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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. You are absolutely correct, Tyrius. I apologize. Let me rephrase my incorrect response. "This is the world that we've lived in for decades. The risk of it actually happening is so small as to be basically zero." No, the risk of someone blowing up a plane is NOT basically ZERO.
  2. Last I checked, my kid took the bus straight to school. Haven't seen him board a plane to get to school yet. And since he hasn't you're changing the subject for some unknown reason. I'm not changing anything. Perhaps I misread your post, but you said "This is the world that we've lived in for decades. The risk of it actually happening is so small as to be basically zero." I used the school reference just to show you that more goes on in our country than the general public knows about.
  3. SirSnookalot has the idea. "If you don 't like the pat down, then don't fly." I don't fly because I'm a big, scaredy cat. But if I did, I wouldn't worry about the patdown. I would be more concerned about the recruitment of terrorists who have easy access to the plane, like the pilot. Terrorist don't always look like what you "typically" think they look like.
  4. This is the world that we've lived in for decades. The risk of it actually happening is so small as to be basically zero. Also, the TSA is a joke. Their security is designed to make it appear that their doing something when in actuality they provide little security at all. As an example, my wife has a metal rod in her tibia (broke it falling of the ice) and she's been through the airport METAL detectors 4 times and the metal rod was never detected. This isn't a small bit of metal either. Don't hold your breath on that statement. There are MANY school shootings that NEVER hit the news. There are MANY prevented terrorist attacks that go unreported to the public as well.
  5. Okeechobee has a BIG ARS bottom though. ;D
  6. A 100 worm bag equates to just under .25 cents a worm. If that worm doesn't produce for you the way you expect it to then buy a different product. Good Lord, don't ever consider buying Gary Yamamoto brand Senkos. I just bought 3 packs of 10 today at over 6 bucks a bag. Also, Zoom 9 1/2 inch worm is roughly 3.5 cents cheaper than Mann's new price.
  7. Was she hot? ;D
  8. Glenn, are those a set of Rocky Mountain oysters in the crisper? ;D ;D
  9. LOL, I was thinking the same thing.
  10. You can get my Daiwa Sol and Loomis crankbait rod for 330 shipped. Excellent condition.
  11. Here's a contest just for you. Try and lick your elbow. ;D
  12. Bassn Blvd


    I have the following; 2 Glock .40's model 22. .38 Smith Wesson airweight revolver Benelli semi-auto tactical shotgun (Love this gun) Bushmaster AR-15 All guns are strategically placed throughout the house to combat intruders and safeguard my fishing gear.
  13. LOL, never a dull moment.
  14. Put down your pens, TIME IS UP! We have TWO WINNERS , out of 2 entries :'(. Therefore, I do not find it necessary to put the only two submissions up for a vote, so both winners will split the prize equally. Congratulations to BASSclary and Packman for taking the time to participate in this contest. Here are the essays BASSclary and Packman took the time to compose. 1) If I wrote a story about something I have enjoyed my whole life this essay would be countless pages long. I am not the best at the sport by all means but I am also not the worse. My father and uncle were the main people in my life that taught me everything I know about fishing. My uncle taught me a lot at a early age because my father worked a lot. My dad bass fished in tournaments for many years which meant he had great experience and could teach me almost everything I needed to know, and he did. After many years of bass fishing he got burnt out on the sport, and picked up bow hunting. It wasn't until about five years after we started hunting every single weekend, I was tired of hunting and in search of a new sport. Well, I found my true addiction, BASS FISHING. My dad still did not want to pick up bass fishing again because he said it just wasn't fun anymore. I thought how is it possible that fishing could not be fun anymore? Well after I heard this my main goal was to get my dad back into bass fishing. After a couple years of going fishing with my best friend and his grandfather I new this was my sport, and I wanted to start fishing competitively. I talked to my dad about joining a Christian bass club that paired non riggers with riggers so we did not need a boat. He thought about if for a couple days and said ok. Not knowing any of the MODERN techniques I taught him for a change. We have now been apart of this club for two months and he would much rather fish that hunt, mission accomplished. Now this is were all of the very smart people on bass resource come in handy. Every week before each tournament I do research on here to see techniques that people have been