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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. When will it end? Washer went out last week along with my parent's dryer. I gave my dryer to the parents and bought the wife a new set $1200. I dropped boat off Monday to have the 100 hour service done. I wake up this morning only to find that my hot water heater broke and the laundry room under water. New water heater, $299. Replacing heater when I get a phone call about my boat is done and ready for pick up. I asked how much, $531. 531 DOLLARS!
  2. Him kicking the golfer into the lake was hilarious, but I would have knocked the **** out if him if I encountered him in the food line at the mall. ;D Everyone just stood there, like DUHHHHHH.
  3. LMAO! Bro, you almost got me p'd off thinking the water may have come from the unit. The heater is about 4ft from the washer, but there was no water between the two. The water I found this morning came from under the wall into the Foyer. That wall separates the laundry from the foyer. The water is creeping to the lowest point in the house, away from the washer. But thanks for the idea. Believe me, it would have been nice to get a refund on the new washer The heater was here when I bought the house almost 8 years ago. I just hope a new one isn't too expensive, like more than mid 300's or I'm going to pitch a fit.
  4. All joking aside, I would never give her a washer and dryer as a gift, but if things get any worse then she just might get an appliance for Christmas. Our hot water heater just went out. Off I go to Home Depot for a new one. >
  5. That rod retails at $385. 175 Rod 100 Expediter 30 Shipping +___ $305 If you keep an eye out on here, you can get a used one in very good condition for a lot less than a new one. Question. Why won't the shop send the rod in via expediter instead of selling it broken? I would buy it for $150 if it was legit. Just don't let it break for a 2nd time or your screwed.
  6. Just because you got a pair of pink panties doesn't mean your name wasn't randomly drawn ;D Besides, I didn't get your name, but I still sent you the AARP membership. Didn't you get it?
  7. Thanks. These came from Home Depot. Both were on sale for $499 each plus 75 each for extended warranty (sucker). Believe it or not, but they actually beat Brandsmart on the same models by 300 bucks. Sears was same price as HD though. Free delivery and install too.
  8. You guys are killing me! Looks like I have to buy her (according to my BUDDIES) a real gift. Don't get wrong, my wife is great and never asks for anything and takes great care of me and our son. The only two times a year I better not skimp on a gift is Christmas and her birthday. I thought perhaps I could get off easy
  9. If your man just bought you a new washer and dryer (delivery Dec 21), would you consider it as a Christmas gift? The wife said our 7 yr old washer is leaking a little water from the bottom and thinks it's time for a new one. Instead of me trying to fix it, I decided to buy her a new set (because I'm a nice guy). I even let her pick it out, AND the color (again, because I'm a nice guy). She called me from work today and told me she found what she would like for Christmas (she's the ONLY one who I let tell me what they want for Christmas, because I'm a nice guy). I tried to explain to her that I just spent over $1200 on her for a new washer and dryer. She started laughing at me and said "Honey, a washer and dryer isn't a Christmas gift." I asked her if she would rather drive her ars down to the laundromat and use a coin operated machine to wash the clothes and then hang them up out back on a clothes line. Well, after a brief, one sided conversation, I came to realize a washer and dryer may not be all that good of a Christmas gift :'(. What do you ladies think? Is it?
  10. Thanks for the advice. I would like to have overall better bottom, structure and fish identification. I also need GPS. I don't fish anywhere other than S. Florida, particularly my own county, so I don't need lake maps. I would also like for what I'm seeing on the screen to be real time and not something I passed over 10 yards back. When you say "networking" do you mean downloading info from another unit?
  11. I can't believe they misspelled "squeal" in their advertisement. They left the Q out. ;D
  12. EXACTLY! If you find the answer then please let me know. Better yet, find the answer for Florida while you're at it.
  13. EXACTLY! If you find the answer then please let me know. Better yet, find the answer for Florida while you're at it.
  14. EXACTLY! If you find the answer then please let me know. Better yet, find the answer for Florida while you're at it.
  15. Devil's advocate, But you don't own the water above your property. And I accessed the water by public means and am not standing on your property. I'm floating on public water. ;D
  16. Devil's advocate, But you don't own the water above your property. And I accessed the water by public means and am not standing on your property. I'm floating on public water. ;D
  17. Devil's advocate, But you don't own the water above your property. And I accessed the water by public means and am not standing on your property. I'm floating on public water. ;D
  18. I know what I would do, but don't take that as being correct. Though I'm not 100% certain of the correct answer, I would venture to say that it is legal to fish if it can be accessed from public/legal property. I would strongly suggest talking to your local fish and game. I would NOT take the answer of your friend.
  19. I know what I would do, but don't take that as being correct. Though I'm not 100% certain of the correct answer, I would venture to say that it is legal to fish if it can be accessed from public/legal property. I would strongly suggest talking to your local fish and game. I would NOT take the answer of your friend.
  20. I know what I would do, but don't take that as being correct. Though I'm not 100% certain of the correct answer, I would venture to say that it is legal to fish if it can be accessed from public/legal property. I would strongly suggest talking to your local fish and game. I would NOT take the answer of your friend.
  21. Was thinking the same thing. I believe the commercial said it comes out Dec. 22.
  22. Ok, Ill concede. Wayne was mediocre compared to Bogart but Wayne had that certain charisma that made up for his lack of acting skill. There was something about Wayne that made him seem "All American." There are many western actors that act better than Wayne, but Wayne was able to capture my attention. Not that I needed one, but he had that big father figure about him. Gary Cooper, Kirk Douglas, Dean Martin and Robert Mitchum were all better actors (imo) than Wayne, but Wayne is who I like to watch. I guess I'm just a big Wayne fan.
  23. But those guys can't do westerns like Wayne.
  24. Trade the oil for the Suburban and get some money back.
  25. I received this unit as a gift. Is this a good unit or should I sell it and upgrade to the SI model? http://www.basspro.com/Lowrance-Elite5-Fishfinder/GPS-Chartplotter/product/10216573/-1665332#prodDescription
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