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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. LOL, I'm in the same boat as the OP. I'm looking for another flippin' rod. I currently use a G Loomis Mossyback BCFR893, 7'5, fast action, rated 14-20 pound line, which is too small for serious flippin' here in S. Florida. I use an 8', heavy, 15-30, 3/8-2oz class when flipping lake Okeechobee or everglades, but the rod weighs a ton. I narrowed my search down to 3 choices. Dobyn's (which i've never used before), G Loomis or have one built, which I'm leaning more towards. I want 7'8- 7'11, 15-30 pound class with recoil guides that are on my NRX.
  2. I didn't HAVE to relearn to cast with my opposite arm, but chose to learn so I could cast different angles in tight situations. I think it has been said that a person needs to repeat the same function a thousand times to become proficient in that task. (I don't remember what the number is but 1000 came to mind). Anyway, just practice. The biggest hurdle is in your head, mind over matter. Don't tell yourself "you can't" do something, because "can't" never could. It certainly won't feel comfortable at first.
  3. my mistake for not elaborating. Like Fracho mentioned, pitching is a form of casting and doesn't require a heavy rod and both the 893 and 844 would suffice- I use both. Flipping, on the other hand, usually isn't done with less than 50-65# braid and with 1/2-1.5oz weight. Niether of those rods would hold up.
  4. Peppermint chocolate chip milkshakes from Chic-Fil-A. If you've never had one, then make it a point to do so. They're only here through the holidays and are DELICIOUS!
  5. I fish two different crankbait rods on a regular basis. One has a Calcutta 50 with #8 Yozuri and the other has a Calcutta 100 with #10 Yozuri. I've caught hundreds of bass on both ranging from 2oz-6pounds and have NEVER had a break-off. I fishe lipless cranks and cranks up to 12' deep. The Yozuri is very strong, has excellent knot strength and is also high abrasion resistant. For topwater, It depends. I Don't fish topwater too much so I don't have a dedicated rod for it. I usually use #10-#12 mono. If I had a dedicated rod, then I'd use 12-15 mono for my topwater. Some folk use as much as 20.
  6. Not enough balls for the heavy stuff.
  7. I have the opporatunity to catch a 12# LM everytime I go fishing here in S. Florida, so I'd take the smallmouth since I never caught one.
  8. Very nice indeed. Looks to be a couple pounds.
  9. I hope they went to jail via the hospital. Whatta couple of broke richards!
  10. I like'em. Please elaborate on how you made them and how long do you think it will take for bass to stage on'em.
  11. Yea, it does suck and my heart goes out to folk up there. We (Floridians) got hit pretty hard with Gene, Francis and the other *****. We were a week without power, thank goodness for my generator, gas and charcoal grills. I had to drive over 50 miles south just to get ice.
  12. ^ yea beacuse the freaky rubber skirt and bad crawfish imitating trailer won't scare'em away. Perhaps the small, painted eyes will make up for trout colored lures in S. Florida and oversized treble hooks. IDK, maybe I could be convinced that eyeballs make a noticable difference to flyfisherman who fish shallow, gin clear streams. Even then, I'm not so sure.
  13. The high water will make a fisherman out of ya, lol.
  14. Excellent story, I LMAO!. How can you go two years without looking over your back fence to see what's on the other side though, LOL. Here's a tip for anyone applying for a federal job in law enforcement. Know your neighbor's first and last names. That question might come up in your interview
  15. Sunshine bass is exactly what it is AND Palm Beach waterways (fresh) are loaded with them. Over 80,000 were dumped into Lake Osborne last year and thousands more prior to that. I have caught Sunshine bass in Osborne for 30 years. A very common way is to use fresh, cut shrimp on a drop shot style rig with two or three hooks. They are also good eating. LOL, I got into a school of them yesterday on the lake during a tournament and couldn't get'em to leave my crankbait alone. Fun fighters too. PS. I've caught them regulary in Lake ida and Lake Clarke. You might get them farther south than Ida, I just never get down that way to fish.
  16. As a self proclaimed professional bass fisherman and light tackle inshore fisherman, I can tell you I have caught more fish on lures without eyes, missing eye or discolored eyes than those with pretty painted eyes. In fact, here's an old trick for pier, beach and jette fisherman who want to make longer casts with Zara Spooks. Drill the eyes out of the spook. You can then add water to the body. thus, adding weight which will allow for longer casts without affecting the action.
  17. I'm in, again. PS. I need a new Loomis flippin' stick and another Premier.
  18. Hogwash! It's all in the presentation and wiggle. Anything else is just brain overload.
  19. I don't know if they make'em, but a female Redneck Blow-up Doll comes to mind.
  20. I send fedex/ups and insurance is free up to $100 and something like 2 or 4 bucks for and xtra 100. Tracking doesn't do too much, ask for signature confirmation next time. So what's your point? Something got stolen/lost in transit. What's that got to do with being a newbee or an old salt?
  21. That made me laugh. Yes, I loved my 69' stang. I washed her darn near every day. I put many miles on that car, without ever leaving the parking lot.
  22. Man up, buddy. Bring it out. She betrayed YOU. This is no time to be soft hearted. Go for the jugglar(sp) and don't stop. Fight hard and fight mean, just don't involve the kids.
  23. Clayton, sorry to hear you're going through this. I did and it sux. 1. Hire an attorney. 2. Remember, a cheating wife doesn't always make for a bad mother. Don't bring the kids into this. 3. DO NOT get a soft heart and give her more than what your attorney says. 4. Be careful draining your accounts, continue paying the bills until your attorney says not to. 5. DO NOT play your kids against your wife. 6. DO NOT pump your kids for dirt on your wife or lover. 7. Keep all receipts, texts, e-mails phone message recordings. 8. KEEP A DIARY. Hearsay is not admissable in court, but diarys sometimes are. 9. Keep your friends close and talk. Don't keep sht bottled up inside. 10. Keep on movin' on, stay focused and be strong.
  24. I have ZERO problem eating bass or any edible fish, which most are edible. The reason I don't eat Bass anymore is because there are MANY better tasing fish (saltwater species) that I have access to. If I'm taking the time to clean and stink the kitchen up, then I'm eating something tastier than Bass. I've been craving some fried fish lately. I think I'm going to have a fish fry where Speck and Sandperch will be the main course. Perhaps I'll throw a Snook or two into the mix.
  25. 1st car was a 1967 Ford sation wagon, 289hp with 3 on the column. Was given to me from my grandad in 1983. 1st car I bought was a 1969 Mustang. In fact, I think I still owe my dad $200 payment, hahaha. That was 1985. 1st new car bought on my own was a 1989 Ford F-150 4x4. 1st house was 1992. Think I paid 80k. 1st skateboard was Dogtown, late 70's - early 80's, I forget. 1st beer bought was Old Milwakee. Quickly graduated to Budweiser. 1st "high end" reel was a Abu Garcia 6000c. bought I think 1980-1981?. 1st boat bought was a 24' Aquasport, single screw inboard. NEVER EVER buy a single screw inboard if you like making tight turns. Bought in early 90's.
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