good, hahaha. People I don't tip Mailman, not even at Christmas either. Dog groomer. The lady charges too dang much as it is. Garbageman I am a more than generous tipper but I won't tip on booze that the wife orders during dinner. A glass of wine runs 8-10 bucks a glass. The waiter carries it from the bar to the table. Heck, he didn't even pour it. I'll tip on the booze as if it was a 2 dollar pepsi/tea. I also hate forced tips, such as gratuity included with 6 or more persons. The waiter usually would have made more from me without the tip added. (sometimes i'll give more but not always).
  7. The best way to get your bait is with a castnet. You can also use pieces of cut shrimp or squid to catch live sandperch and croaker, but castnetting mullet is the easiest, fastest and most effective.
  8. Bass on a Spook = LOTS of FUN. Your video would be rated XXX if anymore of your crack was showing, LMAO.
  9. I've fished the the West Palm Beach bridges for 35 years and might know a thing or two. I fished the Okeechobee Blvd bridge all the time during Snook season. My personal favorite time to fish the bridge is the last 2 hours of the incoming tide and/or the first two hours of the outgoing tide. I prefer the last 2 hours of the incoming. Why? No reason. I guess I like facing north when I fish, lol. The two most important factors of catching Snook from the bridge are lights and moving water. Dont waste time on slack or dead low tide and don't waste your time if the lights are out (rarley do they burn out). Concentrate on the edge of the shadows. Work your bait along the edge of the shadows, most strikes are going to ocurr there. I prefer live bait, a 8-10' heavy bridge rod and straight 60 pound mono, or #40 mono with "60 momo leader. I like the long rod so I can hoist (flip) the snook up from the water. You can also make a bridge gaff or buy a bridge net. You can use artificial but you will need a bridge gaff or bridge net to get your snook up. I like the Okee bridge better than the Flagler bridge because it's been recently rebuilt. The sidewlk is wider (safer), better lights and easier to fish. But both bridges hold lots of snook and are good to fish. I believe the Flagler bridge is being rebuilt or they are going to build a new bridge next it.
  10. You had quite a day. I'd say you need to add a 50 pound black grouper to your long, respectable list. Perhaps hit th river for some ligt tackle species such as redfish and trout.
  11. Appears you fathered two great kids with a very smart mother . J/K, I'm sure you had a little to do with it too.
  12. ^^^ I yell it every morning out the front door but so far all I've gotten are strange looks from the neighbors.
  13. Yep, lower the standards so kids can be "equal." The same thing is true for the teachers, that's why my son has one who doesn't know the basic English language. Same holds true for law enforcement and many other government jobs.
  14. It's my money and I NEED IT NOW!!
  15. Whatever it is, I'd keep it away from Mr. Johnson.
  16. ^^^ It very well could be the same here in Florida, I just don't know. Perhaps it's ignorance on my part for believing all teachers are academically qualified to teach. I know we have some teachers on here and I wish they would give their input. For what it's worth, I'm in no way bashing any teacher or our school system. It's just unfortunate that this particular teacher may not be as qualified as I would expect to teach. I dislike being negative towards someone who is really trying to excell in their endeavors, but sometimes trying isn't good enough.
  17. You are correct. From what I understand after talking to the principal is pre-k and K teachers do not need the same level of education as other teachers, 2nd grade and up. They need 45 hours of training in basic daycare and I'm sure some other type of formal training. One of my son's teachers (the "lead" teacher) has her BS while the other does not. The BS teacher is on leave to get married, leaving the other, non BS degree teacher to run the class. The lady seems to handle the kids really well and I'm sure she's trying very hard to better herself and advance her education. I just don't know what other mistakes she has made in the classroom. I also understand we're talking pre-k, but, as with any parent, I just want the best for my kid. I guess the best advice I can give myself is to stay personally involved in my son's academics and do not soley rely on the school system or allow the school system to take the place of me. "WE" are the parents and "WE" must stay involved in the development of our children.
  18. Bassn Blvd

    Stun Gun

    Sorry. I didn't mean for it to be as cocky as it sounded.
  19. PART II She did it again! I reviewed my son's paperork before leaving his classroom today to see if the teacher made the same mistake. Again, she wrote "Grate Job!" So, what did I do? I spoke to the teacher in private and asked her who grades the assignments, because there are two teachers assigned to the class. The teacher said she is the one who graded my son's work. I POLITELY told her she used the wrong word to describe something very good and explained the meaning of "great" and "grate." I went home and told the wife the teacher made the same mistake and that I confronted her about it. Now the wife is embarrassed to go to the school because she's affraid I was a SMART ARS to the teacher. I don't know why my wife would think that about me . I also called and spoke to the vice-principal of the school. The vice-principal was more than embarrassed and tried to explain why the teacher made the mistake, which I cannot say on here because It would lead to a political discussion and I would get another warning. Let's just say English is the teacher's second language, BUT she has the "credentials" to teach and she's a very nice person who means well. A part of me feels as though I'm making a big issue out of something small while another part of me feels as though i did the right thing by pointing out the mistake. Kids at four years of age are like sponges and soak up a majority of what is taught to them. I don't want my son to learn the wrong meaning of the word grate.
  20. The teachers are responsible for teaching kids the RIGHT way while the kids are in THEIR classroom.
  21. At some point these ref's are going to need police escorts off the field, haha.
  22. Hahaha, that made me laugh
  23. Bassn Blvd

    Stun Gun

    And why would a stun gun work. Lets see, drunk, homeless panhandler VS. sober family inside a 2000 pound car with windows rolled up. Hmmm, yea, I can see where you were in extreme danger and should have tased the dog snot out of him.
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