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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. That's the way to represent, bro . It appears the fish are staging in the same ares throughout Florida. All the fish I caught lastnight in my tourny came from the outside edge of the pads/grass also.
  2. Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy Birthday to my son, Adan.
  3. Dicks too. LC were marked down to 10 bucks from 13-15$. Buy 2 packs of Trokor get a pack free. 2 packs of Yamamoto Senkos for 11 bucks. ALL lures 20% off and most hooks.
  4. Not to be a spoiler, but there ain't no way them two boys gave up their silver dollars. But, nonetheless, good message. P.S. Robert, Does this mean you should have given a 100 dollar bill to that kid who flipped you off and spit at your feet ;D ;D.
  5. Me too. But can I pick peppers? Cotton doesn't grow in S Florida.
  6. Find a girlfriend. If you can't find one then buy one for a few days. At no time should a 17 year old kid be bored, never.
  7. My 2nd tournament Pro arrived today. They are very similar to the Premier but I think they look nicer and also less expensive. I've put my Premier through hell and back over the past year and am very pleased with it's service. Now it's time to put Lews to the test. The Lews T-Pro fits my in my hand probably better than any low profile reel I've held, including my SHIMANO'S.
  8. Redfish like spinnerbaits and gold spoons. I like to use mirror lures, jerkbaits and rubber jigs for trout. You can also do good for the reds by flipping cut/junk mullet under the mangroves.
  9. So let me get this straight, the main reason for using flouro with jerkabaits is to get the jerkbait to dive deeper? I'm going to have to hoist up the flag on this one. How much deeper is #15 flouro going to get your jerkbait down compared to #15 mono? IMO, flouro is WAY over rated and used in place of self confidence and know how.
  10. Wow! I think that kids leg snapped! Big Kid is strong! Thats my friends--- sons--- friend he got suspended for protecting himself Unless there is more to the story/video, then that little kid wouldn't be the only one getting slammed if he got suspended for protecting himself.
  11. Stardic, Sahara and Quantum Cabo.
  12. My wife, 3 year old and I went to the mall today. My son wouldn't hold my hand and as he jerked away he stomped his foot and said "NO!" I grabbed his wrist and he tried pulling away again and said "NO!" What did I do? Lets just say he didn't say "NO" for the rest of the day. In fact, he quickly became the perfect little angel. It will be a cold day in hell before I let my kids talk/treat me or anyone with disrespect. I know they won't grow up perfect but I guarantee they'll be gentleman while in my presence.
  13. What a beautiful fish! You should make a video while fishing.
  14. Good restraint but no doubt he needs a good ol' ars whippin. I think I would have unloaded a mouthful of my chewing tobacco on him though.
  15. Get the hell out of that pond. There aren't no baracudas in there. ;D ;D Nice fish. BTW, that fish is called a BASS.
  16. The one we're talking about is the $179.00 model. http://www.***.com/Lews_Tournament_Pro_Speed_Spool_Casting_Reel/descpage-TPSS.html
  17. Why in the world would someone at your age even consider servicing their reels? You're just asking for trouble with the poor eyesight and arthritic fingers. Not to mention your memory is so bad that you won't be able to remember which screw goes where. ;D ;D ;D
  18. "So 2 days out with this combo, about 3.5hours of fishing time and I can honestly say that I am more then pleasantly surprised with this combo. Only time will tell how it holds up over the summer and constant day in and day out use. But as for right now I am very impressed and am adding a couple more to the arsenal for this summer." X2 BUT i just ordered my 2nd Tournament Pro Speed
  19. Happy Birthday and congrats on your new combo. Just one question though. If your parents said pick out anything, then how did you pass up the Loomis rod and Steez reel? The look on their face at checkout woulda been priceless.
  20. WOW! One fish at 2.15 pounds took a 200 dollar check? Were you the only co-angler ;D? Great job!
  21. Every bass fisherman get's skunked every once in a while, you're just the only one who admits it ;D. Like Sam said, many variables to consider. Try a weightless Senko next you're getting skunked. If that don't work, then try turning your hat around backward, put a 1/8 ounce worm weight in your right front pocket, hang a green worm from your back pocket, tie a pink scarf to your ankle and sing Mary Had a Little Lamb.
  22. haha, you and your barracuda. You're the only person I know who posts pictures of barracudas instead of snook. BTW, that's a good eatin size.
  23. Dang Paul, do you catch anything smaller than gigantic? I would love to turn you onto Snook fishing.
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