Bassthumb, if it feels that light and crisp, it IS going to be more fragile ! So why not use a rod which is a fraction of the cost, MUCH more durable, against those inevitable bumps and bangs a rod takes every now and again, then use braided line with such a rod, and have a rod / line combo that is FAR more sensitive, than this WAY expensive (ugly) super light and crisp rod, used in conjunction with stretchy @$$ monofilament ?
Because from what I'm reading, this would be a terrible choice, of a rod to use with virtually zero stretch braid.....
Just MPO.....
PS, In an earlier thread, somebody asked me what super high modulas rod I used (it felt REALLY light and crispy, too BTW) that I snapped on a hookset, while using it with braided line....
I remembered later on....
It was called a Fenwick Iron Feather.
So sure.... It was a REALLY sensitive rod ! Way moreso, than anyone who uses real line (oh, I'm sorry.... braid ) will ever need.
Not true.The NRX are lighter and more sensitive than the GLX but also SRTONGER.