What would I do? I would wear warm, comfortable clothing, have a good rain jacket available, get a big ars cup of coffee, 2 dozen donut holes and enjoy my time on the water.
If you're lucky, you will be fishing pre-frontal conditions, which should actualy turn the fish on. My experience tells me fish usualy turn off a day or two once the front arrives.
I think you have the right bait choices. I'd use a jig, spinnebait, and cranbait/jerkbait, such as the Pointer Minnow.
If the front has already arrived and gave the fish lock jaw, then I would concentrate with the jig and more than likly a T-rig worm. I would fish the jig TIGHT to structure and keep it in the strike zone as long as possible. Let the jig just lie there and give it the slightest little movements.
You might also want to concentrate on the west shore since it will warm up quicker.