I went to a different cardiologist today to get a 2nd opinion and perhaps change doctors. The nurse put me in a room and had me take my shirt off so she and another nurse could give me an EKG (I've had numerous of these done). Neither nurse was very talkative. In fact, one of the nurses was somewhat snooty so I decided to cheer her up a bit .
I was lying on the table while one nurse was entering my data into the EKG machine. The other nurse (the snooty one) had placed several electrodes on my chest and abdomen. The snooty nurse then held the cables in one hand and started to attach them, one by one , to the electrodes with the other hand. Just as she was connecting the first cable to the electrode, I let out a yell and started to twitch, as if I was being electrocuted. The snooty nurse darned near jumped out of her shoes and screamed "you're electrocuting him!" The other nurse turned towards us and asked what was wrong. The snooty nurse said "I don't know. I never had this happen before." Then she said "sir, are you okay?" I just about peed my pants from laughing so hard and said "got ya!" ;D
The snooty nurse proceeded to chew me a new ars and then stormed out of the room >. But i didn't care, I had a good laugh.
Like I said, I have had so many of these tests done that I know the machine cannot electrocute you because it doesn't transmit any electricity to your body. Apparently, the nurse didn't know that though.