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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I have no problem fishing with woman. It's the wife who has the problem with them fishing with me.
  2. I don't care to fish deep, open water too often but now I'm considering taking my Hud out there and giving it a shot.
  3. Sweet lady you caught there!. Now get yur ars up here to the rockpit.
  4. Let me set the stage before you watch the movie. Equipment used- G-Loomis IMX, 6'6 ultralight. Shimano Sahara 750 spinning reel. #4 mono. 1/8 ounce Roadrunner jig. My uncle and I got out to the rockpit at about 11:30am. We caught a couple dozen bass by 2pm so I decided to mix it up a bit and try to locate some speck. I headed out to deeper water, equipped with my ultralight, #4 mono and a Roadrunner Speck jig. I had never fished for speck in this lake before but had a feeling that it might hold some fat slabs. Not having a clue where to begin searching for the speck, I decided to just sit behind the steering wheel, monitor the fish/depth finder and idle around until I found some fish. I was in 50' of water jigging my Roadrunner when I felt tap, tap and said to myself "oh yea, speck on!" I set the hook and all of a sudden this happened. I caught about 20 more bass, 1/2 - 2 pounds, on the Roadrunner before the end of the day. I did, however, catch one more about a pound bigger than the last one caught in the video. P.S. How do I put this video on here without it going to my Photobucket page?
  5. I was watching Scarface for the millionth time and can't help but think what a great actor Pacino is. The movie "Scarface" isn't one of my top 50 or so movies but you can't deny he did an awesome job in it. Pacino has to rank up there as one of the greatest actors.
  6. I think he was last spotted sleeping in his hammock. Someone else spotted him in Hawaii surfing 20' waves. Actually, I live several hundred miles from him so I have no clue where he could be. Maybe he on the toilet ;D
  7. I just sold my BCR853, which is the M/H. The 853 was a super rod. I had it paired with a Calcutta 100 DC and #12 Yozuri. The rod was excellent for T-rigged worms and I used it with jigs up to 1/2 ounce. The rod also doubled as a spinnerbait rod. I would venture to say the 852 would be a great rod also but perhaps for lighter cover/open water worming. Perhaps #8 or #10 mono and T-rig with up up to 1/8 ounce weights and 6 inch worms. Should be a very fun rod. Don't be fooled by the lightness of the rod. Loomis rods have decent backbone so you'll be surprised at what you can do with that rod. 4" senkos, small Flukes and 6" worms should be perfect.
  8. LMAO, It's comforting to know I'm not the only handicapped cereal bag opener ;D. My latest "battle with the bag" was Cheerios but Raisin brand has to be the worst. I think there is some selfish, inconsiderate, mean jerk who has no friends that gets his rocks off by purposely over gluing the bags shut just to tick the cereal eating community off. I mean really, they make squeezable ketchup bottles, PB&J in the same jar, resealable bags of frozen chicken breasts, resealable bags of potato chips, nuts and other snacks but they can"t make a user friendly cereal bag?
  9. They don't have black w/ blue flake. >
  10. STOP using so much #*#*#*# glue to seal the ***##** cereal bag closed and start using a Ziploc/resealable bag? I just ripped another #^$%@** cereal bag all to *##**# shreds trying to open it and cereal went everywhere. > Ok, I feel better now.
  11. I'm with ya Dave. I used to have to set 3-4 alarm clocks throughout my room so I was forced to get out of bed to turn them off. I can go to bed at 8pm and still have a hard time getting up at 7am. But, I can go to bed at 4am and have no problem getting up at 11am. I believe not all humans were meant to wake up early.
  12. I hope you're not being serious. I'll never tell
  13. I prefer to be told I have ars mouth. We had a guy a worked that had straight up ars mouth. I would rather sniff the ars end of a donkey then smell his breath. We used to put tooth paste, tooth brushes, floss, gum, mints and mouthwash in his work mailbox, hoping he would get the hint. That was before we found out he had some kind of mouth/gum disease. Another workmate had such bad breath that you couldn't ride in the same car and have a conversation without putting the window down.
  14. I go through about 30+ bags of GY senkos a year. I will not fish any other brand.
  15. That's what they get for hogging the road and not scooting over. He collected about 40 points with that drive-thru.
  16. Its been warm and humid down here in S. Florida up until yesterday. Temps have been around 82-83. Yesterday they dipped into the 70's. Super windy today with 30mph gusts. Fishing has been great though. Right now I'm sitting in my car with the A/C cranked all the way up enjoying the warm sunshine coming in through the window.
  17. I had 5, yes 5, alarms set for this morning starting at at 0700. I still woke up late :
  18. He's hurting his kids and supporting some punk ars drug dealer by buying his product. He is a straight up crack head who has little to no hope ever recovering.
  19. Drug tests might not lie but he does.
  20. Here's how whacked I am. I write left handed. Throw a baseball right handed. Play basketball left handed. Shoot a gun left handed. All my baitcasting reels are right handed. Golf right. Eat with left hand. Wipe ars with right. The only thing I can do with both hands is bowl.
  21. Not a bad idea. Been to Walmart lately?
  22. !. Yes 2. I don't know, I never asked a fish if it could see it. But I sure caught a lot on it. 3. Yes, and I do use it instead of flouro. Don't use or need to use flouro.
  23. Let's see, you're staying at a resort of a world class angler so I would imagine the pillows smell like fish and the sheets are full of scales. This is definitely the time to NOT try and learn the b/c.
  24. I think you left it over there.
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