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Bassn Blvd

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Everything posted by Bassn Blvd

  1. Very nice outing, Stu. You have become quite the fisherman down there at the inlet and thanks for sharing. I would have been one of those gnats running away with the snook, hahaha. As far as jacks go, I'd rather eat seaweed. Jacks are, however, an excellent light tackle fighter and they will flat wear you out after catching a half dozen or so back to back. Btw, I took the boat out to Lake Ida this morning and guess what I caught? 2 peacocks. Thety were small but at least they're back.
  2. Jeremyt, I had Kent last year and darn near cried when I learned he wasn't my partner again this year. Kent is like THE Santa Clause of Xmas Xchange.
  3. I was too lazy last nite to take the time to write what Lund wrote. I've been in those situations and have expressed my inner most gentelman qualities at times that were viewed by many. I blamed it on my competitive nature, but had to learn to control my emotions in the public eye. I would imagine that many, if not all, of the previously mentioned celeberties/athletes show their backside every now again. We just don't see it because the cameras didn't show it. I believe Ike was in the "zone" and has a very strong competitive nature which caused him to relieve his stress at a not so good time.
  4. It was on earlier today but I had to leave half way through the show. Ike was leading by like 10 pounds. WTH happened?
  5. This lady, my friends, has learned that the way to a man's heart is not through his stomach, but through his tackle box.
  6. Yes, sir. You're da man! Winter time in Florida is the bomb diggidy. Were any of those fish caught on your semi-new crank rod ? Very nice looking boat, too.
  7. I'm giving a big THANK YOU shout out to Kyntucky Warmouth for my Christmas gift. It's obvious KW did his homework because his choice in tackle is perfect for my style of fishing. KW sent me crank baits, a pointer minnow, a jig, and soft plastics. I can't wait to get out and catch some tournament fish on my new tackle. Thank you KW and Merry Christmas. Doug.
  8. My dad got me into collecting coins around 1974. I had books filled with old pennies but managed to misplace it. I bet my little brother traded it in for gum Ironically, your 1972 silver dollar doesn't contain silver and isn't valued at much more than face valu. Collecting is fun and good luck. BTW, I found an old buffalo nickel in my loose change the other day.
  9. Thanks Raider. The wife had it last week so I guess it's my turn. UPDATE: I was lying on the couch after puking so I wouldn't disturb the wif'e's sleep. I was all wrapped in the blanket when I felt as though a bubble had to escape. Well, it wasn't a bubble . I'll let yall come to your own conclusions.
  10. UPDATE #2: There I was, sitting on the toilet, texting away with the trash can pinched between my knees when all of sudden the internal barricades were overcome and out came the . I even had coming out my nose. It was horrible I tell ya, just HORRIBLE.
  11. Learn to pitch left handed.
  12. UPDATE: The chills are starting to set in. This cant be good
  13. I'm sitting here surfing the site and my stomach is starting to do that "all familiar rumble." I'm also feeling nauseus(sp) and am pretty sure I'm getting ready to puke. I hope I don't get the squirts and pukes at the same time because that would really blow.
  14. Is my e-mail address going to be given out to anyone else, other than your company?
  15. Not that anyone cares, I know I don't, but 11.8 million U.S. DOLLARS is how much someone paid for the late Elizabeth Taylor's necklace . The necklace appraised for 3 million .
  16. Let's see, what to do during winter . Hmmmm . Oh yea, I'll be in the good ol' Florida . :roflmao1: . P.S. Don't become like this and don't try and do this . ENJOY your winter
  17. I would suggest a life size Jeniffer Aniston poster for his garage. :respect-059:
  18. Lake X has alwyas produced numbers, but usually small in weight. Lake Y is excellent for BIG BASS, but you might only get 1 or 2 a day. 10lbs and over. Lake Z is my favorite. It's located south of Daytona and north of Key Biscayne. The previous posts pretty much sum up the better spots in Palm Beach county.
  19. Hahahaha, at least it wasn't Cheney doing the shooting this time.
  20. I dunno, but Rocky II is on Vs right now
  21. Between now and March and as late as April. Heck, some will spawn yaer round.
  22. HAWK, what up stranger? Have you decided to give up on the ballerina lessons and get back to fishing . Your lake should be on fire. Bruce- LOL, I had to make a rush stop at CVS today to pinch one off and darn near didn't make it. Thank goodness I didn't have to hunt down an associate for the key . Stew- Oh how I day dream about snook being in there. Sometimes I sit out there and wish Snook, Tarpon, Grouper and Bass would co-exist. I thought about puting some P'***** in there though. Shane- I've been fishing this pit for about 5 years now. Thee's another pit about a mile away but I'm having a HARD time getting permission to fish it. I ask about once every year or two but the owner/care taker is being difficult .
  23. I seem to recall a lot of negativity toward the color scheme of the 1st NRX when it came out. Perhaps Loomis is just trying to mix it up a bit, but why GREEN?
  24. I was able to find a little time to fish the rock pit today/tonight. The weather was darn near perfect at 74, slight breeze and overcast. I only took one rod and one bait because I was shore fishing and didn't plan on staying more 20-30 minutes. I was using a Mattlures baby bass. I caught this one around 5:30 and then left. I went back at 11pm and caught this one on my first cast. This little guy was hungry too! A few casts later produced this one. Not a bad day for less than an hour of fishing.
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