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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I have used both Tru-Tungsten and Mattlures. I've caught bass on both but prefer Mattlures. I sold my Tru-Tungsten.
  2. Agreed. A meal is a meal and a bass won't pass up either choice in hopes of finding something better. Ever tried tossing out a pork chop? ;D
  3. I think the word is "prefer." I believe Bass prefer crawdads over anything else but not all bass have access to crawdads. Therefore, I say shad/baitfish are eaten more than crawdads. I think
  4. http://www.mattlures.com/ Try that site. Personally tested and personally caught bass with their products, even the soft bodied bluegill.
  5. Say Whaaaa
  6. Funny because I find that is the one way to run a business WITH OUT forming a pyramid scheme. More on that if you want but lets look at a few things first. Just to clarify a pyramid scheme is a business set up so that all the money funnels up to the people at the top. The people at the bottom are payed the minimum to keep them working with the promise of more money at a later date which they never received. And as for the Snake oil part. If you can name one industry which does not have its fair share rip off products then you need to look around. Lets use the Banjo minnows as an example. Real fishermen know they are not the magic bullets they are promised to be. The Banjo minnows are really just soft plastic jerk baits, so just because they are ripoffs does that mean all soft plastic baits are ripoffs? And please let us remember that MLM is not a product. It is a system of distributing and marketing products. This system can be used by any company even if their products are snake oil. So your blaming the system that the products are bad? Then why don't we blame TV marketing for Banjo minnows being over price crap and not that it is the way they are made which makes them crap. fourbizz and nice_bass Could you please tell me where your coming from. Have you guys bought products from a MLM company or actually be involved in one? What is a "REAL FISHERMAN?" What company doesn't promise their product is good. Sure, they may not use the word "promise" but they attach their product to the names of pro's, giving the purchaser the impression that their product is the best. Why are the minnows a ripoff? They catch fish don't they?
  7. MLM=PYRAMID'S 1. Have been around for YEARS, longer than we have. 2. The only people to get rich are the ones who started it or at the top. 3. Probably the biggest and longest running is Amway. I've know at least a dozen people who ventured into Amway and guess what? NONE ever made it.
  8. Sounds like you forgot to take your Ginko Bilboa. Ginkgo is used for the treatment of numerous conditions, many of which are under scientific investigation. Available evidence demonstrates ginkgo's efficacy in the management of intermittent claudication, Alzheimer's/multi-infarct dementia, and "cerebral insufficiency" (a syndrome thought to be secondary to atherosclerotic disease, characterized by impaired concentration, confusion, decreased physical performance, fatigue, headache, dizziness, depression, and anxiety).
  9. Ooooops, guess I'm off a bit.
  10. I tried reverse psychology. He took me by the finger and led me into his bedroom, saying "come on daddy, play choochoo." I said WHY? He just gave me a dumb stare. ;D
  11. $381,150.00
  12. I have posted quite a bit in the last 2 days since I'm stuck in the house with snot nose, itchy eyes and a sore throat. Here's my question, which doesn't really need an answer. My 2 1/2 year old is on the WHY kick. EVERYTHING is WHY. Son, time for dinner. WHY? Son, I'm sick and can't go outside. WHY? Son, don't stick your fingers up my nose. WHY? Son, go give your mom a hug. WHY? No son, you can't have another choochoo train. WHY? Son, I love you. WHY? I have answered every one of his "whys' with the best, reasonable answer I could come up with over the past month. But, if I hear one more "why" I think I'll stick him the closet. When do the "WHYS" stop?
  13. Wait until his lakes freeze and he can't fish. He might have us all on lock down
  14. Awesome bait, Franco. To answer your question. YES, it has happened to me. I was fishing a rock pit with 15-20+' visibility. I had been catching decent fish all day and decided mix it up by using the u/l with #4 mono and a beetle spin (without the spinner)as a jig. I hooked into a little 6-10 ounce bass. I get this runt about 2-3 feet from the surface and that's when I see JAWS moving in for the kill. I nearly messed in my mess kit. I chose not to let JAWS eat because it would be a waste of time. It would have been instant pop off. I'm guessing JAWS was 10+.
