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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Boat, but I have a partner.
  2. How/when will we know if we made the "list" or not?
  3. Not to hijack the thread, but anyone want to do the evening in Lox tomorrow?
  4. Out of all the different lakes I fish, I would say 1 out of every 10 bass are over 4 pounds.
  5. Raining? Only about 12 inches in thae last 2-3 days. Hot? Man, it's hotter than the hubs of He*ll
  6. Do nose hairs grow faster and longer the older you get. I just yanked 5 of them out about a half inch long, and I trimmed them a few weeks ago.
  7. That was great! LMAO....
  8. Rhino, hahaha. I cut the tassels off of my 1973 banana seat bike. This bike did come with a bell, though. Francho, thanks for making me wet myself with that clip. I tried doing a wheelie and darn near pulled my back muscle.
  9. Same deal going on at the DSG in Palm Beach on Southern Blvd.
  10. But you modeling BR gear would just scare away any future members.
  11. If I didn't qualify for Team Depends before, I certainly do now. I made a comment to my wife a few weeks ago while at the the bike store that this bike looked pretty cool. I told her it would be perfect for holding my rods and gear while pedaling to the neighborhood lakes. Now I know why my 3 year old kept telling me all week that he and mommy have a secret . I'll make some custom PVC rod holders and strap them to the basket along with a drink holder.
  12. you don't even know what you are volunteering for. For all you know, you're volunteering to model pink, BR thongs.
  13. Snook, It's not even an interview. It's a ride a long program that he gets college credits for.
  14. I'll volunteer, as long as it doesn't involve cleaning toilets.
  15. WHY I'M DEPRESSED!! Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel, "Pick up your shovels, mount your ***** and camels, I will lead you to the Promised Land." Nearly 75 years ago, (when Welfare was introduced) Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your *****, light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land." Today, Congress has stolen your shovel, taxed your *****, raised the price of Camels and mortgaged the Promised Land! I was so depressed last night thinking about Health Care Plans, the economy, the wars, lost jobs, savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc . .. . I called a Suicide Hotline. I had to press 1 for English. I was connected to a call center in Pakistan. I told them I was suicidal. They got excited and asked if I could drive a truck...... Folks, we're screwed!
  16. Awesome outing you had, bro. But, I don't know how you early birds do it. Do you go home and back to bed or are you up the rest of the day?
  17. Wow, he stuck you twice? It's too bad he's in charge of the program. The lady in charge of our program is top notch. Have you tried going to a different agency to do your internship with?
  18. You had quite a good summer and kudo's to you for helping other people. I laughed at the window in the first picture. It seems someone lost their level.
  19. Here in S.Florida, especially in the hot summer months, the bass will either go deep or bury themselves under thick cover where it's shady. The water temp will be in the high 80's to lower 90's, which tend to make the bass a bit sluggish. It seems there are certain times of the day when the bass will become more active and feed, but it can be difficult pinpointing that time down because it's never the same time. Depending on where I'm fishing will dictate what style of fishing I will be doing (almost always some sort of soft plastic). If I'm tossing a jig, it's either when I'm drifting over a large grass bed or fishing pads/hyacinth(sp). I prefer drifting over the flats and dropping the jig in the holes because it's much easier on my lowe back. I use jigs with and w/out rattles. I'm not completely sold that the rattles will catch more fish but for me it's a confidence thing, especially fishing murky water like you described. Aside from the jig, I like to use a large, soft plastic, creature type bait with a pegged sinker. I would venture to say that I have done better with creature baits over jigs, but that might be because I fish them more. The other time I like to use jigs is when it's super cold. During the extreme cold months, bass will station themselves up against structure like docks and stumps. I prefer using jigs under these conditions because I can keep them in the strike zone longer. Many people concentrate on fishing the front of the docks only and miss a lot of fish. Don't forget to fish the sides and against the shore where the dock starts. In short, I fish jigs/creatures mainly, but not exclusively, in June, July, August, Jan and Feb. I fish them primarily around structure, grass flats or thick vegitation.
  20. Might I suggest ABU, Pinnacle, Flooooger? Haha, had to do it.
  21. Whats the entry fee? Is there a registration fee? Is it a team trail or individual? Do you keep the same partner all year and can I choose my partner?
  22. Loomis Shimano Nitro Ford Publix Supermarket Holiday Inn Gatorade
  23. The agency I work for gets about 40 interns a year from around the country. Our training division does an outstanding job assigning the interns throughout the various divisions of our agency, but sometime sht happens and the ride along has to be cancelled. I personally get about 7 interns a year who ride with me and there have been times I had to cancle at the last minute. I've always called the intern but perhaps the person you were going to be teamed up with wasn't given your phone number. Mistakes happen and some people get booboos, but lick the wound and move on.
  24. I'd say keep it until it's big enough to eat. But what do I know? I'm just a squirrel trying to get a nut.....
  25. If you're asking if you should get the rod, then the answer is YES. GL2 is Loomis' lower end rod but you can't beat it for 80 bucks.
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