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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I've been throwing the CBR843 7' Med for several years now. I have it paired with Daiwa Sol and #8 Yozuri. I throw mostly Lucky Crafts that run up to 5-6' and 1/4 oz rattle traps. The rod handles those baits perfectly. I just recently bought the CBR906 7'6 M/H. I haven't used this rod yet but there is a noticeable difference between the two. This rod, IMO, is too much for small to medium cranks. I would concentrate more on buying a rod to match the size plug you're using and not the size of the fish you might catch. The 843 is perfect for small to med cranks. Also, IMO, I wouldn't use any rod under 7'. P.S. I've been using Loomis rods for decades and NEVER had an issue with the guides.
  2. Personally, I've never lost a fish due to a drag issue - and that's fish up to 37 pounds - and that's on mostly BPS reels. Many people like to tune-up or blueprint their reels, even Shimano owners. Really, you Shimano "brand-droids" should try to rein it in - there was no reason to introduce brand loyalty in this thead. Goose, Chill out. Apparently, my joking around is too serious for your liking.
  3. I been watching it all evening and earlier today. Hahahaha, look at the next fatass coming on. He actually might be in decent shape for his size.
  4. Hmmm, interesting. Let me ask a question though. How many fish have you lost due to being stripped because of drag or wrapped up due to drag? Me? NEVER. If it has happened to you, then by SHIMANO ;D
  5. The monthly one and the Extreme bass, which is the last Saturday of the month.
  6. Yea, I was checking that bait out while surfing through TW. That guy is embarrassing catching all those dinks with MY Loomis and Shimano I ordered the Huddleston 8" trout, should be here tomorrow. I'm going to get out to the rock pit with the video and see if I can't pull out some decent ones.
  7. Wait till next week, back at home. That little squirt gonna get an ars whippin and lose his 9k, hahaha.
  8. YOU got knocked the F out.
  9. Do the same steps, but type "Will Bassclary ever catch a fish" LMAO.
  10. This fat punk Colt is gonna get WHIPPED.
  11. LMFAO, "he choked me with the chord to my own headphones"
  12. I'm there. Thanks.
  13. What network?
  14. Not necessarily my dream truck, but it was badass. I seized it from the dumb ars owner not once, but twice for criminal activity. The engine blew after about a week of me driving it. GMC turbo diesel, FULLY loaded. I think the paint jog cost about as much as the truck did.
  15. If so, please tell your success stories and what lakes you were fishing.
  16. Awesome catch, bro. Are you going to fish the Xtreme Bass tourny at Osborne this month? I believe it's the last Saturday. I fished the first 4 tournys last year, but pussed out the rest of the season when the temp's soared.
  17. LMAO!
  18. Do you mail out a letter to the fish explaining you have a reason to skip and not to get scared away.
  19. Ok, here's my take on the remake. It SUCKED! Bridges played a good role , but he didn't deliver his lines as well as Wayne. Had I never seen the original then I'd give Bridges a thumbs up. Matt Damon absolutely sucked, even if his character wasn't compared to Campbell. Mattie Ross was much prettier than the original, but I believe the original was a better actress. I put the remake Mattie in the same category as Bridges. Ned Pepper did a good job. The story line was the same as the original, just different scenes. The opening dragged on and IMO opinion spoiled the rest of the movie. I'd rate this movie, without comparing it to the original, 2.5 out of 5 stars. If comparing to the original, then I would give it 1 out 5 stars. Wayne won his 1st Oscar for the original. I don't see the remake winning anything. By the way, I never realized Barbara had such a nice set. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=video&cd=1&ved=0CDQQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D7qQhODwivLU&rct=j&q=john%20wayne%20true%20grit&ei=Lvc0TZOVAcb_lgeetO2RBw&usg=AFQjCNHo-SdoA4trbYT3wVNeoSZcF2Q7mA&cad=rja
  20. I believe Vincent blew him up, didn't he? Been a long time and my mind is slipping almost as bad as yours. ;D
  21. He died in the "Magnificent Seven," which is one of my all time fav's.
  22. I use co-poly only. No need for flouro
  23. ;D I actually thought writing a paper about "What is, is?" for my philosophy class. dsaavera is right. While in theory, "red" is just a name. However, there are certain characteristics that make "red" what it is. The true value of red never changes, no matter what you name it. Language does not determine what things are, it just helps us to communicate about them. Someone at some point in time had to label red as red. They could have very easily labeled red as green.
  24. I've lived in my house for 8 years and don't even know my neighbors name. In fact, I think I hate them. They don't fish, they listen to crap music (that you can hear two blocks away), they're ugly as heck, and they drive like arsholes.
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