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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. In jump rope, the rope isn't turning/spinning. The arms are turning.
  2. and the fans actually cheered? I think she made the SSB look like a joke by trying to sing it the way she did.
  3. 7 days of pure hell >. Been there and it sucked. I lasted 6 months and stated up again. Good luck and wish you the best.
  4. Are you stoned or just have no taste?
  5. LOL, I was thinking the same thing when the peas were performing. I don't know which show was worse.
  6. Ive got a Loomis 843 that I use to throw 1/4 ounce traps and cranks that run up 6'. The rod is perfect for those type baits. I just bought the larger series, M/H, and like it very much too. I have the 843 paired with a Daiwa Sol and use #8 Yozuri mono. Both are in mint condition and will sell for 285 shipped.
  7. Haha, amazing the kind of fun you can have when you're stuck inside all day.
  8. Lol. I tied up to a huge tree, that grew way out over the water, to get out of the sun and wind. I tore into the chicken and it was yummy good. I polished off a soda and half box of Girl Scout peanutbutter cookies too . I had tied on a crankbait during lunch and was planning on going back to where I was fishing prior to lunch. I knew the fish were there but couldn't get many over 1-2 pounds so I figured the crankbait would produce . The wind was cranking by the time I finished eating. I decided to hit some east/west canals that were somewhat protected from the houses. It was either the BBQ sauce scent from my fingers or the good decision to relocate because I tore'em up.
  9. I'm worried about the parts/service for these reels also, but I'll cross that bridge when i get to it. I take extra good care of my reels so I hope this one holds up. I didn't do a whole lot of casting today, mostly under hand tossing and skipping Senkos underneath docks. My only real backlash was when I skipped a little too hard and nailed the side of the dock >. I found the spool tension knob not to be as sensitive as my chronarch 50's. My first impression of this reel was very good but I'd feel more comfortable giving more accurate advice after I use it a few more times.
  10. the weather has been very warm and the fishing has been excellent down here in SUNNY S. Florida.
  11. Out of Lake Osborne. I spent the day in Lake Clarke though. I'll tell you the pattern I was on if that's where you're going.
  12. My Lews Speed Spool arrived yesterday and just in time for my tournament today . I chose the Tournament Pro series because it only weighs 6.7 ounces. It cost $179 compared to the "Team" series at $249 and 7.1 ounces. I'm a hardcore Shimano fan, so I had serious doubts about how this reel was going to compare to my other low profile reels, such as my Chronarch 50mg's. At no time did I even think this reel could/would be on the same playing field as my Shimanos. I figured I'd give the reel a chance and end up selling it here as used, or send it straight back to TW for a refund. My first impression right out of the box was, "Hmmm, not bad." The weight was right where I like my reels to be, under 7 ounces, and surprisingly fit my hand perfectly. I gave the handle a few turns and found the spool to spin absolutely effortlessly. The star drag and spool tension knob click when tightened and loosened. The more I fondled it, the more impressed I became. The reel is rated for 120 yards of #12, but I spooled it up with #10 Yozuri. I wanted to give it a fair shot at finding a home in my rod rack so I mounted it on my 7'5 Loomis NRX and dedicated it as my main rod choice during my tournament. But don't worry, I had plenty of Shimanos on immediate standby if needed . ' I threw a Senko for all about an hour today and managed to boat over 30 pounds of fish, one over 6 and one over 5, for 19.2 pounds for best 5. I would have liked to tried out different applications but the bass were in the mood for Senkos today. Most of the fish were caught in 2-7 feet of water and no more than 15-20 feet from the boat so I really didn't get a chance to use the reel to it's full potential. I will tell you this though, the reel performed flawlessly and was extremely comfortable to fish with. The reel took no time at all to get used to and felt like I have been fishing it for years. If I had to make a decision right now to keep the Lews or get rid of my Daiwa Sol, I'd choose to keep the Lews without hesitation. The Lews just feels more durable and beefy, even though it's only 6.7 ounces. Time will tell though. I need to re-spool it with some heavier line to see how it holds up to a jig and smaller swimbaits, such as the Lake Fork Magic Shad. One other thing, I'm not big into tearing my reels down and checking out the gears (I save that for the mechanic) so I can't comment on the durability of the innards. But, if this new line of Lews holds up to the late 70's model, then I'm sure they will be very good reels and worth the investment. I'm going to put this reel through a major work out in the next 2-3 weeks and if it holds up as good as it looks and feels then I will buy another one, in addition to the "Team" series. Here are a few pic's.
  13. Perhaps we should have a "get together" out at the lake.
  14. 2 years? What the heck have you been waitin' for ? Congrats on your accomplishment. Lipless cranks are a great bait and catch tons of fish. Keep it up.
  15. You got schooled on a smoker king. No doubt about it.
  16. I crushed the field today with my first tournament win of the new year. Take off was 6:45 am. Weather was forecast with sunny skies, high of 82 and winds out of the southeast at 15-20 mph. I started out throwing a Pop-R and spinner bait with not even a hit. I moved to the east side of the lake and switched to a black/blue flake Senko rigged with a 3/0 octopus hook. I put 2 in the box for about 1.25 pounds each. I spent the next hour and a half boating several right at a pound, which I didn't keep any of. I finally got my kicker, a fat female that gave me all the confidence I needed to carry on. The wind was HOWLING by noon and my Senko was basically surfing across the surface. That was an easy fix though. I put on a small split shot about 8 inches above the hook. By the end of the day I was culling 2 pound fish. I weighed in at 2pm with a hefty sack of 19.2 pounds for my best five fish. Not only did I take first place, but I also had big fish. In fact, I caught the two biggest fish at 6.2 and 5.9. I also crushed 2nd place by over 5 pounds. Also, all fish were caught on my new Lews reel. I'll post a review on that tonight, it's nap time. Doug.
  17. It's 12:15am and I just finished BBQ'ing 6 skinless, boneless chicken thighs with Sweet Baby Ray's bbq sauce for lunch tomorrow during my tourny. Of course the neighbors are sleeping with their windows open ;D. I wonder if they're dreaming about the smell of BBQ.
  18. Loomis rods are definitely not over rated. I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by over rated. The GLX and NRX series are every bit as lightweight and sensitive as advertised. You can feel a bass fart from 20 feet away ;D. Now, I have never used any series under the IMX series so I can't say if they live up to their name, but from what I here, there are other brands that are as good or better than the GL2 and GL3. Do I think the GLX and NRX are over priced based on how they perform? No, but that's just me.
  19. What rods have you fished that are in the same class as GLX and NRX? I don't know of too many other rods that are as good or better than the GLX and NRX series.
  20. I use regular Yozuri in #6 and #8 for all my crank bait needs (baitcasters).
  21. looks like yall had a blast. Did you do any good in that area in the 3rd picture?
  22. Count me in, and guess what? I just caught and released an 11lber today about 20 minutes before the sun went down. I hope she's there come March. Good Luck All!
  23. Mushroom, pepperoni, green pepper and black olive pizza. Soda. Chips and jalapeno hummus.
  24. Seems to me he got off the easiest out of all other co-defendants. I have a good idea why but won't elaborate. All the monry he made isn't going to buy freedom for the next 30 months. I will say this though, he wasn't incarcerated on state charges. He was popped by the Fed's so I darn near guarantee you his charges were serious and real.
  25. Staynext to the toilet and havelots of TP on hand.
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