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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. People who purchased tickets prior to November 1st and then were subject to the search did NOT have any choice. They did not know that the searches would involve inappropriate touching. Now, here's how screwed up the whole process is. So, person A shows up and security tells them that they have to go through the scanner. They say they opt out and want manual screening. Then they go to get the manual screening and surprise, they're going to get felt up. That passenger can not legally choose NOT to go through with the search nor can he change his mind and go through the machine scanner. If he leaves the airport without going through the TSA security search then he will be subject to an $11,000 fine! It's ILLEGAL to leave the airport security area without clearing through all of the security procedures. How's that for choices? And that answers your question of "At what point is the gov't forcing the search of an individual." Really? I'm not doubting you, yet, but I did not know that. Like I said before, I do not fly so I'm somewhat ignorant as to what goes on at the airport. How can you not leave the airport without going through security when you didn't go through security to enter the airport? What is the federal or state statute for refusing to board your flight because you don't want to be searched? Glenn said it right. The people doing the search should be the same sex as the person they"re searching. They should also have schooling on proper search techniques.
  2. There are currently NO instances, except the new airport security policy, where gov't authorities have the authority to touch you wherever they want without, at the VERY LEAST, probable cause. It simply doesn't exist. This new policy is a drastic change in what the gov't is allowed to do to random law abiding citizens. Ah, but is the search consensual? Isn't the customer allowing the search of his person in order to board the property of another? The customer has the right to refuse such search and walk to his destination. At what point is the gov't forcing the search of an individual. Here's an example. You're broke down on the side of the road and desperately need a ride. A police officer stops to assist and offers you a ride. You accept the ride. The police officer tells you that he must search you and your belongings before getting into the patrol car for your ride. Question: Is that search forced? Can't you refuse the search? Does the officer HAVE to give you a ride? Isn't my scenario the same as the airports search of passengers?
  3. Thanks for the advice. I have a gastroentologist that did my colonoscopy. I will call them when they open if the pain doesn't go away. LOL, I came home from work tonight with a tube of Preparation H and asked the wife if she would be so king to apply it for me. She said, without hesitation, "if you need me to I will." God bless her, she's definitely a keeper. I didn't let her though.
  4. Dan, I hear ya, but they have the right to refuse the search. I wouldn't care about the screening. Hey, here's an idea. Do you ever go to the mall and people watch? Sometimes I'll sit in the corridor and people watch while the wife shops. You see some STRANGE people. How fun would it be to go to the airport and people watch while they get scanned and prodded? I bet you'll pee your pants from laughing at some of the people pitching a fit. ;D ;D
  5. Because you are physically unable to due to access or some other limitation, or because you don't want to? I think your doctor could probably offer the best advice, unless that is truly not an option- In which case I would use ice, avoid lifting heavy objects, try to manage your stools (avoid constipation) and use an OTC cream. Disclaimer: Keep in mind I am not a health provider and this advice should not be taken as the advice of a professional, these are simply some things I read and have seen work for others. If at all possible, you really should consult your doctor for the best advice. Too embarrassing for a hemorrhoid.
  6. Thank you.
  7. Ain't that just my luck.. I ordered $150 worth of stuff yesterday (Sunday). :'(
  8. Have you ever had them or know what they are? I gave birth to what was comparable to a 20 pound pumpkin with thorns. No itchy or burning sensation, but my rear end ACHES something terrible. Can't hardly walk, much less sit down for the past 10 hours. Something feels swollen inside there. Could it be a hemorrhoid? It was quite embarrassing asking the pharmacist if I should get Preparation H, with or without aloe. No way I can go to the doctor.
  9. I'm originally from Jax but currently reside in Palm Beach or I would go with ya. Lots of bass in the St. John's. Anyway, welcome aboard! P.S. Are you sure your real screen name isn't BASSclary. BASSclary, is this you playing a joke on us by disguising yourself as a 25 year old girl wanting to go fishing AND will have doing it? :-?
  10. I'm originally from Jax but currently reside in Palm Beach or I would go with ya. Lots of bass in the St. John's. Anyway, welcome aboard! P.S. Are you sure your real screen name isn't BASSclary. BASSclary, is this you playing a joke on us by disguising yourself as a 25 year old girl wanting to go fishing AND will have doing it? :-?
  11. I'm originally from Jax but currently reside in Palm Beach or I would go with ya. Lots of bass in the St. John's. Anyway, welcome aboard! P.S. Are you sure your real screen name isn't BASSclary. BASSclary, is this you playing a joke on us by disguising yourself as a 25 year old girl wanting to go fishing AND will have doing it? :-?
  12. I'm originally from Jax but currently reside in Palm Beach or I would go with ya. Lots of bass in the St. John's. Anyway, welcome aboard! P.S. Are you sure your real screen name isn't BASSclary. BASSclary, is this you playing a joke on us by disguising yourself as a 25 year old girl wanting to go fishing AND will have doing it? :-?
