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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. I use those products during tournaments and they WORK. Fish seem to be just as healthy and vibrant as they were before they were caught.
  2. LOL, he has the internet for that.
  3. Parents are supposed to have all the answers, atleast from a 4yr old's perspective. Here's a synopsis of my 4yr old pushing me into a converstaion that I wasn't ready to have. Son- Dad, why does my hamster sleep all day? Me- Because he eats and runs on his exercise wheel all nite. Son- Why? Me-Why what? Son- Why does he run all nite? Me- Because he's nocturnal. (actually crepuscular). Son- What's nocturnal? Me- He eats and plays at nite and sleeps most of the day. Son-Why? Me- Why what? Son- Why is he nocturnal? Me- That's how he was created. Son- What's created mean? Me-MADE. That's how he was MADE. Okay? He was made to eat/play at nite and sleep most of the day. Now enough about the hamspter. Go get ready, we have to leave. Son-Who made him? Me-What? Son-Who made him? Me- Trying to avoid the question- Who made Who?. Son-Who made my hamster? Me-God made your hamster. Son-Who's God? Me- Lol, by now I'm pulling my hair out trying to understand how we went from a "why does my hampster sleep all day" to God.
  4. Conservatively 4.5. Could be stretched to 5 1/4.
  5. I bought the Snakes a few years back. They swam good, were durable and weedles. I didn't catch anything, not even a hit. I only fished them about 1 hour total time though. The snakes are a big bass lure. And just like fishing any big bass lure, the most important thing is patience. You have to put the time and effort in to be successful. If I was going to take only one rod and spend 6-10 hours on the water, fishing key locations and soley targeting big bass, then perhaps I would consider the Snake. I'm not that type of bass fisherman. Well, maybe once a year, twice at the absolute most. I have to find prime spots before I target big bass (10, 11 pounds and up) and dedicate my entire fishing day, week, month or months to it. Catching big bass is harder than just throwing big lures.
  6. The family and I will be in Disney on the 21st for the Christmas parade. The fireworks show is pretty spectacular.
  7. I wonder how many "believers" have quit work and stopped paying their bills/mortgage
  8. They've been around for decades. Google Doug Hannon's snakes. IMO, save your money.
  9. I think it's pretty cool. You could have some killer Monday nite football parties outside.
  10. Well, maybe for you. There are always two sides to every relationship, hahaha. Congrats on 43 years, of what seems to be lost, of the art of marriage.
  11. Nope, not at all. I gotta tell ya though, I think I would have to give my gen 1 Premier a slight advantage over the my Lews. Maybe it's because the Premier has been with me longer, haha. I was considering buying another Premier until I noticed they reduced the weight of the STX and priced it at 100 dollars cheaper. I'm not sure if I'll like the STX though and I already have faith in the premier. I haven't mentioned anything about my Lews in quite a while. They are still holding up but I think they need a good cleaning. Two of the three seem to not cast as smooth/far as they did during the first year. I think I may have oiled/greased them too much. My Premier, on the other hand, gets smoother and smoother as time marches on. Plus, I like to mix things up every now and again. I'm looking to buy a Dobyn's flippin rod so I'll need another reel for it.
  12. What if Lance/Keebler went under? No more cheese crackers while fishing
  13. iabass pretty well summed it up. The GL2 is a good rod, but if I'm going to spend $200 on it, then I'm going to speng an extra 80-100 and get the IMX or used GLX, which are noticably different. I used the GL2 as a spare jig rod and I believe it performed well, but I like my NRX WAAAAAAY better. I bought the GL2 for under 200. When it broke, I returned it to Dicks for a refund. The price had shot up a few bucks since. I purchased 2 identical ABU Veritas for $99 apiece. One for me and one for my buddy. I ended up returning mine and bought a Star spinning rod. I absolutely hated the ABU. Poor/cheap workmanship, tip heavy and not as comfortable. I rate the GL2 higher than the Veritas. If I was in a bind and had to choose, I'd pay the extra 100 and get the GL2. Loomis could very easily make a very good rod in the 200-250 range. But why would they when they have people like me paying 400+. I have a Mossyback that I use for light flipping and small swimbaits. Rod has performed very good for several years. I also had a couple Loomis crankbait rods. I sold one and kept the 7.5. I like it, but I also like my 7'11 Powell crank rod. Most of my fishing is either with worm or Senko's, weighted and unweighted. I want every edge I can get when using those two baits, even if it means paying an extra 100-200 for the rod. I will make that money back in half a season. I never said the GL2 sucked. I just don't want the guy to buy it with the expectation that he's getting the true experience of Loomis.
  14. Producto are sold at Dicks and probably SA or WalMart, I don't know. U get like 20 worms for under 5 dollars. They're not curly tail, just straight worms in a few basic colors. Black/grape, Junebug, purple, blue fleck. Check'em out the next time you're in Dicks. I've got 4 tournament wins with them. Believe it or not, but on one day they out fished my GY Senko.
  15. Yea, I was thinking the same thing. I bouth the gen1 over the STX years ago because there was a huge weight difference between the two. I'm going to go with the STX and put a Hawgtech Hawg Handle on it.
  16. I have a gen1 Premier that I like very much. I was going to buy a gen 3 premier until I noticed the STX have been reduced in weight. In comparing the two, the only difference I could find is about 1/2 ounce weight difference and 100 bucks. Are there any other differences between the two that is worth the extra $100? Thanks
  17. I did fish one, for half a season until my t-partner broke it, haha. The rod was balanced well and I Iiked the comfort of real seat. That's about it though. I bought mine on sale and was bored, that's why I bought it. I wouldn't spend 200 on another. I'd do without or save for a better rod.
  18. Nope, and there's probably no need to. I use painted weights, but my uncle and few friends us plain lead color. Honestly, they catch just as many fish.
  19. I think I'll hide a Senko in the mashed potatos this year. That should cause quite a stir.
  20. Warm up by talking about religion before dinner, which leads to politics during dinner, which leads to bad name calling and possible food fight, which leads to leaving early, which leads to me getting my way by coming home to enjoy the rest of my day in peace and quiet, HAHAHA.
  21. I only own 1 Powell and it's a 7'11 crankbait rod. I, however, own(ed) several Loomis NRX/GLX/IMX and (1) GL2. All I can say is this. DO NOT purchase the GL2 if you're purchasing it in hopes of experiencing the "true" Loomis experience.
  22. I don't remember what belt was replaced, but he said the same thing. That is why he replaced, just to be on the safe side.
  23. If you catch a fish UNDER 14 pounds, then its gotta go back? DUH. That's because it's a catch and release only lake. Meaning there are no fish over 14 pounds, so all fish you catch must be returned to the water, thus promoting catch and release.
  24. A good idea? That sht really happened, don't you know.
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