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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. There are MANY tournament fisherman on here but I'm not sure how many rely on it for a living. That being said, users of high end gear aren't always professionals and you can't judge the persons fishing strength based solely on his/her gear. Most of us, IMO, are just enthusiasts who enjoy using higher end gear, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't get our butts whooped against someone who fishes low end gear. I use $800+ combos for everyday fishing and 2 times a month for tournament fishing. BUT, I probably could not afford to fish these combos and make them last for several years if I was to fish a major tour and no sponsorship. I take extremely good care of my rods/reels and know they would take a beating traveling and fishing 40 plus hours a week.
  2. So, you're willing to lose a sale over a .66 cent paypal fee?
  3. Well, I caught a 21.34 pound LM while the sight was down and wasn't able to post a picture of it. Now yall will have to wait until I catch her again because I deleted the picture by accident.
  4. X2 but I only bought 2 of the Tournament Pros.
  5. That got a nice chuckle out of me, lol.
  6. Edgar and Agatha? ;D ;D ;D PLEASE let someone else name the babies. BTW, Cograts, dad ;D ;D ;D
  7. LOL, I got one this evening on a spook also. Nice catch!
  8. :. Guess where I have to go to next week? Yep, back Disney World. We got back from Disney 3 weeks ago and we're going back next week. Why? I have no fricking clue >, but I'm so excited . I can't wait to drive in that WONDERFUL Orlando traffic, stand in L O N G lines for a 3 minute ride, stroll through the parks in the sweltering heat, pay 15+ dollars for a hamburger and listen to slamming hotel room doors while I try and sleep. Oh boy!!! But I must look at the bright side and think of all the people I get to crop dust ;D Hmmmm, what are the chances of a cold front coming through central Florida next Wednesday and Thursday?
  9. Why are you using braid for cranks in the first place? Why not just use mono? But, if you insist on using braid then just use a shorter leader. Or don't use a leader at all. I'm sure your crank bait looks just as fake to a bass then a thin strip of braid it's tied to. +
  10. That sounds good, but when I want pizza I want it NOW, not the next day.
  11. She's got bigger balls than I do because there is no good reason to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, PERIOD.
  12. haha, good one. I have to admit though, I had to read it twice before I figured it out.
  13. I went to a different cardiologist today to get a 2nd opinion and perhaps change doctors. The nurse put me in a room and had me take my shirt off so she and another nurse could give me an EKG (I've had numerous of these done). Neither nurse was very talkative. In fact, one of the nurses was somewhat snooty so I decided to cheer her up a bit . I was lying on the table while one nurse was entering my data into the EKG machine. The other nurse (the snooty one) had placed several electrodes on my chest and abdomen. The snooty nurse then held the cables in one hand and started to attach them, one by one , to the electrodes with the other hand. Just as she was connecting the first cable to the electrode, I let out a yell and started to twitch, as if I was being electrocuted. The snooty nurse darned near jumped out of her shoes and screamed "you're electrocuting him!" The other nurse turned towards us and asked what was wrong. The snooty nurse said "I don't know. I never had this happen before." Then she said "sir, are you okay?" I just about peed my pants from laughing so hard and said "got ya!" ;D The snooty nurse proceeded to chew me a new ars and then stormed out of the room >. But i didn't care, I had a good laugh. Like I said, I have had so many of these tests done that I know the machine cannot electrocute you because it doesn't transmit any electricity to your body. Apparently, the nurse didn't know that though.
  14. Dang Dave, you got beat on your home lake ;D ;D. J/K, those are some super nice bass.
  15. Wow, just shy of 4 feet. Nice bass too.
  16. Tourny is out of Lake Osborne and you can fish anywhere you can get to by boat. Tourny's are every other Thursday from 6-10p. Entry is $40 per boat, 2 man team. Season last through September with classic in October and MAJOR cookout afterwards. We're talking T-bone and NY strips. Trophies and raffles.
  17. I just sold one of my 50mg's after I got my 2nd Lews T-pro. The 50mg's are great reels, based on personal experience, and cast light tackle with ease. I can throw 1/8 once lures all day with it and the Lew's. You're rod is going to play a big part if you want to be successful at throwing light tackle though.
  18. Is that what YOU call IT, Spro Jr.? :-? :-?
  19. Awesome catch, guys. Fishing wouldn't be fun if you didn't have to work for your bites.
  20. What dumb ars would do that ? I'm still kicking myself.
  21. I have both of my T pros spooled with #10 Yozuri and saddled on 7.5' Loomis NRX rods. So far the only thing I have thrown with them are 5" senko's, which cast too far to get an effective hook set. Probably in another 2-4 weeks I'll try throwing the smaller LC pointers with the Lews, which I'm sure will handle lures just fine. Who knows, we might have a new posse forming. ;D
  22. Hawk (forum member) and I had our 1st night tournament of the season last night. Season runs from March 17th through September with 2 tournament a month, fishing from 6p-10p. There were 20 boats and we came in 3rd with 12.13 pounds . 1st place was 13.5 with an 8.1lb kicker : 2nd place was 13 even 3rd was us at 12.13 > 4th was 10. We were just 8 OUNCES out from first. And that was MY fault. I made a MAJOR rookie booboo. I got one up to the boat that went 2.5 - 3 pounds. I used my rod to lift her out of the water and into the boat (newbies, don't ever do that with a decent tournament fish) but the hook pulled just as her tail was clearing the water. Guess where the net was? That's right, I was standing on the handle. That fish cost us first place because our smallest weighed 1.64. We caught at least 20 bass, all on Senkos and Lake Fork Magic Shad swimbaits, except for one that I got on a spinnerbait.
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