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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Very nice. I didn't notice the same song until it clicked while watching Red River last night.
  2. Amy, Are you a fisherman too? If not, then this site would be a great place to start. We'd love to have you on board. Doug.
  3. OMG, Jack is going to pee on you from heaven for that statement. ;D Actually, I thought he resembled George Bush.
  4. What two John Wayne movies had the same 2 actors and also had the same song in both both movies? Name the actors that appeared in both movies. Name the song that was sang (is it sang or sung? lol) in both movies. Name the two movies. Hint: Both movies were westerns and were made 11 years apart.
  5. 17 3/4, on a good day.
  6. I wouldn't know, the water never gets below 45 here in S. Florida.
  7. Same goes for. And I consider myself an above average worm fisherman.
  8. I can go in 1 3/4 years but I'll stick out another 5-6. That'll give me 28-29 long, but good years. Unless our new governor restructures our state retirement plan >.
  9. He looks strong and smooth, like a Shimano Calcutta. Come Shimano, Heel Shimano, fetch Shimano, Shimano, ATTACK!. See how good Shimano sounds. ;D ;D
  10. X2...Excellent advice X3
  11. Say what? Exploitation? I suppose it's ok to put a lady in a bikini and hand her a fishing pole.
  12. R.I.P. my fellow fisherman and give them bass hell in heaven.
  13. Cute puppy and I'm sure he'll bring you lots of fun and happy memories. I think you should name him SHIMANO.
  14. Hey, that's no joke. My wife said that to me last night.
  15. What you talkin bout, Willis? Them right there are fine lookin women. Perhaps u'd rather watch men in tights? ;D
  16. ILOL, i was going good until I hit a wall and the screen rotated and killed me.
  17. Here's one for ya. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/games/run
  18. LOL, been playing it non stop between sending and reading your PM.s.
  19. still can't get past 6!!!! >:( I was lying, haha. I made it to 7 and died after my first serve. Been to 6 2x .
  20. Anyone watching MTV2? Girls lingerie football is on and they are :o
  21. wait till you get to level 11 :o :o
  22. That's because they don't spontaneously crack. Well the company that owns loomis will send me a rod if anything at all happens, so i think that loomis should do the same. In my opinion i just feel like they are over priced and this is the reason why i have not bought a single loomis rod after my first. I will be sticking with shimano for a while. good. more for me.
  23. I suspect the fish would have moved to the deepest part of the lake when the water level went down. This location may or may not have been a "hang out" for them prior to the drainage since they had other cover to hide in. I'm not so sure the grass and weeds that grew in the dried up area are going to have that much of a negative impact, unless of course it has all died out and turned the bottom into a thick bed of slop. The bass would have gone back to their normal habitat when the water level went back up, or at least move in from deeper water to feed on baitfish, which I assume are probably minnows, bream and bluegill.
  24. WHAT? OMG, you been ripped off. I'd make a complaint as to why I didn't receive my items that were out of stock at the time I ordered them. : We're not spokespersons for TW but, yes. You'll get'em as soon as TW gets them.
  25. Man, I definitely feel your pain. It's 71 right now at 12:03am and supposed to be high of 80 tomorrow.
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