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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I'm still working on this mount
  2. It's been too darn hot for me to get out and flip. Flipping all day is bad enough on the back,don't need the heat making it worse. That being said, I'm sure I would have done good if I was out there flipping.
  3. Ok. Unless I fall asllep, I'll be on the beach, north side, at 5am. My hat will be on backward so you'll be able to fnd me.
  4. My opinion? I wouldn't take it if it was free.
  5. Yea, because them olden cars back in the day didn't have electronics. Yep, no need for bridges back then.
  6. WOW!. You absolutley slayed'em in this heat. Way to go.
  7. COLD PEPPERONI PIZZA and he liked it. Oh well, so much for enjoying one of the best leftover foods by myself.
  8. Snook, that's great. Maybe I can meet you down there Monday morning. The season opens in a few days so you better catch what you can now. You know the snook shut down just as soon as the season opens.
  9. Does anyone want to get paid to fish? Here's the deal. I need someone, or a couple of someones, to fish Lake Ida in the evening hours from 6p till about 8:30 or until ramp closes. I need you to concentrate on Lake Ida and/or north to leisureville. Report back to me where you caught fish and type bait, NO LIVE BAIT. I'll pay you 10 bucks (to the boat owner, not everyone on the boat) per trip (gas money) from now through Tuesday night. PLEASE don't be a rookie trying to learn how to fish and take my money. Here's why I need your help. Lake Osborne has produced SH** for my evening tournaments for the last 3 tournaments. It's like the fish have packed up and left the lake. I'm going to concentrate on Lake Clarke Shores Sunday, Monday and maybe Tuesday, but would like for someone to scout Lake Ida. Leisureville would be better but no further south than Ida. thanks for the help.
  10. Like Snook said,head for the salt. Best summer time fishing is in the BIG pond.
  11. Play more poker. Dedicate more time to my job, a pimp.
  12. ^ No, that is the farthest thing from it. The heat has been a b**** laetly. The fish are biting, just not like we want them too.
  13. I always strike up a conversation while on a public toilet. If I walk in the restroom and someone is on the jon, stinking up the place, I'll say "Wholy heck, how about a courtesy flush!" If I'm sitting on the toilet and someone occupies the stall next to me, then I'll start singing something like "Mary Had A Little Lamb" or some other nursey song. If I let out a loud one, then I'll say "OMG, that sure felt good, but wet." LMAO, this one guy came in and sat in the stall next to me and had the most foul smelling number two. I said "Dang dude, what you been eating?" He didn't say anything but I could hear him trying not to laugh. The best thing, though, is to turn out the lights when you exit, leaving whomever sitting there in the dark.
  14. He was fishing for Snapper, but caught a Sardine.
  15. My advice to you is for you to use a T-rig worm and learn the lake bottom by fishing it. An 8 acre pond isn't that big and shouldn't be to difficult to learn, providing you're not lazy. Position your boat about 20 yards from shore and cast to the bank. Work your worm on the bottom, concetrating on the different types of objects your worm bumps in to. You should also be ble to feel the drop offs and humps. Fish the whole lake and then move out another 20 yards and cast towards your previous spot. Not only will you learn your lake, but you will also sharpen your skills using a worm.
  16. Huh, What? I can't hear you.
  17. Ocean fishing alway out performs bass fishing this time of year. I'd be on the ocean too but I sold my ocean boat.
  18. Yes, I have and Yes, I still do. Bass love bream. Bass love other bass better, but that woud definately be illegal here in Florida.
  19. Just about every fish, fesh or salt, is edible.
  20. Don't make me go out there and show you guys how to do it. The fishing has been tough everywhere, so don't give up.
  21. The fishimg has been tough everywhere. I'll be heading out Monday afternoon to lake Ida and Leisureville to scout around for next Thursday nights tournament. The fish in Osborne seem non-existant. Water has been dirty and 87-89 degrees. I fished Palm Beach canal from 6:30pm to 8pm tonite and only caught two.
  22. I think you need to simplify your article.
  23. My in-laws smoke too, but no way in hell would I allow them to give my son those candy cigs and I don't allow them to smoke around him either. I would be very stern and direct. Tell them if they give those things to him again then he will NOT be visiting anymore.
  24. Perhaps if I micromanaged my portfolio, I wouldn't have lost $12,400 in a month month and a half. Question is, how far do I let it go before I freeze it?
  25. I lost just over 12k since June 30th, 2011.
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