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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. My wife has a couple on the back of her leg behind the knee from pregnancy that she would like to get rid of. They hurt every now and again but she said the removal is very painful. I'll have to tell her about your procedure. By the way, there's nothing tastier than beer battered veins. They're full of nutrients and protein
  2. You had a spider for a pet? I'm sorry for your loss, but that thing would have been dead a long time ago.
  3. Yes, the water was cold. Yes, it was WAY over my head. Yes, it was a long way from shore. Yes, I felt like an idot. Yes, my son peed his pants from laughing.
  4. How much was the procedure and was it covered by insurance? Did you save the veins for whacky rigging?
  5. Why didn't you just cut it out of the catfish? Did you release the catfish with the lure stuck in it's gut?
  6. Hahaha, Snook. I think that already happened to you at the inlet, didn't it? Besides, I also use MONO as well as b/c's. By the way, me and a few other peeps on here are waiting for your winter report so you can take us surf fishing.
  7. Geeeeez, I'm so stupid. I thought Honey Crisps were some kind of new potato chip or something . I just realized they're a type pf apple. DUHHHHHHH.
  8. I bought a music CD the other day for $1.99. All the other CD's (same ones) were marked at $13.99. I took the $1.99 CD to customer service and asked if it was the correct price. The manager was called and said the employee who stamped the sticker price made a mistake, that the CD should have read $13.99. The manager thanked me for bringing the MISMARKED item to their attention and gave me the CD at $1.99, but then went to the CD rack and checked every CD to make sure they were properly marked. Now, is doing the right thing so hard for some of you? Why take advantage of something that is CLEARLY a mistake. Sure, by definition it may not be stealing, but in the minds of us who have a good set of morals considere it stealing. I have no hard feelings towrds those of you who think differently than me, I'll just make sure I NEVER set my fishing rod down next to you because you'll more than likely steal it thinking it was abandoned.
  9. Morally speaking, imo, it is. But that's is just me. I can understand how you like to take advantage of someone, even if it means selling yourself out.
  10. Just because the door to the newspaper machine is broken (won't lock), doesn't mean the newspaper inside is free. What would you do if your financial institution deposited someone elses 20k IRS check into your account by accident and you withdrew the money just moments later. Should you be made to pay it back? Do you think you might get charged with Grand Theft? Should you be allowed to keep the money and the bank be made to repay the 20k to the rightful owner? What if I sold you a 1k rod and reel combo for 20 bucks that I stole but told you it wasn't hot. Do you think you too would be charged with theft/dealing in stole property? Of course you would/could. Just because something is accidently mismarked or misrepresented, doesnt make it right to accept it. Sometimes it might not be illegal, but it certainly will more than likely be unethical. But hey, perhaps WE ALL would sell our soul if we knew we wouldn't get caught.
  11. You can call me anything you want, just don't call me late for dinner.
  12. To buy an item that you know is mismarked is the same as stealing it, imo. How do you know it was the stores fault for mismarking the item and not some thief who change the tags? What if your mom had a garage sale and sold your favorite 300 dollar combo to me for a dollar. What if she told me the rod was yours but you weren't home and she had no clue how much to sell it for.
  13. Perhaps he spent the past 10 years learning how to catch the fish in his pond, whereas you have yet to begin.
  14. It sounds to me like you're are already doing a fine job at catching those green monsters. Fishing isn't a sport you are going to learn in a short period of time. Try a different technique on every fishing trip. The same technique may not work on every trip. If the fish arent biting your trap on a straight retrieve, then slow your retrieve down or speed it up. Try reeling fast then slow. Try reeling fast and then stop reeling for a second or two and start reeling again. There are a whole buch of ways to fish one kind of bait, you just have to find which way works best for the trip you're on. Let your imagination be your guide.
  15. To be honest, I was counting on Okeechobee or Lox. Ansin sounds good but I hate driving 2 hours to fish a new lake, unless someone can give a few pointers on where to fish once we get there. How about the 2nd or 3rd week in November. That should give people enough time to make plans. I prefer Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays, but weekends will work too. Toss out some ideas and we'll go with the majority?
  16. Since they're water resistant, I use mine to wipe my while fishing. After wiping, I rinse the lisence, fold it and put it back into my wallet. You can get a good 3 or 4 poops out of your license.
  17. What do you guys think about another get together? The weather is starting to cool down a little bit and the fishing should turn on. I was thinking about a day trip to Belle Glade, Pahokee or Stick Marsh. I heard Pahokee has a new marina/ramps and restaurant that is pretty good, but I haven't been out there in YEARS. Any suggestions or interest?
  18. Not a problem. SirSnook is a die hard beach rat . He's out there darn near everyday. I'm just waiting on his que and we'll definately get together.
  19. At least it wasn't a worm that touched you.
  20. I can't wait to get out and fish the surf. Please keep us updated as to when the pompano and bluefish make it down here. I need some pompano for the grill and bluefish for the fight.
  21. I've got a sore spot on my ring finger on top of the knuckle. Doctor said it was (I forgot what he called it but it like a cist(sp)). He said some people get rid of them by smashing them real hard against the wall or with a book(he didn't advise that though) or have them removed by the doctor with a needle. You might have the same thing (very common) and it's just a coincidence you developed it when you started using your new reel.
  22. Sounds like the "100 year flood" hit.
  23. I wrote a thread on the Screeming Revo's (Premiere) a couple years ago. I had to send mine back two times before I got one that didn't sound like a cat in heat everytime I casted it. My Premiere, ever since, has performed FLAWLESSLY. It has actually gotten better with age.
  24. My geuss would be that they came out to watch you fish,
  25. This topic has been brought up before, but I'll give you my answer. NO! Live bait fishing does not make you any less of an angler.
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