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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Tom Selleck AKA Magnum could have pulled it off or Kurt Russell AKA Snake Plissken
  2. Do you think he was in a hurry? ;D ;D
  3. Fourbizz needs to be banned from here for 2 weeks or go 3 months without using a swimbait for making the following comment. > "You gotta love the Duke, but he was a crap actor who played in the most cliche and boring movies EVER. Yep, I said it."
  4. Does that mean they're pumping all that crud and run off into the Indian River Lagoon?
  5. Leave the lure tied on for a while and see how brittle your knot becomes. I must say though, I have tried MANY flouro's and InvizX would be my choice. That being said, I don't use flouro. I really haven't found a situation where I need it . If you're fishing an area where your line is getting noticeably dirty, then you don't need it either .
  6. Santa Clause will definitely be skipping your house for making me listen to that.
  7. Here's my update, if anyone cares to hear it ;D I used the Preparation H before going to bed and woke up feeling better. Not totally better, but better. That night, I had to go #2 and it was like ripping a scab off. Believe me, I DID NOT want to go. Used the medicine again a few more times and all seems to be getting better as the days pass. I think I figured out what was wrong, aside from being extremely constipated. I had gone for a stress test and they injected me with a radioactive dye. I believe the injection caused me to be unusually constipated, thus causing me to overly push and develop a hemorrhoid. Anesthesia can and will cause your bowels to get all messed up. Thanks for all the concern and I still plan on going to the doctor just as a precaution.
  8. Anyone can dress like a nun and not ALL grandmas are nice. Never let your guard down just because YOU think they look innocent.
  9. No doubt Jeff is a good actor and he has been in some very good movies. I have a very strong feeling that I will have enjoyed the movie much better if Wayne wasn't in the first one. For some reason when I watch Wayne, I don't care about the story line as much as I care about watching him. (and no gay jokes ;D) Jeff might be able to fulfill his role if this movie wasn't a remake, but he is going to have to fill Wayne's shoes, rather he likes it or not. People are going to compare him to Wayne and I don't think he will pull it off. I too am tired of remakes. A remake every now and then is ok, but it seems like every movie at the theater is a remake. Can't someone come up with a new story line
  10. That's a shame. I'd be tissed off if my $24 combo broke.
  11. well i feel bad cause i've done really well with your tungsten swimbait. took a while to get to where i could fish it correctly, but it paid off for sure. great gift. if i get your name again i'll send you some roboworms ;D geez, how is the 25$ limit gonna work if i draw Red Line Robert?! A couple Tequila shot glasses?
  12. It's time for every radio station to play all those annoying Christmas songs 24/7. I mean really, how many remakes of Jingle Bells and Silent Night can your ears take before you go on your radio. This is probably the only time of the year I listen to cd's. ;D
  13. Hey, It's either wear the pants and starve or put on the skirt to eat. ;D
  14. Who knows what the future holds
  15. Not as western actors. I'm sure the movie will be good if you never seen the original. I'm just a big John Wayne fan so I have high expectations of those who play his part. There are other actors that would be far better than those two. Jeff and Matt are good actors but I don't see them in this movie. Perhaps I'm wrong though.
  16. It's almost 2am and the humidity is 72%
  17. I'd think they were consensual. If you want to fly then you get searched. If you don't want to get searched then don't fly. Did you read the article Tyrius posted? You have no choice in the matter once you enter into the security area. If you change your mind and don't want to be searched then you're fined 11k for leaving without being searched.
  18. I think it's a hidden camera and someone put it there to spy on you. LOL, 7 years in the house and you just now noticed it. I wonder what else could be hidden in there. Have you ever been in your attic? You might have a family of dwarfs living in there ;D
  19. Makes you wonder why more people don't live here. Hush your mouth ;D
  20. I've waited a l o n g time for a good western to hit the movies. But come on, True Grit the remake staring Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon? What in insult to the "Duke" and Glen Campbell. The original True Grit was a great movie and could have been a good remake if they picked a better cast. I could be jumping the gun by dogging the movie before it comes out, but I just don't see Jeff Bridges living up to the part of John Wayne. And Matt Damon? well I'm not even going to start on him.
  21. *24? It 1150pm and currently *75 here in S. Florida
  22. Now come in coconut and they are AWESOMELY DELICIOUS.
  23. So you too have one of those wifes that doesn't know the difference between a pot and and a pan ;D I have to bake two pineapple casserole dishes, green bean casserole, broccoli casserole and bake a cake. All before 2o'clock tomorrow. And what will the wife be doing while I'm cooking? Probably watching football :'(
  24. Wow, that's crazy. There has to be a sign or some kind of warning ptrior to entering the security zone. Or at least one would think there should be a warning. "Last chance to turn around befor being groped." ;D
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