We're doomed. For crying out loud, an ear of corn now cost ONE dollar.
Our borders are open (might as well be) for anyone to cross.
Some illegals get 10k from the gov't to start their new life here in the states after they wash ashore on our beaches.
If you go to the ER for a hook in your ear, then the doc orders 3 different MRI's, a dozen x-rays, a complete blood work-up and a whole host of other tests because he's affraid of missing something and being sued. Now your bill is $2500 after insurance and 100k before insurance.
The average person spends $400-500 a month on car payments, just to drive to and from work. What a fricking joke. Buy a new car for 30k, and resell it to the same dealer a week later with zero miles and you only get 20k, if you're lucky.
Just wait until the price of Senkos go up.
I see more and more people living in gov't funded housing but drive 50k dollar cars. They can afford tatoos, gold teeth and manicures, but come hel or high water, they ain't going to pay for a mortgage or get a job.
Forget world disaters, we're gonna destroy our own selves.
Grab you rod, bag of Senkos and run for your life, Charlie Brown.