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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. LMAO, nice pictures! Cold weather, wind and dirty water makes for a MISERABLE day on lake "O" . I'm glad your drive out there wasn't a total loss and you were able to find some nice fish. Doug.
  2. Hey, that's awesome.
  3. GREEN ? Why Green ? I was just getting use to my NRX with the original color, but I suppose I'll have to get a green one now. I will more than likely regret saying this, but Loomis should considere giving their color choices a "ladies touch" or fire the color coordinater.
  4. Only if I catch a decent fish over 7 pounds do I say "I wish this was tournament day." Remember, if you best 5 were 20 pounds, then chancses are very good that a lot of others in the "tournament' would have done well too.
  5. Forget the rifle. The rifle round will go through the walls and injure someone innocent. I would suggest a short barell shotgun, If I'm the one shooting it. The shotgun offers plenty of stopping power and is easy to shoot. The problem with the shot gun is if I'm not shooting it. If the wife has to use it, then she may only get one round off and hopefully it's a hit. The recoil will more than likely knock her on her ars or she will drop the gun. As far as the racking sound goes, I use a semi-auto so there is no racking sound. Besides, if I pull out the gun for protection, then I'm not intending on scaring the assailant with noise. I intend on taking them out. No warning needed. Their warning was my locked door or window.
  6. Aw, too bad. There's nothing worse than soggy donut holes . Buy a 20 dollar bilge pump and a 5 foot piece of hose. Throw the pump in the bottom of the boat and hook the wires to your T/M battery. It's portable and problem solved.
  7. Nice story, RW. I have some good advice for you too. Move to FLORIDA
  8. Haha, good one ! If he draws your name for the Xmas exchange maybe you'll find out.
  9. My 3 yr old has to have his ANGRY BIRDS whenever we get in the car. He's super good at it and has managed to get me addicted. Now we both fight over who gets to play
  10. ^ Winner winner chicken dinner. I use my M/H Loomis Mossyback Flippin Stick with the Matt lures baby bass, Matt Lures bluegill and Lake Fork Majic Shad ALL the time with zero problems. I throw them with an Abu Premier and braid. That being said, I think the bass and bluegill weights are about the max weight I'd throw with it on a regular basis. P.S. I'm not sure if the baits I throw are the same weight as the ones you're talking abvout though.
  11. Ok. now that that is out of the way! You are probably wondering why I am posting a picture of a dink with such a smile on my face. Can anyone guess why this picture and this momentous day has me so fired up?Jeff
  12. What would I do? I would wear warm, comfortable clothing, have a good rain jacket available, get a big ars cup of coffee, 2 dozen donut holes and enjoy my time on the water. If you're lucky, you will be fishing pre-frontal conditions, which should actualy turn the fish on. My experience tells me fish usualy turn off a day or two once the front arrives. I think you have the right bait choices. I'd use a jig, spinnebait, and cranbait/jerkbait, such as the Pointer Minnow. If the front has already arrived and gave the fish lock jaw, then I would concentrate with the jig and more than likly a T-rig worm. I would fish the jig TIGHT to structure and keep it in the strike zone as long as possible. Let the jig just lie there and give it the slightest little movements. You might also want to concentrate on the west shore since it will warm up quicker.
  13. IMO, any person who excells to the level of "professional" in any sport is both made and born.
  14. He shoulda pulled out his Glock and shot the thief
  15. or the 15th ... But sadly, like J mentioned, anyone can file a suit for any reason.
  16. Their website doesn't explain the difference that I could find. Perhaps only difference is the color because I can't afford another Loomis upgrade at the moment.
  17. Do I dare say the "Alabama rig?"
  18. I dont mind the competiveness nature as much as I mind the constant talking/yapping. Actually, I don't mind the talking as long as I don't have to acknowledge I'm listening. I can tune out the yapping, but don't like to take the time to acknowledge everything your saying. I kind of just like to shut up and fish.
  19. I don't buy into the notion that bass landing on the deck of my boat is all that harmful to them. I'm someone who needs some type of factual data too. I'm not saying that I intentionaly throw my fish on the deck nor do I let them flop around while I scratch mr ars either.
  20. I agree 100% . I have flipped bass up to 4-5 pounds with m/h baitcast gear and 10 pound mono, BUT no way in heck would I do it on tournament day. I have had several fish fall off midway from the boat and water I use a net on almost every fish on tourny day. Any other day I use my hands or flip'em. I couldn't imagine flipping a 15-20 pound bass though. Especially if it were my first time catching a HAWG like you have. I would probably break my rod over my leg if a 15 pounder came unbuttoned because I tried flipp'n her
  21. Fighting those Jack is like a lightweight fighting Mike Tyson. Those Jack are one hell-of-a fighter.
  22. Like Snook said, it's all about the "spring/swing." DON"T dead lift them or your chances of breaking your rod or line is very likely. You have to master the swing technique or you will fail a majority of time.
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