  13. There could be, but when airports are evacuated and planes are diverted news agencies pick that up and report it. I vaguely remember a few airport evactuations - Newark for leaving a secure door open, another one where a "non-passenger" entered through the exit, a couple for mysterious packages. Even if all of these are included the risks are still incredibly small. 29,000 passenger flights per day is a lot of flights!!! If the plot is stopped prior to the airport then the airport security did not enter into that instance and it is not counted. BINGO! That is what I was trying to say about the public not always being informed of a threat. Simply because the threat was stopped prior to reaching the airport. Thanks for finding a simple way to say what I was trying to say but wasn't able to say what I wanted to say ;D ;D ;D
  14. Warrantless searches have been categorized into the "unreasonable" part of "unreasonable search and seizures" within the 4th amendment yet automobile searches do not require warrants. In some cases ie: drunk driver check points, police are allowed to stop drivers without even probable cause, all in the name of safety. Really? What cracker jack school of law did you go to? You might want to read Delaware V. Prouse before you make false statements. No law school, just a semester of Criminal Procedures class. What about Carroll vs. United States, then? And how do you defend the legality of DUI check points? Carroll allows searches based on probable cause instead of having to get a warrant. DUI check points don't require either last time I checked. Both are exceptions to the 4th Amendment, are they not? You said you do not need a search warrant to search an automobile. The Carroll Doctrine allows the search of an automobile based on probable cause that the officer believes to contain a particular item. This, however, does not allow for an entire search of the car. You have to look at United States v. Ross. Ross defines the permissible scope of the search. In other words, if the police have probable cause to believe you are transporting illegal aliens, then they may search the vehicle where the aliens could be concealed, thus eliminating the glove box or a suitcase from being searched. If contraband was found in the glove box during the search for illegal aliens then the case would without a doubt be thrown out. The reason why the law is more relaxed with automobiles is because automobiles have a lesser expectation of privacy than a residence. A warrantless search of a motor vehicle is permissible in some cases, but not without probable cause. Additionally, there are times you cannot search a motor vehicle without a warrant, even if you have probable cause. As far as DUI checkoints go, The courts have set aside four factors that must be present in order to establish DUI checkpoints. Police cannot randomly pull you over and say they are stopping you to see if you're drunk. The police have to follow certain guidelines set forth by that states supreme court in order to conduct a DUI checkpoint. And yes, police need probable cause to search your car at a DUI checkpoint.
  15. It doesn't matter if you're flying on a private plane or a gov't plane the passenger has to pass through security and that security is mandated by the federal gov't. As such, it is a gov't action. So, the police have the authority to randomly pull you over, order you out of your car, and pat you down (including every inch of your body)? No probable cause is needed to pull you over or to order the search? The truth is they don't have that authority so your analogy is false. Not completely true. There are several airports in my county that you can drive up to the runway, park your car and get into an airplane, jet. ZERO security check. Granted there are no commercial flights.
  16. Has anyone watched the documentary "Obsession?" I suggest watching it. Here's a clip. http://www.obsessionthemovie.com/ \ Pay attention to .35 - 45.
  17. Tyrius, You said the following "And so are the attempts. There have been what 3 attempts since 9/11?" How do you know that? Because it was advertised in the news. All I'm saying is that attempts are not always advertised to the public, therefore there could be more than three. I'll somewhat concede and agree with you that the odds are in the passengers favor of not being blown up on any given flight, but I'll wager my ham sandwich that those odds are dropping.
  18. Warrantless searches have been categorized into the "unreasonable" part of "unreasonable search and seizures" within the 4th amendment yet automobile searches do not require warrants. In some cases ie: drunk driver check points, police are allowed to stop drivers without even probable cause, all in the name of safety. Really? What cracker jack school of law did you go to? You might want to read Delaware V. Prouse before you make false statements.
  19. I'm for profiling too. There's a big difference between profiling and racial profiling.
  20. I've only flown twice in my adult life, but are these new x-ray machines government imposed?
  21. The risk of someone blowing up a plane is much higher than the event actually happening. What I'm failing to get across is there have been MANY attempts of destruction that were stopped without the general public's knowledge. I'm not going to argue your stats because I'm not going to take the time to research the data, but you are comparing ACTUAL bombings to the number of flights in a given year, which are low. What you fail to take into consideration is the number of ATTEMPTS that have occurred, which you more than likely won't read about. If these "attempts" hadn't been stopped then your stats wouldn't look like it won't ever happen. Additionally, your stats are based on what has or hasn't occurred in the past. Times are changing, or should I say have changed, to the point where more drastic measures have to be taken to protect your safety. If the threat hasn't increased, then there wouldn't be the need for additional security. In fact, since your stats indicate there isn't likely to be a bombing but in 1/150,000,000 flights, then why not just do away with ALL security since it is unlikely that YOU won't be on that flight.
  22. Thanks in advance for the nightmare
  23. The SI is cool, but can it really beat this? Don[ch65533]t just cast - Blast 10, 20, 30 feet with the touch of a button. Fishing rocks with the Rocket Fishing Rod featuring rocket launch casting system, telescopic extension, max cast indicator, patented hook hiding bobber that hides the hook until it hits the water, a secret compartment for weights and lures and a safety release, so it only launches when you're ready! Fishing has never been so fun and easy! No more crazy casting, just pump, aim, launch and hit your mark every time
  24. The SI is cool, but can it really beat this? Don[ch65533]t just cast - Blast 10, 20, 30 feet with the touch of a button. Fishing rocks with the Rocket Fishing Rod featuring rocket launch casting system, telescopic extension, max cast indicator, patented hook hiding bobber that hides the hook until it hits the water, a secret compartment for weights and lures and a safety release, so it only launches when you're ready! Fishing has never been so fun and easy! No more crazy casting, just pump, aim, launch and hit your mark every time
  25. The SI is cool, but can it really beat this? Don[ch65533]t just cast - Blast 10, 20, 30 feet with the touch of a button. Fishing rocks with the Rocket Fishing Rod featuring rocket launch casting system, telescopic extension, max cast indicator, patented hook hiding bobber that hides the hook until it hits the water, a secret compartment for weights and lures and a safety release, so it only launches when you're ready! Fishing has never been so fun and easy! No more crazy casting, just pump, aim, launch and hit your mark every time
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