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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. IMO, there is no reel under 200 dollars that compares to the Lews TP.
  2. We're doomed. For crying out loud, an ear of corn now cost ONE dollar. Our borders are open (might as well be) for anyone to cross. Some illegals get 10k from the gov't to start their new life here in the states after they wash ashore on our beaches. If you go to the ER for a hook in your ear, then the doc orders 3 different MRI's, a dozen x-rays, a complete blood work-up and a whole host of other tests because he's affraid of missing something and being sued. Now your bill is $2500 after insurance and 100k before insurance. The average person spends $400-500 a month on car payments, just to drive to and from work. What a fricking joke. Buy a new car for 30k, and resell it to the same dealer a week later with zero miles and you only get 20k, if you're lucky. Just wait until the price of Senkos go up. I see more and more people living in gov't funded housing but drive 50k dollar cars. They can afford tatoos, gold teeth and manicures, but come hel or high water, they ain't going to pay for a mortgage or get a job. Forget world disaters, we're gonna destroy our own selves. Grab you rod, bag of Senkos and run for your life, Charlie Brown.
  3. Before you invest in a custom rod, I suggest you learn about what makes a rod a good rod. I know several people who build "custom" rods, but because I know what to look for in a rod, I know there rods aren't that good or as good as some mass production rods. Example; The right guide placement and seat placement on a particular blank is much more important than having a pretty fish wrapped above the handle. I guess you could look at a custom rod in two different ways, construction and looks. Just because someone wraps a beuatiful wrap doesn't make the rod "custom" as far as performance goes so don't get taken just because you see a pretty rod that is labled "custom" unless you are only concerned with looks.
  4. I purchased 2 Tournament Pros at the beginning of my tournament season (March). I like them so much that I have since sold two of my Chronarch 50mgs. I plan on posting my experience with them at the end of the season (1 week of October). If I had to give an apinion right now, I'd say don't hesitate buying a TP. I haven't tried the other Lews models but the TP has done me very good.
  5. Jason, my friend. Why limit yourself to such a small "man cave?" Here's what I did. First, I found a five gallon bucket. Second, I went to BassPro and bought a portable toilet seat that fastens to the five gallon bucket. Third, I placed the make shift toilet smack dab in the middle of the livingroom, right in front of the flatscreen. Fourth, I got butt ars naked, sat on my portable toilet, turned on Family Guy and proceeded to make music. The wife has yet to come home with the kid, and it's been 3 days. LMAO
  6. I just made this joke up. What do you call three blondes in a Bentley? Crash Dummies
  7. Great minds think alike.
  8. Gator Posse is here. I am born and raised in S. Florida and have fished with gators more times than I can remember. I have never had a problem getting a fish out of the water, without swinging, before it was eatin by a gator. I swing fish all the time, mostly in tourny's, but generally not over 2-3 pounds because I use light line and don't want to risk a pop off. I've had gators follow the bass towards the boat, but they usually turn around or go under befor they get too close. Sometime though, the smaller gators will try and come closer but generally they keep their distance.
  9. "Need Help Beating The Beaver" Young Guns When will they ever learn?
  10. I own a couple of thr NRX 893's. I don't know how much they weigh, but they're too light to be heavy.
  11. What better way to spend the day. It's nice to see other folk having a good time.
  12. No. She caught it on a small swimbait of some sort. I wasn't there but my brother told me she was standing a few foot or so behind him. My brother noticed out of the corner of his eye that her rod tip was bending. He thought she snagged the hydrilla so he turns to help. There she was, jus turning the the handle but gaining no line. LOL, my brother was like "I don't understand, I coulda swore I tightened that grag down". He realized she had a fish on and started coaching her. (You guys know how it is "Be careful, hold your rod tip up, don't horse her now, look out for the rocks " After she got'er in, he had to show her how to hold it because she hasn't ever held a fish either.
  13. Of course it counts. But, why are YOU running? Aren't you married?
  14. I was wondering how long it was going to take for you to chime in, Eric. You need to get your ars up here and lets go already. The big girls are hungry. If you like to fish live bait, belive it or not, but bluegill outfish shiners 5 to 1. And bass out fish the bluegill. I've had more huge bass chase and try to eat bass up to 1-2 pounds than I can remember.
  15. Because I use a different rod for my cranks than I use for my jerkabaits. 10lb is the lowest I will go with the jerks. My crank rod is more forgiving and I can get away using lighter line.
  16. No need to run. I'm fortunate enough to have a car. And if that breaks down then I have a bicycle. And if that breaks down then I guess I ain't going no where.
  17. I would love to see someone noodling for lobster. Could you just imagine puting your hand in a dark hole for a lobster, only to find Mr. Moray on your knuckles.
  18. Nice job. Were you guys trolling or drifting live bait? My brother has been catching bone fish around the L/W inlet.
  19. I would suggest driving to the Lox entrance in Boynton Beach, between Atlantic Ave and Boynton Beach Blvd. They rent canoes there. If that isn't good, then hit neighborhood lakes or 441 canal because Lox is nearly impossible to fish from the shore.
  20. 8-10 pound Yozuri for cranks and 10-12 pound Yozuri for jerks.
  21. Check this place out. They are having a big sale on Shimano and Loomis rods as well as an assortment of reels. I'm sure you can find a nice 7'+ M/H rod for your needs. And no, I'm not affiliated with them in anyway. http://www.americanlegacyfishing.com/fishing-rods/casting-rods/freshwater.html
  22. Thanks for the kind replies. She caught it in a private 75 acre shell rock pit that's been closed for about 10 years. I was lucky enough to obtain permission to fish it anytime I want. This is the 3rd bass over 10 pounds that I've seen come out of the pit, unless all three were the same fish, which I doubt.
  23. My brother took his girlfriend bass fishing yesterday and this was her first bass she ever caught. He didn't weigh it, but I'm sure it's well over 10 pounds.
  24. That's because we already built the fort, had all the chicks, drank all the beer, explored all that needs exploring and planted a tree.
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