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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. TRUE STORY. I grew up in S. Florida and have caught hundred's and hundred's of bass on wild shiners in may of different lakes and ponds. I currently fish a private, closed down rock pit that is about 75 acres. I bought 4 dozen wild, large shiners at a 1.50 a piece and caught 4 bass on'em. I was in total shock at how unproductive the shiners were and figured it had to be the weather or some strange phenomina(sp) that I tried the shinewrs again about 2 months later. This time the result were even worse than before. I decided to use bream and couldn't keep'em in the water long enough to take a leak before they got crushed by 5-10 pound bass. Now here's the funny part... I caught a couple small infant bass, 3/4 - 1 pound, and they got SLAMMED faster than the bream. Now hold on to your horses before you slam me for using bass to catch bass. I had caught the smaller bass on Senkos/lures and they got sucked up reeling'em in. Even the 3-4 pound bass would try annd eat the 1 pound bass and at times tried eating bass up to two pounds. Never in my fishing career have I been skunked on shiners until I fished them in the rock pit.
  2. Sunup to Sundown? I submit your name for the "Hardcore" angler of the year . Man, that's an incredible trip. I hope you get a video camera for Xmas so you can share your experience with us.
  3. Lots of his jokes were in reference to the male and female anatomy, but he used very little, if any at all, curse words. He was actually pretty clean compared to most comedians. He went to H.S here in Palm Beach, I think Kings Academy and Bereen. I know his accent isn't his real voice, but he is very consistant and makes me laugh
  4. Larry was GREAT. I laughed hard and left the auditorium in a much better mood than when I arrived.
  5. Larry the Cable Guy, live at the Kravis Center.
  6. You could have saved yourself a lot of time and just googled it. Butch shows how to make that modification, nothing new and been around. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=butch%20brown%20rigging%20the%20huddleston&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB8QtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D453ZUor4jI0&ei=ZnjDTqXMDdPaggf27cj5Dg&usg=AFQjCNFcvfMS4HmDMfZZFOSt0xzzEhlY5g
  7. Loomis upgraded for me one time. I went from IMX to a GLX. My IMX was in prestine condition and they said they normally don't do upgrades. I was fortunate.
  8. This is a no brainer. Hands down get the Lews Tournament Pro.
  9. I am friends with 2 FBI accountants and neither makes 100k a year. There are many local law enforcement cops who make more than FBI agents.
  10. Lionel Richie and Darrius Rucker(sp) will be up for "Duo of the Year" next year. Do you remember the song "I was country when country wasn't cool?" That title is becoming more amd more fitting with every passing year. IMO, country music just isn't as "cool" as it once was.
  11. And whom might that be? Sanata Clause? or maybe the Bait Monkey?
  12. No, you're wrong. They are in jail because they were convicted by a jury of their peers.
  13. Unless Im reading Senile's post wrong, he is telling people not to report alleged sexual abuse cases to the authorities unless they are basically eye witnesses to the abuse. He is saying that you, the reporter, will/can be charged with filing a false police report, which is so far from the truth. You said "I bet none of the members on this site have been faced with turning in a loved one or someone your close with." I disagree. What would make you think that no one on this site has never been faced with turning in a loved one or someone close ? All I'm sayimg is, I bet you're wrong. If you stand by your statement and actually believe no one has ever turned in a loved one to the authorities, then I say put your money where your mouth is and remove yourself as a member if you're proved wrong.
  14. I'll bet your membership on this forum that you're wrong.
  15. Your statement is so FAR from the truth. I hope no one follows your stupid advice. In fact, your post should be removed. Thousands of victims of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual abuse have been saved from "second-hand sources."
  16. The worse thing I ever snagged while sober was my knuckle. The worse thing while intoxicated was a 210 pound manatee that was lurking around my stool at closing time.
  17. I jinxed the Fins last week againts the Giants so lets see if I can do it this week. Miami is up 28-3 over KC with 5 left in the 3rd. Fins are on trek to ruining a perfect year, hahahaha.
  18. I give up, would it?
  19. What guy in his right mind would drive/own a car like that?
  20. Just put in at Lake Osborne and motor south. You'll run right into that canal. only a 15 minute boat ride, if that.
  21. I didn't want to hold it for more than a couple minutes or else I would have talked myself into buying it. Honestly, the reel is super light, 5.4 ounces I believe. The spool spun nice, but most reels do that right out of the box. I realy liked the design but won't know for sure how it fits my hand until I fasten it to a rod. I am almost certain that it isn't going to feel good on just any ol' reel seat though. I've really grown to like my Premier, even after returning the first two for noise issues, and can only hope the MGX is better. I wanted to use it for jigs/worms, but it is so small and light that it feels as though it won't have enough guts. I'm am so sold on the Lews TP that I'm having a serious debate with myself if the MGX is really going to be that much better. I guess if worse comes to worse, I could always return it if I don't like it. Does anyone know if Dicks S.P has a good return policy?
  22. The new Abu Revo MGX, you freaks Dicks Sporting Goods have them in stock so I had the clerk unlock the 3 security devices so I could hold it. They are soooooooo light. I'm not quite sold on the $350 price tag, but knowing me, I'll have one very soon. The problem is I'll have to buy another NRX to go with it
  23. I went out and didn't finish watching the game. I didn't know they lost until I read the replies. Geeeez, we really SUCK
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