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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Well, to you and I you're not old. But in the eyes of a 7 year old, you're from the Jurasic era, lol.
  2. We had 14 tournaments with averagw 22 boats per tourny. Sometimes 25 and sometimes 20. I finished 3rd with overall weight. Finished 1st in the Classic.
  3. I've been fishing out of an aluminum Tracker Tournament TX19 for 6 years now. I've won a couple grand this past year out of it. The single biggest problem I have with fishing from the aluminum boat is the WIND. The boat gets tossed around like a balloon. Speed would be the second problem. I run 38-41 mph, which is fine for short runs. But if you have to run across Lake Okeechobee in a hurry then you need speed.
  4. The kid probably went home and told his mom how much his dad sucked at catching fish and how some old man out fished them, lol.
  5. So much for using the Twinkie defense for murder, lol.
  6. Thanks for all the replies. It appears what I was charged is somewhat reasonable for shop work.
  7. I laughed when I got the "get a copy of your criminal record" notification. I was like "geez, is my record SOOO bad/long that I need a record of it to remind me?" But don't worry, you're still loved.
  8. If you don't like it then become a leader and not follower. You don't want minimum wage, then get out of the kitchen. You want 700k, then gear up and play ball.
  9. Those are his "blow-up Twinkies," not to be confused with his blow-up doll.
  10. Shouldn't the name reflect the color?
  11. ^^^^^ Pretty well said ^^^^^
  12. I guess one could say " they wanted their own cake and to eat it too."
  13. I'm not so sure about that. I believe there very well could be a WR lurking somewhere in S. Florida. The problem is that we have no access or limited access to the waters that may hold it.
  14. Some dude with two first names.
  15. Bass in S. Florida tend to be in full spawn mode from Jan-March. They sometimes run through April and start in Nov, Dec. Some bass will spawn during the summer too.
  16. Shane- thanks for the contact. Do you know if he's near central Palm Beach? JrSmith- Thanks for replying. I think I'll have one of those mobile mechanics come over to my house and service it next time. That way I can watch and learn. I can't imagine it being too difficult. For now, at least I have peace of mind knowing it was done right. Even if it cost an extra 30-40 bucks.
  17. I had my motor serviced today and the bill was $532.54. I don't believe the mechanic installed any unecessary parts, but question the prices for parts. My motor is a 2006 Mercury Optimax 90hp. I had it serviced at 20 hours, 100 hours and now at 168 hours. Here is what they did and prices. 3 spark plugs @ $64.50. $20 for a spark plug seem high. Filter @ $39.92. I assume fuel filter. Water pump @ $42.08 Ger Lube @ $15.00 Belt @ $55.90. I kept old belt, which looks fine to me, but I'm not a mechanic. Was told if belt goes, then it would foul out plugs and a new service would be required, so be cautious and replace the belt. Total parts $217 Labor $285 Tax $30 Questions; Is labor usualy taxed? Does the price seem high for the service/parts? Is their a standard "book" fee for hourly rate? If work was done in two hours, but book says standard is four hours then would they charge me for the four hours? How difficult is it do do this task on own, providing I'm not a total non-do it yourselfer, haha. The company who did the service is a certified Mercury mechanic and seems to do alot of business. He is friendly and seems to know what he's talking about, but he coulda said run strawberry juice through the motor and I would have to believe him, almost. I don't mind paying the $500, as long as it's in the ballpark for this type service. Thanks for the help.
  18. Started 5 minutes ago. Right now he's learning how to be a BAD ARS>
  19. Sweet! Signing over titles is like getting divorced all over again, haha.
  20. The scum bag is fish food. I believe the seal members got into trouble because they violated their policy by providing restricted (for certain eyes) information to the gaming manufacturer. I didn't watch it, but I believe it aired the day, or two, before the election.
  21. Killer Khaki or Lucious Lime
  22. Sweet! The wife and I are going in a couple days to see it and I'm actually looking forward to it. Even the 20 dollars on popcorn, Snow Caps and soda will be worth it, I hope.
  23. LOL. I'm probably the most screwed up person when it comes to left hand right hand. left handed write shoot basketball carry my gun eat brush hair brush teeth LMAO, try brushing your teeth with your other hand. talking about weird feeling. spinning reel Right handed throw baseball punch bat golf baitcaster Bowling is confusing. I stand there switching the ball from right to left hand because both feel comfortable. I shoot left, but am very accurate with right. I think because I over compensate. I'm too slow out of the holster to carry right handed though.
  24. Trust me, they're worth missing a meal for.
  25. Thanks Eric. I've been meaning to call you so I could get the model number on your Dobyns. Let's get together and hit the lake, pit or lox. I'm on vacation this week.
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