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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. The BEST Craw around is the WATERMELON CRAW.
  2. I can think, therefore, I exist.
  3. I call it PEPSI
  4. If you only knew what you're missing. Like I said, if you fish soft plastics such as C-rig, t-rig and weightless worm, then NRX is a must. Cast into 20mph wind, let your line get a big bow in it and let me know if you can feel the slightest little tick. With the NRX, not only can you feel the tick but you can count the scales.
  5. I was pulling the boat out of my garage this evening to go fishing and ran my bicycle tire over with the trailer tire, bending the bicycle tire rim. After a few pharases, I realized I have cost myself THOUSANDS of dollars by being careless. Here are some of the "mishaps" I have had. Ran mailbox over while turning out of driveway with boat. I had to replace the entire wooden post and box. Ripped molding off garage wall with trailer fender. Hit and broke taillight lens cover to wife's SUV with back corner of the boat. And the biggest, most expensive mishap I've had while towing the boat is, Completely destroying my two car garage door. , I backed the boat inside the garage and unhooked the trailer from the truck. I get back into the truck to run some errands and closed the garage door with the garage door opener while pulling out of the driveway. I look in my mirror to make the sure the door closed all the way and noticed the door was going back up. I pushed the door opener AGAIN and watched through the mirror as the door went down and back up. Now, most people would have got out to see what was preventing the door from closing, but not me. Nope, my dumb ars pushed the door opener AGAIN. And I'll be a SOB if that door didn't go down and right back up. Now I'm MAD. I fished a tournament all day in the heat. I'm tired, grouchy, hungry and just want to run my errand and get back home. I get out of the truck to see what fell over and is preventing the garage door from closing. OMG, dumb ars me forgot to collapse the trailer tongue . The force of the garage door hitting the trailer tongue (3 times) caused the aluminum panels of the door to crumble beyond repair. New garage door = $2100. Now , let's see who can top that.
  6. I can attest to the truthfulness of that story. That's why I'm ordering my 3rd NRX. The NRX model is an absolute must have for anyone who fishes soft plastics.
  7. Women who let it darn near all hang out and then get mad if you stare. People who bring more than 10 items to the "10 item or less" line. I'll count out loud as they unload their cart if they have more than 10. People who wear shorts/pants with their underwear hanging out. Convenient stores/gas stations who run out of a product. What is so hard about keeping the shelves stocked? That really ticks me off, almost as much as the 10 items or less line. People who leave their headlights on while backing their boat down the boat ramp in the dark. (Fricking idiots)
  8. If you want timed lights, then drive downtown WPB. They're timed on Olive/Dixie, unless you speed.
  9. You wouldn't know a beaver if it smacked ya in the face.
  10. I find absolutely nothing wrong by serving rabbit, fried or not, for Easter. Too bad we can't get into the religious aspect of it.
  11. I'm not sure why they have that statement. Perhaps it's never been updated. I prefer to use the smallest guides that I can get away with. Spinning rod makers used to use jumbo, oversized guides for decades, but now they are using smaller ones to get longer, more precise casts.
  12. 8 pound LM Bass on #4 mono. 200+ pound porpoise on #8 mono using live Spanish Makeral for bait. 41 pound Black Grouper on #25 mono (no leader) in 150+ feet of water.
  13. You actually want the line to move round as little as possible. You will be fine as ong as your lie can freely move through the guides.
  14. See, I told yall so. Geeeeesh
  15. The answer is 2. You have to clear the parenthesis first. 48/2(9+3)= 48/2(12)= 48/24= 2
  16. I'm with you, Crankbait. I HAVE to wash them after wearing them just once, even if its out to dinner for 2 hours. Jeans are no different than any other piece of clothing. You sit in chairs that other people sat in, leaving germs and bacteria to get onto your clothes.
  17. Yes, I have both of them mounted on NRX 893 model rods and they balance perfectly. I was using them earlier tonight in a tournament. I put'em down and picked up my Shimano Chronarch 50mg and 7.5' GLX Senko rod and made my mind up that I will be moving the Chronarch to 2nd string, or retiring it to the shelf, and buying another Lews. I don't have a clue on what "Fishinkeebs" is talking about when he says they suck.
  18. For me, I have to say the 893. I like the extra length when it come to setting the hook. I have two of the 893's and will probably get a third, after I get the 854. I can say without a doubt that you will definitely feel more hits with the NRX series over the GLX. The rods are incredibly sensitive, yet have enough backbone to move the fish. I use my 893's with Senkos, Flukes and other soft plastics.
  19. I am one rod away from changing out my GLX (soft plastics )series to the NRX series. All I need is the heavy jig/worm rod. These rods are an absolute gem to fish with. The sensitivity is incredible.
  20. Look no further. I've got this rod and it works extremely well. Also works well with spinner baits. G-Loomis Crank Bait rod. CBR906 7'6" 10-20 3/8-1 Mod-Fast Med-Heavy $245.00 This rod was designed specifically for “ripping” lipless crankbaits in grass. It has more length to give you better casting range and lure control, but it’s still very light weight and powerful. It will fish really large deep-diving baits extremely well and has more than enough power to use for stripers or big pike and talk about cover water… this rod will cast a bait a country mile!
  21. Awesome sack! I forget which tournament it was recently, but 28 pounds wouldn't even put you in the top 3 or 4 .
  22. Put a negative mark next to his name in the good seller/buyer section. Has to be done by a Mod. Did you ship the product before receiving payment? It's been a good while since I've heard of bad deals. But that doesn't mean they don't happen. Most of the regular sellers/buyers on this forum are straight up guys.
  23. There have been many reviews on the new Lew's reels. Do a search and see what you find. In short, there hasn't been much, if any, negative talk. I own two of'em.
  24. First off, is this a team tournament? Meaning both people in the boat fish as a team against the other boaters. As a boater who fishes team tournaments, I offer for the other team mate to fish the front deck with me if he wants. We're both going for the win as a team. As a boater fishing team tourny's, I go out of my way to position the boat so my team mate has access to the same shoreline/structure as me. As long as he doesn't throw on top of me. And in that case, he wouldn't be my team mate for long . One thing I don't like as a boater with a team mate or fishing against the guy in the back seat is when he brings every piece of equipment he owns, including the kitchen sink, and takes up every available piece of space. Bring what you want, just keep it out of my way. If this isn't a team tourny and you're the non-boater, then sit in the back, mind your own business, and don't get in the way of the boaters cast or "spot." Offer your ideas and assistance, but if he isn't receptive then stay to yourself. Some boaters can be arsholes.
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