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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Your fits can be controlled with medication. But the woman,anything that bleeds for at least 3 days straight and survives ain't human.
  2. Duh, you shoulda had a V8.
  3. A 10 pounder woulda yanked your scrawny ars in the water and a 13 pounder woulda eaten ya. Tell your dad nice fish, but I don't think she'll go 13. Did you weigh her? None the less, she's nice.
  4. Wow, no wind and no drift usualy sucks. I went to inlet two nites ago and caught one snook and lost one. Both on mullet. The lady fish should be a blast on small jigs, excellent snook bait too.
  5. The full moon and PMS makes a deadly combination and creates a being that is not of this world . The wife is displaying signs of the excorcist when Linda Blair's head starts to spin. My only safety zone is to be on my boat in the middle of the lake, even if it's during a lightning storm. I don't think I can take anymore.
  6. Are you kidding me? There's a thread already started on the same page. Reading is a wonderful thing.
  7. Loomis' and Shimanos don't sit on the rack long enough to get old.
  8. That there is FUNNNNNNNY!
  9. I'm telling ya, it got eaten by a big ol' bass.
  10. lol, I sucked at easter egg hunts too.
  11. The number one reason why people miss hook-ups with circle hooks is because you're not supposed to set the hook in the normal fashion. All you have to is just start reeling or lust lift the rod and the hook does the rest. Circle hooks, used properly, have a very high hook-up ratio.
  12. Yea, same here. In fact, Sirsnook and I were just talking about them the other day.
  13. If it's bass, there will usually be several blow-ups at one time as apposed to just one. If you see several blow-ups in a concetrated area, then bass are usually chasing a school of shad and I suggest throwing something that represents the shad, like a rattle trap or pointer minnow. If you're seeing just one blow up, like up against the bulk head or wall, then it's probably just one or two bass chasing a bream or other bait. I would stick to the fluke, spook or something similar and put it right infront of the blow-up while it's happening. Sometimes bass will chase and corner the baitup against structure and then return to the drop off or ledge.
  14. You mean I spent hours re-reading old posts that are weeks old for nothing? HAHAHAHAHA.
  15. Well, do what I do then. My phone rings while I'm on the lake. Me: Hello, my love. Wife: Hey, babe. Whach'a doin. Me: Babe, are my rods in the rod rack? Is my boat in the garage? NO? Then I'm fishing. What in the heck do you think I'm doing. Are you hurt? Is the baby hurt. Did the house catch on fire? NO, then why are you calling me? Wife: When will you be home? Me: When the fish stop biting or after dark. Wife: Ok, I love you. Me: Love you too, babe. Bye. Hang up. OR Me: Hello, Love. What up? Wife: Nothing. I just calling to say hi. Me: Babe, did you get my phone call while you were at the gym or getting your nails done? No? That's because I didn't call you to ask you silly things. I'm fishing. I love you, bye. Wife: Ok, I'm sorry. I'll have your dinner ready for you whenever you get home. Have fun.
  16. Sounds to me the wife is looking for some ATTENTION.
  17. I said the exact thing when my sister-in-law showed me.
  18. Mexico is too violent for me to put up with. Too headless bodies all over the place. I think Canada would look nice, but so would Australia and Cost Rica.
  19. Gleen, You said the lure is hidden amongst the pages of the forum. Does that mean it could be hidden in a post/thread that is under one of the various topics and was started a month ago? I have searched for HOURS and can't find that dang thing. I think a bass ate it!
  20. which country would you choose to live in if you had to. Access to bass fishing OR saltwater fishing should be a part of your decision. AND NO, I'm not a fugitive on the run, LOL.
  21. I have two of the TP's and love'em. Do a search on here and you will find several reviews. I'm tired if writing'em.
  22. I owned two of the 853 GLX's but sold them for the NRX series. The 853's are very nice worm/jig rods, but the 853 is a tad too light if you're going to be flipping jigs in HEAVY cover. If, not, then the 853 is perfect for your weighted baits that you mentioned. That being said, if you're throwing Senkos then there is no better rod in the GLX that can compete with the BCR893 GLX. The 893 is THE supreme Senko rod and works very well with T-rig worm also. A bit to "tipsy" for jigs, but EXCELLENT for Senkos and T-rigs. I also owned 2 of the 893's but sold them for NRX"s too.
  23. I met SirSnookalot at the Boynton inlet Monday morning befor sun-up for some Snook action. As I'm walking out to the spot, what do I see? It was SirSnook battling a nice Snook on what most Snook fisherman would considere light tackle. SirSnook was able to muscle her in and we're guessing she went 15 pounds. She was absolutely beautiful too. Snook seaso opens at 12am September 1st, so obey the bag and size limit and have fun.
  24. There's a guy in my town that sells Daiwa reels labled as boat anchors.
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