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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Get the Lake Fork Magic Shad. I buy them by the dozen. Excellent bait that catches big fish.
  2. It's kind of like the illegal immigrant issue our Country is plagued with.
  3. Florida has the most members on the map Okeechobee sounds good. I'll even put you and Keri up at my house for free, just stay out of my ice cream and blueberry pop tarts.
  4. Ditto, (for what it's worth)
  5. My suggestion is why not figure it out for yourself? How much fun would it be if I handed you the rod to reel the fish in after I did all the work of getting it to bite and then hooking it? I don't think that would be much fun. Same thing applies to your question. Your pond is only an acre and can be walked oround in 10 minutes. Take the time to try different baits, fishied at different times of the day and with different presentations. You mentioned that you think the bass might be accustomed to your bait. If you think that, then change it. You don't need to second guess yourself. The biggest part/fun of fishing is trying to get the fish to bite. Getting them to bite takes patience and a process of elimination. Go learn by teaching yourself. If nothing works after a few days then I will give you a sure fire way of catching them.
  6. haha, sorry bud. I thought the video was up.
  7. Let your imagination be your guide. Fish jigs around submerged trees, rocks, drop ffs, ledges, grass beds, sunken tires, grocery carts or anything. Try letting the jig sit on the bottom and just give it a shake without dragging it. Move it a few inches and repeat. Try bouncing it off the bottom like a yoyo. Practice, practice, practice.
  8. It will more than likely get drunk or hurt it's head.
  9. They don't have another name. You just made up your own,
  10. No kind of worm is outdated. Bass will eat straight worms, fat worms and skinny worms. Bass like ugly worms, pretty worms, curly worms, short worms and long worms. Bass like smelly worms, no scent worms, dark worms and colorful worms. Bass like worms with ridges and bass like smooth worms. yes, bass like worms, all sorts of worms. So no, worms are never out dated.
  11. Here's an idea. Use a small split shot about 8 inches above the senko. You can also by nail weights or glass weights with rattles. All you need to do is surf BassPro or *** and you'll find plenty of weights you can use. I suggest the split shot though.
  12. Did you check to make sure you have enough horn fluid?
  13. Nice trip. We have to make plans to do some wading up in the indian river for trout and snook. I think you wold have a blast. We can take my boat if your bones are too brittle to wade .
  14. Here in Florida we used to have the Florida Marine Patrol and the Fish and Game wardens. The FMP have always been professional and courtious but almost never leave without giving you at least one citation. The Fish and Game wardens are also very polite and professional and seem to give a lot more warnings than the FMP. The ONLY problem I had with a wildlife officer was on the Federal side. The guy lives and works in the Loxahatchee Wildlife refuge. This guy was/is a total tool. I'm also in law enforcement and was encountered by the guy while visiting the park. The guy showed absolutely no professional courtesy and had an ego the size of the world. I wasn't doing anything illegal but he kept me detained long enough to make sure I never thought about fishing in the "no fishing" zone, (like I would ever do that ) About a year later, he attended one of my training classes and he still acted like a tool.
  15. 7.5" - 8" worms and Senkos. I fish in Florida. As far as crankbaits go, I've caught more bigger fish on topwater than deep divers, but nothing over 7.
  16. Hey Clayton, I wish the best of luck to you and hope all works out well. Just do yourself a favor and check your state laws. It doesn't matter who's name the trailer is in, property gained during marriage is equaly owned by BOTH parties, regardless of who's name it's in. There is nothing wrong, IMO, of having her dad help yall out. Parents often help out their kids with down payments on houses/cars/school. Just make sure is in the BESt interest for BOTH you and your wife. P.S. Always remember this, as cold as it may sound, look out for YOURSELF first.
  17. Hmmmmm, I'm hesitant to give my advice, but here it goes. Bail out and run. Yall fight and are going to counceling? You don't need to be buying ANYTHING in an unstable relationship, PERIOD. Pay your child support and be a father to your kids, but listen to your heart. Break-ups suck and it hurts when kids are involved, but go with your feelings. Your feelings don't/won't lie to you.
  18. I don't know where it is you'll be fishing, but it's pretty much the same around the Country/world. Successfull fishing in bays, inlets, rivers,etc depends mostly on the tide (incoming or outgoing). Either tide will produce fish, but slack tide (when going from hi to low or low to hi) usually sucks. Saltwater trout, snook, tarpon, red fish, lady fish can all be caught on artificial bait (lures) and are generally more fun to catch with artificial. Those species can also be caught on regular bass tackle, providing you're not fishing around lots of structure. Tide doesn't affect ocean fishing, but current does. Generally, bass gear is too small for ocean fishing. I suggest checking with the local tackle shop nearby where you're going to be fishing.
  19. Put a fishy band-aide on the wound and give it a kiss. I don't want to sound too much of an arshole, but who cares? It's a fish and I love to fish. Besides, a little pain is good for ya, and the fish. It makes'em grow big.
  20. 8oz weight? I guess the current was a little stronger today then it was the other day.
  21. Good, I'm glad he someone won. Now how about telling us losers where in the heck was that crank bait hidden.
  22. If you knew ahead of time he hated fishing and fisherman, then how in the heck did he find out you fished. Keep your pie hole shut and don't bring up the subject to him or in front him.
  23. You had an awesome outing. Thanks for sharing.
  24. I primarilly fish for snook in the ICW. I fish mainly at nite and target lighted docks and bridges. The snook will hide in the shadow and face the current waiting for their prey to swim/drift by and then inhale it. I prefer the last hour and half of the incoming and first hour and half of the out going tide. Just like Sirsnook said, snook like the current. Snook fisherman will plan their trip based on the tide and almost all snook fisherman will agree that the worst time to catch snook is on slack tide (not impossible but not ideal). The baits I prefer to use when fishing on docks are live shrimp and live mullet. I use 25-30 pound mono with 40-60 pound leader. Flip the shrimp or mullet parralell to the shadow and let the current take the bait a few feet under the dock and then repeat your flip. You only need to use about 6-12 feet of line. On the bridges I prefer live mullet, fished the same as the dock, but straight 60 pound mono. Inlets I prefer live croaker, sandperch, mullet, feathers and plugs.
  25. No one can argue with the scale and mweasurements. She'a a beauty and I'm glad you and your dad were able to share some time and catch a few.
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