  15. Look dude, I don't think, from what I've seen, you've done anything to make anyone dislike you. That being said, no one likes a person, kid or adult, who constantly runs their mouth. Here are a couple pieces of advice; The more you open your mouth and get involved in too many things, the more likely you will end up ticking someone off. That's in life, not just on forums. Sometimes it's better to be seen, not heard. I suggest you delete this "Do you like me poll" immediately. It is only going to cause problems you don't need. Don't worry if people like you or not. The only person you have to please is yourself. WE don't pay your rent, bills or wash your clothes so don't worry what we think. Make post worthy posts. Post some pictures of your catch, talk about fishing or ask questions about techniques you're unfamiliar with. Talk about anything you want, just don't talk too much. Oh yea, did I mention DELETE this poll/thread.
  16. And by the way, Florida is 3rd in the nation with the most Hispanics. California and Texas are 1 and 2. Illinois is 6th ;D
  17. Uh Oh. That there sounds like a challenge. Perhaps we need to have a "cook off" at the annual BR get together. Break out the MoJo and fire up them . By the way, we're talking about BBQ, not
  18. There are a few points in my original post that may or may not always help. Although, these four are a must. 1. Have a landing net 2. Have a good culling system. 3. Keep ALL fish until you reach your limit. Don't throw away the dinks in hopes of catching a bigger fish. We had an exemption for no size limit. 4. Use a good live well additive. There are a minimum 4 tournaments a month held at Lake Osborne. Weigh in is at the same boat ramp/launch site. There are approximately 60 -125 bass released each tournament, that's up to 500 bass a month. Not all bass will leave the main lake and not all bass will find their way back home. Lake Osborne's main lake (at the ramp) is EXTREMELY pressured with jet skiers and fisherman that don't know much about fishing. Lake Osborne, however, will lead you to 1000's of acres of fishable water such as canals and other lakes. Hawk and I assumed a large portion of the fish had to stay in the main lake after being released, we just didn't know where they went in the lake or how to find them. What Hawk and I found was a PATTERN, or we think we did anyways. Our tournaments started about 1 to 1 1/2 hours before the sun went down (dark). We managed to catch a few before dark but most of our fish, including our fish over 5 pounds, came at or after dark. After fishing and winning in the same spot on back to back times, we recognized the black birds might play a part in our success. We would put over to our spot at launch time and would be lucky to catch 2 bass before dark. On the 3rd tournament we noticed the birds, by the hundreds, would fly to our end of the lake and sit in the cat tails/bull rushes. The birds weren't diving into the water but would just sit in the bush and sing. This would last for about an hour EVERYTIME at sundown. Where the birds came from, I don't know but this area seemed to be their home for the night. Whenever the birds arrived is when we started to catch fish and the bites continued well into the night, even after the singing. I'm sure the singing/chirping had nothing to do with the "bite" turning on but I do believe the birds had something to do with it. Now, I fished the same spot at sunrise and into the late morning on three different occasions and guess what, no fish. Guess what else? No birds. Anyways, our theory is just that, a theory. Could it be coincidence? Sure. But, we placed in the top three 9 times in a row fishing our spot based on the birds. The only other boat to fish the main lake ALL NIGHT finished 1st for the year with most weight. They anchored in a spot about 250 yards from me and they too found a pattern that worked for them. For those of you who fish small, local tournaments, don't overlook the release points from previous tournaments. Don't be afraid to hang back and fish the main lake, even if you're the only one there. Also, find a pattern and stick with it. The End. Tight lines and good luck!
  19. I say we intentionally get this thread closed just so we can see which one he chose. Lets talk about sex, drugs and religion. Anyone want to buy a my gun
  20. I'm adding my last 2. Steve Perry And toss up between Stevie Nicks and Bonnie Rait.
  21. They don't grill, they sit and order. ;D
  22. "Critique My Gear" That should be left for someone other than your fishing buddies.
  23. Freddy Mercury, Mick Jagger and Bob Dylan
  24. Now we need some snow. or some mud.
  25. That makes no sense. How can you cook it too fast and too long?? I think you may have cooked it a little longer than normal. Possibly your heat is too high, causing it to look done, but its really not on the inside, so when you leave it on longer it loses its juices, and becomes rubbery/chewy You answered it yourself. Now go back to the kitchen and stick with your grilled cheese or PB&J. Kids,geeeeesh ;D
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