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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. No prob. I just got home from work so I'm going fishing for an hour or so.
  2. I was wondering the same thing. I'm also experiencing super slow response.
  3. S.Fl.BassAddict, Yea, my cold is over but I still have a little cough and stuffy nose. I had to get out last night when I got home from work, it was too nice of a night to pass up. I have used the the next size larger Lake Fork but find this size to work a little better. I have a hard time finding hooks for the bigger size. I believe I was using a 7/0 with them but the 7/0's hooks have too much weight on them. As far as critters go. I scanned the ground with my flashlight pretty good before standing in one spot. I also don't walk next to trees because I hate spider webs and spiders. I
  4. S.Fl.BassAddict, Yea, my cold is over but I still have a little cough and stuffy nose. I had to get out last night when I got home from work, it was too nice of a night to pass up. I have used the the next size larger Lake Fork but find this size to work a little better. I have a hard time finding hooks for the bigger size. I believe I was using a 7/0 with them but the 7/0's hooks have too much weight on them. As far as critters go. I scanned the ground with my flashlight pretty good before standing in one spot. I also don't walk next to trees because I hate spider webs and spiders. I
  5. I went down to the lake this evening, 1230am, for a little night fishing. I fished for about an hour an a half and caught a few from the bank. Nothing spectacular but quite enjoyable. My photography is horrible so some of the fish look a little weird. Bait used- Lake Fork Magic Shad. DETAILS Water visibility- 6-8 feet. Type line- braid, no mono leader. Depth fish caught- from 1'-15' Was I afraid of the gators and snakes?- No. Too busy having fun to worry about them. Afraid of the Boogie Man?- Only when I thought about him. Did I shower before getting in bed with the wife? Heck no ;D. Am I going again tomorrow night? Probably. Can you come with me? NO
  6. The bottom line is GO FISHING WHENEVER YOU CAN. Unless it's below 50 degrees outside.
  7. The bottom line is GO FISHING WHENEVER YOU CAN. Unless it's below 50 degrees outside.
  8. The bottom line is GO FISHING WHENEVER YOU CAN. Unless it's below 50 degrees outside.
  9. I'm not saying you won't/can't catch fish in those conditions but they do, in fact, play a big role in your success, or lack of. I think (probably totally wrong) those conditions play a bigger role on areas that have steadier weather, such as Florida. Bass don't experience cold weather down here except for maybe a few days/weeks out of the year. So, when they do, they tend to shut down and fishing becomes a lot tougher.
  10. I'm not saying you won't/can't catch fish in those conditions but they do, in fact, play a big role in your success, or lack of. I think (probably totally wrong) those conditions play a bigger role on areas that have steadier weather, such as Florida. Bass don't experience cold weather down here except for maybe a few days/weeks out of the year. So, when they do, they tend to shut down and fishing becomes a lot tougher.
  11. I'm not saying you won't/can't catch fish in those conditions but they do, in fact, play a big role in your success, or lack of. I think (probably totally wrong) those conditions play a bigger role on areas that have steadier weather, such as Florida. Bass don't experience cold weather down here except for maybe a few days/weeks out of the year. So, when they do, they tend to shut down and fishing becomes a lot tougher.
  12. I didn't know this wasn't real as soon as I read it and I told a bunch of people. I feel stupid. X2, but I only told one person so I'm not AS stupid.
  13. HAHAHA, nice try.
  14. Ridiculous! If that was said, then don't believe everything you read.
  15. and addition
  16. I wonder how many times he backlashed during filming.
  17. At least he can catch a fish to post.
  18. No belt. He was playing around and tried biting my shirt tail. He just grabbed a little too much. Besides, he felt pretty bad after I yelled.
  19. Why do you need gloves? Because of the cold? What type of fish are you referring to? You don't need to handle the fish to take it off your hook and release it. Simply grab the bass by the lower lip, pull bass out of water, unhook bass with other hand while holding it by lower lip, return fish to water. No need to give bass a MASSAGE before releasing. If you feel as though you must pet your fish, then I don't think you're going to remove anymore slime from the fish by stroking it once or twice than it would lose by flopping on your boat deck or shore.
  20. I'm kind of on the fence. I agree with the first couple responses by asking the boat captain if he minds. Then again, if it's during a tournament, then I'd probably say no. Especially if it's a draw tourny and we're complete strangers. I consider myself a pretty good fisherman and can usually find fish, even in lakes I've never fished and I have never used or owned a GPS.
  21. And if it's fill in the blank then the answer is who gives a cra*. ;D
  22. My 2yr old was giving me a hug and hanging from my waist while I drug him across the floor. All of a sudden I was screaming like a little girl and cursing like a sailor. The little sht bit me through my shirt, shorts, underwear and right on the tip of my worm. Not only did he make IT bleed but he also left a tooth mark. :'( At the time, I didn't think it was funny. In fact, it was quite painful. The Wife, however, dang near peed her pants from laughing. Being kicked, punched and kneed in the "no fly zone" is one thing, but being bitten takes it to a whole different level.
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