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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Would that be a hat?
  2. I couldn't think of a better spot for a DAIWA, hahahaha.
  3. LMAO, I haven't written a traffic ticket in more than 15 years. There's just something about going into a strange apartment/house in a bad part of town to buy dope. You go inside by yourself only to find multiple thugs inside. They lock the door after you enter and challenge you if you're a cop or not. Major adrenaline rush. You'd also be surprised how many cops are killed during a traffic stop.
  4. I took my wife Snook fishing ONCE. I had to carry her chair, soda, snack, video game and book- trip lasted all of 10 minutes, haha. She won't go in the boat for a lovely boat ride either. She's affriad I'll tip her out,
  5. Awesome day indeed! Perhaps you could tie a hospital bed to the bumper of your SUV and trailer your wife along so you can get out more often, LMAO. Seems like you were rewarded well for all your hard work.
  6. Has to be somewhat good with a name like "SuperCaster INVADER."
  7. Ahh, they'll be back. Hopefully, I haven't missed the best part of the year for surf fishing.
  8. Way to go, Stu. I could cook up quite a few Snook nuggets outta her. Have the Pompano/Bluefish arrived?
  9. I look at it like this- If I wasn't your friend in high school, then chances are I don't want to be your friend now. Rhino, Have no fear. I'm your friend.
  10. Man up and just deal with. All kidding aside, blood clots in the leg are NOTHING to play with and can be very serious.
  11. Bassn Blvd


    She said I would have a good time. I just didn't expect it to be over so soon
  12. Depression? Perhaps she's hiding it while you're at work and while around yall's son.
  13. Absolutely correct. You should always have a rod and a chunk of bait within arms reach. Pre-cut your bait for chum. Keep your schoolie in the water and throw a few pieces of chunk bait in the water. Not a lot, just a few pieces.
  14. I have to get the "YOU SUCK AT PARKING" business cards.
  15. Winner winner, chicken dinner!
  16. Thoughts and prayers for your sister and family sent.
  17. Good luck , friend. I hope the nurses/doctors don't do nasty things to you while you're under. Na, they wouldn't do that. Or would they?
  18. You crack me up Raider. I like your style, lol. I don't give money to the median pan handlers. There are better ways of helping them out then giving money. Most in my area are either crack heads or alcoholics, neither of which I will contribute to. I'll hand'em some food or clothing, but not money.
  19. Use your rod to flip the fish into the boat and not your hand, unless you're using heavy leader AND GLOVES. IMO, if the fish is big enough to keep then gaff it. Learn to gaff in the head so you don't ruin the meat with a big hole in smaller fish. Floating debrit is often key to finding dolphin. I think you were wasting your time for dolphin in 70 foot of water though. Look for color change in the water and troll along the change next time if your finder is broken.
  20. Haha, that's why the Okee bridge is better suited for fishing. The sidewalke is wider and the lanes are wider. Much safer than the other bridge, but both hold plenty of snook. I fish the forst two lights on either end of the bridge. I get dizzy fishing from the draw span. I hate heights and get anxiety hanging over the edge, looking down at the ripples on the water. My mind starts to wonder and I feel like I'm going to fall in. LOL, i'm such a puss.
  21. That set up will work just fine throwing plugs and jigs, even if it is a Daiwa, hahaha.
  22. The flood gates into the Palm Beach canal have been open for over 3 weeks straight now.
  23. It has alot to do with the topic if bass give off scent when in distress and If that scent could be duplicated into a product. I didn't imagine barely skin hooking a 3/4-1 pound bass with a thin wired, 2/0 or smaller hook and #10 mono would have a significant impact on their bevavior.
  24. Sam, The reason I was thinking Bass put off a scent or distress signal is because I've caught small bass and have had BIG bass follow them in trying to eat'em. Strange, but I've seen bass trying to eat other bass darn near their same size. I've lowered hooked bass as live bait into the water (hooked in the body, not mouth). The hooked bass located and joined a nearby group of bass. The hooked bass hovered motionlessly just like the other non-hooked bass. The hooked bass just sorta "hung out" with the others as if he wasn't hooked. The hooked bass displayed no signs of distress or weakness, to what I as a human could tell. The BIG bass would come cruising in and automatically target the hooked bass, as if she knew the hooked bass would be an easy target, even though it did not display any signs of weakness. I began thinking that the BIG bass was alerted to the hooked bass by some sort of scent the hooked bass was giving off. Perhaps the scent is only given off when the bass is in distress? Kind of like humans will sweat when nervous.
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