using and try them out. Most of the time these techniques produce some quality fish! Although I have not beat my dad yet in a tournament I still have a ton of fun! And I know I will beat him sooner or later because I have a connection with the worlds largest fishing information website! AND 2) Bassin' To Me. What is bass fishing? For every person there is a different answer. Bass fishing to me is something that brought me and my father closer together. Bass fishing to me is not only a sport, but a way of life. Bass fishing has also given me a positive addiction. It has also given me social skills, that I may not have otherwise developed. BassResource.com has also done nothing but help me along the path of bass fishing When I was probably 8 or so, my grandfather took me and my dad out to the Shenandoah River, to fish. Before that day, I had probably never fished. We floated down the river for about 6 hours, and I had nothing but a blast, catching plenty of (what I thought at the time) huge fish. I had probably nailed 15 or so, and I was completely stoked. Now that I replay this scene in my head, this is probably the moment when I became addicted to bass fishing. Later that year, Christmas morning, I got my very own first combo and tackle box, an Ugly Stik combo and a Plano Satchel box. Fishing has also brought me and my father closer, which we had never really been before. Yeah, we watched NASCAR together, rooted for the Cowboys, and did plenty of things together, but we never really had that one thing that clicked us together so to speak. It became our one true bond. After I got my pole for Christmas, my dad went to get a combo for himself, and a Plano box. About a week later, we packed the cooler, and headed out to the local river shore. Headed out with only a few soft plastics and some ball head jigs, we had nothing short of a hay day! We had each caught a few decent sized fish, and immediately developed a common bond for life. Fishing has given me and my father something to always look forward too, even though those chances come few and far between due to his work schedules, which is important, because I hardly get to see him much as I would like, due to him working two jobs. This sport, or more like way of life, has also completely engulfed me. I think I have spent more of my free time, and money, on fishing than I care to admit. Any chance I can get to the water, I will go to the water. I have once walked four and a half miles to fish, because I had no ride to get to the lake. I can tell this bug has bitten me, because I spend so much time in the fishing sections at places like DICKS, Gander Mountain, WAL-MART and Bass Pro Shops, I've had my parents literally drag me out. Bass fishing is also my positive addiction, while other kids may be addicted to drugs or crime; I'm out tossing a lure, and trying to outsmart a little green fish. Some kids may be hooked on smoking, but I'll always be hooked into a nice pig. Why I am I addicted to bass fishing? That question is like Mr. Owl asking How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Obviously, the world may never know. Maybe it's the sight of the slow rolling fog engulfing the lake on an early summer morning. Maybe it's the peaceful view of beautiful birds soaring in the sky. Maybe it's the challenge of making a seemingly genius fish bite your lure, or maybe it's the sheer peacefulness of being outdoors. For me, it's all of the above. Being out on the water just has a serene, trance-like effect on me. I could be out there for hours, not say a word, and just take in my surroundings. Mother Nature is truly a gorgeous thing to see and comprehend; it's almost unbelievable, and uncomprehendable. But why just take in nature? I want to be in contact with a fish, no matter what kind, by a rod, reel, line, and lure. To me, there is no better high than setting the hook into a nice fat largemouth, because I know inside, that I fooled a fish, a fish that has probably seen thousands of lures, into biting my lure. That truly is something special to me, and something I want to cherish, and remember for my life. Bassin' has also helped my social skills. I don't know if I would be the person I am today, without the love for a green little fish. Before I started fishing, you could say I was a crab. I was laconic, and didn't say much. But bass fishing really has changed that for the better. Often, due to my dad working two jobs, so my mom would just sit in the car and read, and I would be off to try and catch some fish. Often times I would struggle. Never catching a fish, and as if rubbing salt in my wounds, others would be hauling them in as fast as the line hit the water. I knew I had to talk to them to see what they were doing right, and what I was doing wrong. Before I knew it, I would be enthralled in conversations about fishing, telling jokes, and of course talk about the monster fish we caught, whether that fish was real or not. From then on, I could walk up to anybody and strike up a conversation, whether it's about fishing, or not. Bass Resource has also done numbers for my fishing abilities. This year was probably the first year of serious fishing for me. Before, I'd just toss a few plastics, maybe some live bait, and hope for a bite. This year, I changed that. I started using new lures and techniques; so I started reading the articles. They have taught me so much about bass fishing, I thought my brain would explode, but the learning didn't stop there. I had questions. Not all of these questions were answered in the articles so I went from being a long time lurker, to a forum member. Everybody gladly answered all my questions, and treated me as their own. The one thing about Bass Resource that's different than other forums is that Bass Resource is more like a tight knit family, that is always growing and accepting anybody who wants to become a part of it. I can honestly say, everybody has made me feel welcome, which along with the great amount of knowledge at Bass Resource, has brought me back to your site over and over again. Bass fishing has done wonders for me. Bass fishing has given me and my father a superglue strength bond that will never be broken. Bass fishing has given me my first love. Bass fishing has engulfed my life. Bass fishing has accepted me with arms wide open. Bass fishing has given me a hobby, and a positive addiction. Bass fishing has given me social skills. Bass Resource has given me the tools I need to be the best angler I can be, and the Bass Resource family will always be there for my questions, and I will be there for others' questions too. Also, bass fishing has emptied my wallet! Thanks again for this opportunity Bassn Blvd!
  15. Make that 59 - 21
  16. 42 - 14
  17. Let me look in the attic. I had tons of thread in various colors and sizes from when I used to wrap. I'll see what I kind find, but don't get too exited, I may have tossed it out. Just don't waste your time using sewing thread.
  18. That's GRRRREAT! Are you still the only member in your club ? Just kidding with ya .
  19. I hear ya. My neighborhood is the same way. They do a good jog keeping the common area nice but are a pain in the ars when it comes to the house. I bet the fishing will be explosive today. I bet we would get at least a couple 4-6 pounders. Hmmm, the thought of sitting home on a day like this kills me. Besides, what the HOA doing out on Sunday. Leave the gate open and tell them to inspect without you. LET'S GO FISHING!
  20. Then lets go! Screw the HOA, they're a pain in the ars.
  21. Boynton Inlet? How has the evening bite been?
  22. You do not need a hunting, freshwater fishing or saltwater fishing license or a *Florida waterfowl, deer, turkey, snook, spiny lobster, archery season, crossbow season, muzzle-loading season, deer or management area permit if... * You are a child under 16 years of age. (Also exempt from federal duck stamp requirements.) * You are a Florida resident age 65 or older possessing proof of age and residency or possessing a Resident Senior Citizen Hunting and Fishing Certificate. Residents age 65 or older may obtain, at no cost, complimentary hunting and fishing certificates from county tax collectors' offices. * You hunt or freshwater fish in your county of residence on your homestead or the homestead of your spouse or minor child, or if you are a minor child hunting or freshwater fishing on the homestead of your parent. * You are a Florida resident certified as totally and permanently disabled and you possess a Florida Resident Disabled Person Hunting and Fishing Certificate. * You are a resident who is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, you are not stationed in this state, and you are home on leave for 30 days or less, upon submission of orders. * Effective Aug. 1, 2009 - You are a resident who is fishing with live or natural bait, using poles or lines that are not equipped with a fishing-line-retrieval mechanism, and you are fishing for noncommercial purposes in your home county. However, you must have a valid fishing license to fish by any method in a fish management area. The above exemptions are for Florida, but imagine WV has a very similar exemption. Now don 't kill me for saying this, but you did what you were supposed to do. You informed the clerk how to properly do his job. You saved yourself from a ticket/fine by not taking the exemption when you didn't qualify for it. I personally think you should be exempt in every state as long as you're on active duty during war time, regardless of where you're stationed.
  23. I have a seat open for today around 2-230 at the south end of lox if anyone interested. Won't cost you a dime. Besides, Dolphins are going to lose so you might as well come fishing. I'll check back periodically to see if there's any takers. Speak up if you're going to be out there in your boat and we can maybe hook up. I'll be in a red 19' Tracker.
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